Anyone else doing couch to 5k?



  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I've just completed week 6 and loving it :) It's hard but doable, and always leaves me high as a kite after each run - because each shows I've improved and achieved! For those of you struggling, repeat days, repeat weeks, slow down, and don't do more than the session! On week 3 after my first 3 minute run I was so stoked that I added another 3 minutes onto my run to finish my route back home - and I suffered for the rest of that week, finding everything else much harder. Trust in the programme and the pace!

    It is possible to do indoors, but outdoors is better imo - it's harder to run outdoors than on a dreadmill, but the scenery and fresh air makes it so much more bearable!

    Anyone on this c25k journey can feel free to add me :)
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
    Hey all... I'm starting week 6 today and I'm 2 weeks out from my first 5K! I just want to be able to run it without stopping, not really concerned with time. I hated running before this program and I just finished my first 2 mile run without stopping on Saturday! :D You can do it, and feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Kimberleycommonname
    Kimberleycommonname Posts: 52 Member
    I'm doing a zero to 10k program at the moment and I'm on week 6. Week 5 was my worst because I completely lost all my excitement for it, haha.
  • Kimberleycommonname
    Kimberleycommonname Posts: 52 Member
    Anyone know if it's possible to do the C25k program on the elliptical/treadmill? Should I be doing this outdoors on real ground? Is there a major difference in results between the two? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (:
    it is possible on a treadmill, I know most apps have a treadmill option.
    I just prefer running outside - running on the treadmill isn't a challenge because it just keeps moving. Running on the ground, I have to make myself run and it's a lot harder but feels better.
  • I'm starting this today. I have been walking 3 miles a few times a week. But I find running hard; not so much on cardio as hard on my legs. But have to take it a little slower than anticipated.
  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    LOVE it! Did week 8 day 1 yesterday before I indulged on Easter dinner. :)

    On week 7 day 2 I realized that by 1.5 miles I felt like I was floating. I was definitely NOT a runner, had NEVER been a runner and considered myself EXTREMELY out of shape. This has been an amazing journey for me.

    You CAN do it - enjoy it!

    (BTW - I did deal with shin splints the first two weeks but I did my due diligence and researched online and found some great tips and tricks to deal/take them away. LOTS of great info on MFP forums too.)
  • I started it on Saturday, aiming to complete a 5k in July so should give me plenty of time to train plus a few weeks extra in case I need them!! I'm using the free itunes podcasts too and they're really helpful, the nice lady tells you when to run and when to walk haha... Oh, and I'm doing mine on the treadmill, I presume the workouts are the same and am just gonna work my way through it!! Feel free to add me tooooo :) xxx
  • rwong53
    rwong53 Posts: 43 Member
    I just started c25k and am on week 3 day 1. I've done everything on the treadmill so far since it's always cold outside. I've been walking at 3 mph and jogging at 4mph. I know my jogging is super slow, but it's what I'm able to do for now. I think there are c25k plans for the treadmill, too, but I haven't looked one up yet. I have the app on my iphone and just change from walking to jogging when the app tells me to.
  • Cine613
    Cine613 Posts: 1
    I am starting week 2 day 1 today and also follow the app on my phone..... I hate to run but doing the Shape Diva dash in September........
  • lolarit
    lolarit Posts: 76 Member
    I just started C25K today. I've started it a couple time but would always get 'busy'. I refuse to fall by the wayside again!
    I would be great to hear everyone's progress.
  • Iloveicy
    Iloveicy Posts: 2
    I've already completed that program. Since then, i have run two 5k's. I'm thinking about running a couple more this Spring before the weather gets too hot. It's a good program and completely doable if you follow it step by step, and repeat a step if you feel that you're not quite ready to move on. I'm not sure if I enjoy running or not though. i think I'd rather go to Spinning Class for a good workout.
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 176 Member
    I just finished Day 1 of week 3. I run on the treadmill. I actually hate running inside but read a few places for beginners the treadmill is better. Week 2 day 2 was the worst for me. I was nervous about today but I made it :)
  • danystormborn
    danystormborn Posts: 36 Member
    So much motivation :D
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    I just started, and I'm looking for some motivation/friends who are also doing it :)

    I am and i'm im doing W1 D2 tomorrow (tomorrow). Add me if you wish and Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    ME :) I'm on week 2.
  • FixItDuck
    FixItDuck Posts: 112 Member
    I started it about 2 months ago and injured my ankle on the first day! It was an old injury, so i am wondering if it's meant to be. Hopefully another couple of physio sessions and I might at least be able to give it a go, with my ankle strapped.

    I downloaded an app to my phone which I can't wait to use properly!
  • flamingred
    flamingred Posts: 4 Member
    IM nearly 50 and started in jan, never really ran before except a little treadmill running , found some weeks harder than others , dont know why , mind set I guess. Now I run 5 k twice week , also training for 10 k ladies charity fun run the end of may . When its really hard , look around at the other runners, some will be heavier, look not as fit , or older than yourself , tell yourself if they can do it so can I !....make sure your spend lots of time stretching out before and after each run , really helps prevent injury. One other tip , if you get that HiGH after a run, remember it for the times you dont want to go out , remind yourself how good it feels when you finish it
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Just completed week 1..and at the end, I forced my self to run an interrupted mile...and to my absolute shock, I actually managed to do it , 11 mins 03 seconds!

    I start week 2 this week, any friends graciously accepted!
  • wellingfamily507
    wellingfamily507 Posts: 35 Member
    I have done the C25K before, and am starting up again! Can't wait, I have shorted myself on time, I am doing a run for Relay for Life on May 4th, so if I can't run the whole race, I am not going to get too upset over it, just do what I can do, and be happy to be back on the street pounding the pavement!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I love people on the C25K route! I did it, its where my running plesures began, and just want to wish all you on your 5K journey :)

    Just as a bit of help, since i completely C25K, i have raced a few 5K races, 5 Mile Races and 10K races and have my sights set on a sub 2 hour Half Marathon by the end of Autum and i will clutch a sub 4 hour marathon by end of next year!

    My first 5K Race back in September after C25K i did it in 37:55, 2 weeks ago i did a 5K race in 28:40, this is from a guys who used to think eating a 16" pizza in under 30 minutes was a proud achievement lol

    Anything is possible

    Keep on running...

    Edit: I run 3 to 4 times a week if you would like support and inspiration to help you on your way, please add me as a friend :)