calories help confuse

ok i weight 190 lbs to mantain that i need to eat 2,280 calories a day ,to lose weight i have to eat 500 less calories or by burning 500 with execrise 2,280-500=1,780 my question is do i have to eat back that 500 calories after i execrise in order to lose weight.


  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Some say you should, but I don't think it is necessary. If your body nneds something then definitely eat, make it good though. High protein, low fat, no sugar or carbs. Cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, nuts, a banana. Stuff like that
  • whit014
    whit014 Posts: 3
    No, because if you consumed the 500 calories that you already burnt off it would put you at the same amount of calories you need to maintain weight.
  • yourieann
    yourieann Posts: 37 Member
    thank you guys so much:bigsmile:
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    No, because if you consumed the 500 calories that you already burnt off it would put you at the same amount of calories you need to maintain weight.

    No, she'll have a 500 calorie deficit. If she DOESN'T eat it back she'll have a 1000 calorie deficit.

    Her TDEE is 2280. She does 500 calories in exercise for 2780. She eats 1780 and she has a 1000 calorie deficit. She CAN eat 2280 and have a 500 calorie deficit if she prefers.

    OP, since you are above 1200, I say it's your call. You'll lose faster but still safely if you don't eat them back. I eat mine back.
  • pmartinvo
    pmartinvo Posts: 5 Member
    I actually ask my nutritionalist about this because I had the same question and she said that as long as my calories stayed between 1200 and 1400 calories a day after exercise deductions I would be fine. My total calories for a day on MFP says I should have 2100 to lose 2lbs a week. So after you exercise and take off the 500 calories or whatever you burn, if you are over 1200 you will be fine other wise your body can go into starvation mode. But if you are over 1200 and want to eat some of them you can and it won't hurt.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    If I have this right, you are asking if you eat 2280 and work off 500 calories, should you eat them back? If that is the case, then no, since you will be at your daily goal of 1780.

    If you are talking about eating to 1780 calories, THEN burning another 500, yes eat back the extra 500.
  • fabwoman
    fabwoman Posts: 3 Member
    I too have had the same question. It is my understanding that mfp does the math for you. What ever calories it said your allowed on a daily basis, after you put in your daily activity(not work outs just work activities) and your weekly weight loss goal in the startup process. It gives you a deficit of calories to allow you to lose a pound or so a week. So that is the magic number you try to stay close to. So lets say your allowed 1500 cal. That is already subtracted from your maintenance calories. So if you did not work out but ate 1500 everyday for a week you should have lost an average of 1 lb or so. however if you workout 300 calories, some say to eat them back, because your body would be below the daily healthy calorie intake. It takes your body a few weeks to allow itself to know you will not be starving it. There are a few articles of the beginners message boards that are really helpful. I hope this wasnt confusing to you.