I can't believe this lady at my gym.....



  • Alexc2012
    Alexc2012 Posts: 20
    Please, don't let people who have nothing nice to say ruin ur day. That was a very insensitive thing to say... Sounds to me like this lady was a bit on the jealous side of your success. I think you're doing a great job!!!!
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    That used diaper would have smarted if it had smacked her in the back of the head.


    What a satisifying thud sound that would have made.

    Its amazing how we don't expect to be bullied once we get into adulthood but thats exactly what just happened to you.

    Typical sociopath mind game there. You must have been looking happy and she had to rip that out of you to make herself feel better.

    Sounds like you have done a awesome job already and with a young baby that can be a challenge. You just need to keep what you doing. As for her there is no exercise equipment to help you work off being a sh**y human being so I guess she is stuck where she is.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    This had to be an old lady. Only old ladies say stuff like that and expect to get away uncut. ;)

    :mad: So far, you're the only one who falls into the not-so-nice category on this thread. Get off my lawn.

    I'm an old lady. I would have said something like this when I was young. I'm older and wiser now. . . . and I stand by my diaper-upside-the-head response.

    I mean no offense. I think it's a generation gap issue (50s era) from when a woman's worth was more seated in her perceived attractiveness. Most of the time when you get comments like that, the person doesn't feel they've said anything out of line, in fact, in the case of family members (grandmas & aunts) they usually think they're doing you a favor by telling you. Just my opinion! The well meaning insult is almost always delivered by an old lady. Just like the backhanded compliment is best delivered by a jealous frenemy.

    I would only diaper her head if she was a young woman. The old lady is safe from poo-pelting.
  • Lorlei25
    Lorlei25 Posts: 36 Member
    Just another person with what I call Social Tourettes, people who want to talk to someone and blurt out something inappropriate or insulting, I have an aunt like that! Shoot it might have been her! LOL.....forget about it or use it to fuel your next work out. Remember you have accomplished something fabulous, bringing a beautiful baby into this world and caring about your health and working on your goal! Keep up the great work!
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member

    I think she was jealous of your cute baby.

    ^^^This, really I think so.
  • NetteH13
    NetteH13 Posts: 28 Member
    One word: Jealous!! Bitter people usually say bitter things. Major congrats on that weight loss!! Keep it up!
  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    What a douche. I always loved the saying... I can lose weight.. you can't lose being a DOUCHE!
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    of course I don't know the place of her heart, but some times people don't think before they speak.
    It is possible she didn't mean it in that way.

    I wouldn't feel bad because 60 pounds is awesome regardless of how she meant it!! It is quite a victory!
  • Wow, not sure what to say to that one. It seems she gave you a "dig". Some people can't encourage others in their weight loss because other people's success is a threat to them. Some people bring others down just to bring themselves up.
    Ignore that woman, she's not worth the energy you are using by fretting over this...release it, don't focus on her, focus on you and your incredible journey in health and fitness. You go girl!
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I still think she wants a cute, cuddly baby like yours, and will not have one because she is gym obsessed, or fear of a tummy.

    You will get your body back.

    I hope someone helps this woman at the gym understand that a body is great, but a child is priceless, and give her the courage to experience it, and recover.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 376 Member
    Wow - those are the kind of moments I wish I could think fast on my feet and come up with something really clever at the right moment.

    I love the idea of the dirty diaper upside her head!
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Some people have an odd idea of what is appropriate and what's not? What is polite and what's not? And then they end up saying the strangest (and rudest) things possible, but they actually don't realize that what they're saying is incredibly rude and hurtful.

    It sounds like she might be one of those people. Like she didn't mean what she said maliciously, just....... didn't know that it was hurtful. Like she's just oblivious.

    Those people confuse me to no end, but at the same time I'm sure I might have said something stupid at some time or another that might have hurt someone's feelings without my realizing it (probably not as bad as what SHE said... I mean that's pretty bad, but still...)

    I just don't want to judge anyone on their mistakes or obliviousness when I may at some point have made a similar mistake or been similarly oblivious too. *shrug*

    I guess what I'm saying is yea what she said was hurtful and not well planned on her part. But that doesn't mean we should be getting all mad about it. Some people........ are just like that. *shrug*
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Some people have an odd idea of what is appropriate and what's not? What is polite and what's not? And then they end up saying the strangest (and rudest) things possible, but they actually don't realize that what they're saying is incredibly rude and hurtful.

    It sounds like she might be one of those people. Like she didn't mean what she said maliciously, just....... didn't know that it was hurtful. Like she's just oblivious.

    Those people confuse me to no end, but at the same time I'm sure I might have said something stupid at some time or another that might have hurt someone's feelings without my realizing it (probably not as bad as what SHE said... I mean that's pretty bad, but still...)

    I just don't want to judge anyone on their mistakes or obliviousness when I may at some point have made a similar mistake or been similarly oblivious too. *shrug*

    I guess what I'm saying is yea what she said was hurtful and not well planned on her part. But that doesn't mean we should be getting all mad about it. Some people........ are just like that. *shrug*

    I wouldn't be so sure. Some people do plan to say rude things. I have a sister-in-law I gave the benefit of the doubt to, quite often, until I realized she was criticizing me constantly, and it was quite rude. Same with a co-worker about my weight.

    I used to believe exactly what you're saying, that it wasn't intended, etc. Yes, we've all made mistakes, but in reality, there are some people who go through life intentionally hurting others. And, sometimes it's okay to get mad about it. Anger has a use; it makes us more alert and we can either fight or flee. But, as women I think it's more important to confront someone who's being rude. You can do it with class, but there's no reason to put up with such disrespect, intended or not.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I had a bad car accident at 17. My left ear was essentially cut in half length-wise by the driver's door which had come open and crumpled as the car rolled six times. The doctors sewed it back together as best they could. It still looked a little funny. I actually refused plastic surgery on it because I figured I wasn't that vain and was just happy I escaped with my life. You can see the ear in my profile pic.

    A few years after my accident I was working at a retail store and was helping an older lady. She couldn't stop staring at my ear. Finally, she blurted out, "What's wrong with your ear?". I calmly told her what had happened and continued to assist her. It didn't hurt my feelings much. I kind of look at all the scars I accumulated from the accident, and there are many, as markers of my unlikely survival. It's the only person who has ever been bold/rude enough to actually ask me about my ear. When I tell people about my ear, most say they hadn't even noticed it until I pointed it out.

    Some people have no tact. My mother can be the same way. She's now an older lady but she has always been judgmental about people's appearance, even when young. I often cringe when I'm around her as I put up with her unrelenting barrage of judgment of others. She doesn't seem to understand the impact of her words. Not too long ago I was visiting and she was staring at my mouth for some time. I could tell. Eventually, she said, "I sure which we would have gotten you braces when you were a kid". I blew up at her. She acted completely astonished that I would be upset by her judgment and tried to spin it in a positive light. It turned into quite the row. With my own kids I've been very careful to not point out their flaws and to not act like my mom.

    My guess is this lady is suffering from whatever problem causes my mom and the lady in the store to be so judgmental. Some people just seem to not understand how their words can hurt people.
  • chrissysilk
    chrissysilk Posts: 17 Member
    oh heck no. you have every right to be mad. that was so rude she had no right to say that. you are doing awesome. keep going and show her when you lose it all. i guarentee that charma will get her back and maybe she will gain what you lost. that would be a great story to read about. i hate people that make fun and harass heavy people. it is not right. there should be a law on it! at least you are trying and i think that you handled it well. i would have probally hit her head off of the wall.so way to go on the way you handeled it and for working out today. Go you and you will show her in a couple of months and go to her and say remember me hehe have a good nite.
  • LiteBrite007
    LiteBrite007 Posts: 294 Member
    I hope she had some type of mental problem and really isn't that mean. :mad:

    I love you! You are doing so great! Don't you let that idiot bring you down!:flowerforyou:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Sorry you went through that. If it happened at my gym (Wellness Center) it probably would have been blown off since I've already experienced some members with dementia in our gym.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • littledeak
    littledeak Posts: 17 Member
    Honey, situations like this can hurt. Be confident in yourself then no one can define you because you know who you are. I'd give anything to lose 60 # in 14 months. You are terrific.

    I have a standard reply to folks who are mean spirited it goes like this, I am sorry that you feel so bad about yourself that you want to make me feel bad too. The shocked look on the person's face is priceless.
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    Wow what a piece of work. Good on your for not stooping to her level!!! To make myself feel better when people piss me off I have little conversations with them where I come up with all the good retorts like, "Oh well you look like you have a long way to go too want to be workout buddies?" or "Well since you seem to be just starting your weight loss journey I would love to give you some tips".

    But really, women can be so flipping catty....I don't know what it is about us that makes us occationally want to put other women down to make ourselves feel better. I may not vocalize it (I am way too nice) but I find myself thinking unkind things about other women I see just to make myself feel better. I am really trying to work on that. But I would never, never EVER say someone like that to someone. Just wrong.
  • tatzkee
    tatzkee Posts: 16 Member
    Ignore her. Those kind of people don't need attention. It's already a progress that you have lost weight. I bet she had the same experience with losing her previous weight. Never get down to someone's level too. It will be a good motivator and I'm sure, you can lose that 50 lbs and by the time you see her again, tell her. "So how come you're not losing weight? You look exactly the same as before. LOL" then smile back and move away. hahahaha! Was just kidding. but seriously, rude people have huge problems with their ego. So don't ever mind! Cheer up! We're here for you sistah! :")