Hi...introducing me and looking for new friends!

I'm 36 and about 50 pounds to shift in total (I keep changing my mind on my target weight!) with type one diabetes and a physical job making beer. Love what I do but leaves me physically exhausted and I've had a tendency for the past year to have massive sugar binges through the day to keep me going. I've been registered here for a while but it's only been in the past three to four weeks I've started seriously logging most days and trying to build in some exercise too. 9 pounds lost in three week's has been very motivating, if I've lost two more tomorrow I go under 200 for the first time in about 10 years!

I'm aiming to run (or maybe jog!) my first 5k in September so just starting to walk 3 miles most days and build in some jogs and increase my pace. Aiming to give 30 Day Shred a hit for May too.

Please add me as a friend if we can support each other!


  • Really...you make beer???:love:


  • Hi There. I just joined and really enjoying this web-site!
    Good luck to you in running the 5k. reading the posts really are motivational and do kick us into gear sometimes when we are struggling or just need a boost.
    Thanks for introducing yourself, we have something in common...my name is Michelle too (with 2 "L's" I might add!) :laugh:
  • nnejdee
    nnejdee Posts: 4
    Welcome! I am new too, about a week and forgot to track over Easter...well sort of forgot! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • julianchicago2
    julianchicago2 Posts: 2 Member
    :happy: Please friend me! I am 36 years old too! I am going to be doing my first 5k since 2004. I would love to be your friend through this journey.
  • hlp7164
    hlp7164 Posts: 16
    Hello! I'm also new to this site and find it very helpful. I really just started tracking a week ago... need to drop at least 30/50 pounds. I sit all day and by the time i get home i'm tired, especially dealing with a 8month yr. old and a 7 yr old. I brought a tredmill since I can't get to the gym during the week... i would luv to add everyone as a friend but dont know how! :smile:
  • meechster20001
    meechster20001 Posts: 76 Member
    Seriously, I'm a brewer...I've hefted about 150kg of malted barley into a mash tun today and then dug out the spent grains - I allow myself about 500 calories extra on brew days!

    The 5k thing is a bit daunting but starting slowly with the walking and trying to build up the pace. Some days I jog further than others but a lot I think depends on how hydrated I am - the muscles just don't want to function if I haven't drunk a lot of water first.

    Adding you all!
  • Hi! Looking for some support too! You had me at 9lbs in 3 weeks! Great job! I just started April 2 and have lost 4 and hopefully will have that same result! Good luck on your 5K! One of my ultimate goals too!
  • trigger456
    trigger456 Posts: 9 Member
    I am training for a 5k and doing 30 day shred as well!! feel free to add me, if you want some support!
  • smilincin
    smilincin Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Y'all, looking to connect and get some daily motivation. Just started serious high protein and low carb diet last week, so excited lost 5.4lbs this week. Loving MFP and wanting to keep on this awesome journey, thought I would see who else I can learn from.

    Hope to hear from you and we can motivate each other. Smilincin@me.com
  • SuperSonz
    SuperSonz Posts: 44 Member
    Hi everyone. If you're looking for a supportive fitness pal I'm here! :) Together we can reach our goals if we do not give up. God is our strength!
  • Pcedeno
    Pcedeno Posts: 1 Member
    Great news - Keep it up!