guys? does size really matter?



  • DS67ATX
    DS67ATX Posts: 289
    Any size is good:)
  • muppetsbear
    muppetsbear Posts: 80 Member
    I like them all 20ish or 50ish (years old) and size don't matter. I think of the 3 B's. Bikes, Boobs, Beer you guess which's never the same.
  • RedMotoRider
    any size that I'm lucky enough to be holding in my hands are the best size
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Ok this has nothing to do with size but just a funny memory. We were traveling in the car when my son was 4 or 5. Out of nowhere he said, "What are breasts?" After picking my chin up off the floor I looked over at my husband and said, "This one is yours!!". He is quick on his feet and said, "that's the part of the chicken with white meat". I choked back a laugh and thought, surely he is not going to buy that answer! BUT HE DID!! That was the end of the conversation! We still laugh at that memory!

    Sorry it's off topic but just had to share!!
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    I like variety.

    One big one small?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    Once you have seen one pair of boobs... you want to see the rest of them.

    so... lets see what you are working with here

    This is what one of my guy friends say as well.....
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    I have to be totally honest here. I just like boobs! Big or small! As long as there is a nipple, I'm good! Is that bad?
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    It's not an issue with me. I'm not going to turn a lady away because she's too small chested or whatever.
  • RainAndPain
    My boyfriend seems to like my butt more than anything, and I have small boobs (32B) so I guess it just depends on your guy.
  • USMCConditioning
    My wife has large breasts, but i'm not a huge critic when it comes to breasts. i like playing down south ;)
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    Anything more than a mouthful is a waste
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    Quality > Quantity.

    As long as there are two of them and they're within arm's reach, I'm a happy guy.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I like all kind of jugs, but a flat butt is a deal breaker.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I once had a classmate who underwent boob job & when we saw her with her "new" girls, we couldn't help but feel sorry for her because her new boobs is obviously a fake & doesn't match with her petite small framed body. Even guys commented on that. So instead of looking good, she even looked worse than she was before.
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    Put it this way, if my man tits is bigger than yours, you're probably not my type :laugh: :laugh:
  • IB_John
    IB_John Posts: 23
    A young sailor is going on an extended cruise. He has $1500 and 3 girl friends and gives each of them $500 before he leaves. 6 month later he returns.

    He sees the first one she says "I went to a rock concert with friends, drank a lot of beer and ordered a lot of pizza."

    He sees the second one and she says: "I invested you $500 and made $1500. Here's the original amount and another $500 for you and I'm keeping $500 because I earned it."

    The third is dressed to the nines. She says: "I bought this dress so I'd look special for you. We are going to a really nice dinner and I have a hotel room reserved all with the $500 you gave me"

    Which one did he marry?.... The one with the biggest tits.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    yes, a nice rack is a joy forever, it's like disney land, there always something to do

    LOL My husband calls mine "the amusement park" ....
  • SirZee
    SirZee Posts: 381
    I really think all that matters is that we get to see them.

    Best answer, by far.

    We like 'em in all shapes and sizes. When's the last time a guy turned a girl down because of breast size?
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    Just my personal preference, but I do.t care aboit size...I care about nipple sensitivity

    Best answer so far, but still reading.
  • BlackmetalCoffee79
    BlackmetalCoffee79 Posts: 108 Member
    I'll take a cute butt over boob-size any day.