Jillian Michael's 30 day shred

cc_campbell81 Posts: 622
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I am starting the 30 day shred today if any one would like to join me. I have heard great reviews so I hope for great results.

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  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I'm back on doing her 30 day shred. I did it once before, but did not get results in terms of body change, my strength increased dramatically though.
  • Hey! I just got this video too. I plan to try it tomorrow. A few of my co-workers really like it. Let me know what you think! Is it something you are supposed to do everyday? I was going to try to do it 2-3 times a week since I am only doing cardio right now.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    I did it awhile back and definately got results. HUGE difference in me before compared to now. I am definately up for trying it again, get toned up. I did it pretty much every day except for maybe one or two days a week. I staggered it, and kept my body guessing.
  • I did it for ten days and loved it!! Very hard work, getting ready to try it again!!

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  • I just ordered that video and planned on starting it tomorrow. I can only get to the gym 3 days a weeks so I need something I can do at home the 4 other days. I will do this in addition to a 4 -5 mile run each day. I really hope to see results. I feel like I have been working really hard at both diet and excersise and see such slow moving results. I just had a baby 4 months ago and have 30 to lose still.
  • ham1299
    ham1299 Posts: 11
    I bought it and tried it a couple of months ago. I decided to wait to really get into it until school starts, when I can get into a routine. School starts tomorrow, so I might do it in the afternoon.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    been doing it for months...you will love it! I'm at the point where I do other circuit workouts too...but sitll do this about twice a week faithfully. It truly changed the shape of my body.

  • Okay so I just finished. The sweat is dripping, heart is beating, and I am breathing hard. That was harder than I thought but do-able! About half way in I had to pause the DVD because my calves cramped up! I will definately stick with it. It's a 20 minute work out so I can definately fit it in easily.
  • I'm super excited now after hearing all this praise for it. I ordered it the other week and it's waiting for me at the apartment office to pick up tomorrow :-)
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    My plan is to do it 3 days a week, HIIT 3 days and supplementing JM with 6 minutes Tabata.

    cc - don't get discouraged. The first time I did it I was dying, but by the 4th time I noticed the push ups were easier, the jumping jacks got easier too. You'll see your strength increase dramatically.
  • My calves are really sore today but that's encouraging because I was running 3 miles and not getting this sore.
  • Even more sore today than yesterday. I am doing level 1 again tonight.
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    I just finished level one. I loved it. It was hard, but I stuck with it. I know I will be sore tomorrow - or maybe it won't hit me till the next day -- but I will have one aching body.
    20 minutes, and she pushed me harder than I could ever push myself.
    I love Jillian.
    I'm afraid of levels 2 and 3. :embarassed: But it will be awhile before I get there.
    I tell you, I can spend an hour on an elliptical machine, and not feel as completely wiped out, in a good way, that I feel right now.
    Right now, I love it -- but I might be singing a different tune tomorrow, when my body will object. :wink:
  • I also find that my calves get very sore and tight..it's the first thing I noticed! I have been doing the shred for about 12 days now and have noticed a huge change in my stamina and endurance. I have also lost 6 lbs! good luck to everyone...ps. the push-ups never got easier for me!
  • dferguson- "I also find that my calves get very sore and tight..it's the first thing I noticed! "

    Are your calves still sore after 12 days?
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    Yes -- my calves get really tight from the jumping. I wonder too, if that will get better, as I get more fit.
  • I have to do extra stretches for them but the intense tight feeling went away after 3 days but they still get a little tight right after a workout and if I go on my tip toes. I just stretch them out about twice a day...when I get up in the morning and after doing the shred. They haven't been that bad since starting level 2.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    You know, I don't find levels 2 and 3 THAT much harder. actually, I think level 3 is the easiest one for me...however, I think it's because you can work at your personal hardest on each level any time...a GREAT workout!

  • here goes week 2!
  • i just got this video today and will start it tomorrow, how do you figure it in the fitness, it is cardio and what kind, thanks in advance!
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