Any Cathe Friedrich Fans Out There???

aerome Posts: 171 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
According to me, Cathe is the bomb diggity. :wink:

I was just wondering-are any other "Cathletes" on MFP???


  • Love her! I wish I had the all the equipment they have on the show, so I could really get her total workout. She is really good!
  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    Cathe Friedrich is my FAVORITE instructor! I discovered her back in the winter of 06' and im still doing her workouts.

    I wasn't able to order her last series, STS or pre-order the Shock Cardio but I did break down last feburary and order 4-DS, LOVE IT:love::love: :love:

    she's da bomb diggity :happy:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I only have 3 of her step DVDs, but I really like them. I need to get more of her other stuff too.

    What are your faves?
  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    I only have 3 of her step DVDs, but I really like them. I need to get more of her other stuff too.

    What are your faves?

    Just had to comment on your picture inside your ticker...SO CUTE!!!:smile:

    My favorite Cathe's are the 4-DS series, Low Impact Circuit, Bodymax 2, Cardio & Weights, Imax2, Power hour, Gym style series...well, ya might as well say ALL of them:laugh: :happy: :tongue:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,875 Member
    I'm a really big fan of Cathe Friedrich. I've been working out with her DVDs for over 10 years, and I pretty much own everything she's ever released (minus her beginner DVDs). I just completed her STS series (did a six month rotation), and can honestly say that I've never done a series of workouts that have transformed my body so completely as that series did. Not only did I lose 40 pounds doing the series, but I lost 7 inches off my hips and 4 inches off my waist. At 44, my waist is the same size it was when I was 18! :drinker:

    Outside of STS, my favorite DVDs are: BodyMax2, Butts and Guts, Kick/Punch/Crunch, Drill Max, Imax3, and the Gym Style weightlifting series. But, quite honestly, there are very few of Cathe's workouts I don't enjoy. :happy:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    I'm a fan of Cathe also. Will be starting my first STS rotation on the 14th of Sept. I have all of her workouts in either DVD or VHS, so you know how long I have been working out with her. I am not able to do her step workouts anymore, because of a knee that just doesn't enjoy the twisting motion. :cry: I have been on a Cathe hiatus, because I want to really enjoy the next 4 months of workouts. :bigsmile:

    I :love: all her kickboxing workouts, and think she is one of the best for those type. Kick, Punch & Crunch is my favorite, 4DS Kicboxing second. :wink: I can't really say there is one that I hate! :love: But maybe there are many that I dread, because she is so tough! :bigsmile:
  • aerome
    aerome Posts: 171 Member
    Her kickboxing workouts are my faves, too. But I only have KPC and Kickmax to go off of. I also love Imax 2 and Imax 3. Actually, I love them all! lol My favorite weightlifting ones are Slow & Heavy. I really want STS and 4DS, but they're both a bit out of my price range at the moment.

    For those of you that have done or are planning on doing STS, I realize the focus is on lifting weights, but is there also room to do step workouts on cardio days? Or is the plan for lighter days of cardio?

    Glad to see there's other Cathe fans out there! She's the best!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    On the STS Strength Training Forum she has listed rotations where she suggests some cardio workouts that would work well. She includes step workouts in those. In fact the first cardio workout is Imax2. :smile: Because I enjoy working with other instructors, this is where I will put subs.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,875 Member
    For those of you that have done or are planning on doing STS, I realize the focus is on lifting weights, but is there also room to do step workouts on cardio days? Or is the plan for lighter days of cardio?
    There is definitely room for step workouts. I actually found as I worked my way through STS that my cardio fitness improved significantly, so by the end, I wasn't doing anything that I would consider to be 'lighter' cardio. :happy:

    Just in case you aren't aware, Cathe is getting ready to film a new cardio series called 'STS Shock Cardio' which can be used alone but is also meant to be used in conjunction with STS. This cardio series (I think it is 11 DVDs) will include step aerobics, HIIT, and some MMA (mixed marial arts). I can't wait! These DVDs are supposed to be released by the end of the year, and I plan on doing STS again (for six months) early next year with these new cardio DVDs.

    But the beautiful thing about STS is you can do whatever cardio you want on the cardio days (three days a week), so if that is running or cycling or gym classes or whatever, you can continue to do those things while doing STS.
  • crumpgirl
    crumpgirl Posts: 16 Member
    I'm new here and also new to Cathe. She really is great and I'm really considering purchasing the STS system. STIRINGWENDEL, did you follow the MFP plan during the rotation in order to loose the 40 lbs. Could you please elaborate on your diet. I have about 60 -70 lbs to lose and would like to know what kind of calorie count you used.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,875 Member
    crumpgirl, yes, I joined MFP about three weeks or so before starting STS.

    During the first phase of STS (the first 8 weeks for me since I was doing the six month rotation), I kept my calories at about 1300 a day. I'm short and middle-aged, so I used exercise to create a calorie deficit, which is contrary to MFPs recommendation to eat exercise calories. But the only way I could/can achieve a 500-calorie-a-day deficit is primarily through exercise.

    I lost the first 20 pounds by the end of the first cycle (which was my first goal). I then upped my calories during the second eight weeks to my maintenance calories (per MFP), and lost the next 10 pounds strictly through exercise. That was when I reached my ultimate goal weight.

    I then moved into maintenance, upping my calories by 100 a week, during the third cycle....but I kept losing weight! I lost the final ten pounds upping my calories and doing the third cycle of STS.

    In other words, STS completely changed my metabolism. I cleaned up my diet as well (of course), but I can honestly say I never dreamed I would be able to eat as much as I did during the third cycle and still lose weight! I am currently 5'2", 100 pounds (which is 10 below my ultimate goal), and I've been maintaining my weight eating about 2000-2200 calories a day (which is way higher than anything MFP recommends I should eat...including my exercise calories per my HRM). I'm 44 years old.

    I can't possibly say enough good things about STS, and for all those who can afford it and have the time to do it, I highly recommend it. I just started a rotation of P90X this week because I wanted to see how it compared to STS. I can honestly say, even though I'm very early in my P90X rotation, that I much prefer STS to P90X if for no other reason than there is so much variety to STS (and, of course, the freedom to do whatever cardio I want). In addition, the science behind the STS program (the progression of weights, the changing of exercises, the different cycles) really made my body respond. I was walking around the house the other day in my exercise shorts and tank top and my husband looked at me and said 'Did you ever dream that your arms and legs would look like they do?' It surprised me that he asked that because I don't honestly spend that much time looking in mirrors. But he got me thinking, and while I've been working out hard for years, I can truthfully say that I never dreamed I would be in the best shape of my life at 44, and I totally credit STS for that.

    If you (or anybody) has any other questions about STS, please feel free to ask or send me a PM. And, no, I am not paid by Cathe Friedrich! :laugh:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I only have 3 of her step DVDs, but I really like them. I need to get more of her other stuff too.

    What are your faves?

    Just had to comment on your picture inside your ticker...SO CUTE!!!:smile:

    My favorite Cathe's are the 4-DS series, Low Impact Circuit, Bodymax 2, Cardio & Weights, Imax2, Power hour, Gym style series...well, ya might as well say ALL of them:laugh: :happy: :tongue:
    Thanks! It's rare that I get my kids to actually all look towards the camera.

    I might have to check out some of those videos.
  • crumpgirl
    crumpgirl Posts: 16 Member
    That is very inspiring as I'm 44 also. I'm taller at 5'6" and right now I'm at 210 (ugh) lbs. I did a around of P90X 2 years ago and have toyed with doing another round of that. I had pretty good results with it (lost 24 lbs down to 194) but never was able to start it back up after a surgery and gained most of it back. I've tried to start it again but even after two years of not being on the program I still can pop in a dvd and quote Tony almost word for word! I just don't think I could go through another 12 weeks. At 210 lbs I'm still pretty fit although cardio is my weak spot. MFP is giving me a calorie count of just under 1400 which seems low if you are doing an intense program like P90X or STS. Seeing that you had to increase your calories over the six months just to maintain your lowest weight, do you feel like maybe you should have eaten some of your activity calories? And did at anytime during the program did you feel you hit a plateau until you upped your calories?
    I'm a mail carrier so I have a pretty physical job but realize that diet is my biggest problem. I just hate feeling like I'm hungry all the time. While on the X, I kind of stuck with the Eating for Life program by Bill Phillips (Body for Life). I averaged 1500 -1600 calories per day with a free day/free meal each week.
    Congratulations at doing so well with the program. I know first hand how hard it is to accomplish such a fantastic transformation at our "age." As the old saying goes, if I would have known then what I know now, I would have never let myself get this fat!!!!!:laugh:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,875 Member
    crumpgirl, that's an interesting question about whether I should have eaten more of my activity calories. I'm inclined to say 'no' because I actually felt really good throughout the process of losing weight. I had plenty of energy to get through the workouts, I continually upped the intensity of my workouts, and, although I was hungry, I didn't feel unnecessarily weak or tired to the point that I couldn't function in my life or do the level of exercise I wanted.

    I didn't plateau at all. In fact, I lost a very steady 1-2 pounds a week right until I hit about 105. I think part of that was really cleaning up my junk food, no high calorie days, cutting out processing, etc. And, of course, I think part of that was STS.

    Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • SW, Thanks for your story, STS sounds awesome! How much time do you need to set aside every day for the workouts, and did you use a squat rack or do the other version?

    Also, does the set include cardio workouts or do you need to sub in some of your own?

    Did you use the protein, fat and carb ratio that is pre set in MFP or does Cathe make other reccomendations?
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,875 Member
    Fastpony, STS IS awesome! :happy:

    The workouts range between 45-70 minutes, with additional time needed for abs (STS includes a variety of ab routines...six or seven...I don't remember....varying in length between 10-20 minutes). These workouts are scheduled for three days a week. The other three days are for cardio, which you get to do on your own. Cathe has recommendations for cardio, but STS in and of itself is purely a strength training program.

    I did not use a squat rack. During the third cycle, I actually did do the squat rack leg workout one day a week with the heaviest weight I could lift without a squat rack (about 90lbs). But I also did the alternative plyometric workout that Cathe developed one other day during the week, so I ended up doing BOTH leg alternatives during the last cycle. My legs were well worked out by the end of the cycle, even though I probably wasn't going as heavy as I would have if I had a squat rack.

    I generally follow the MFP break downs for food. I have noticed, though, that I recover better from workouts when I eat more protein than MFP recommends and fewer carbs, but I haven't actually actively changed my settings to pursue a diet richer in one or the other. I just have a tendency to normally gravitate to one or the other depending on how I feel.
  • Thanks for the info, I have four weeks left til I am finished with P90X and it looks like I have found my next workout.:love:

    Thanks to Hubby being a former football coach, I already have a ton of free weights so I think I will just need to buy the program and maybe some plate mates. I live 45 minutes away from the nearest decent gym so being able to really change your body at home is hard without the right program. P90X has been good, but I am really excited about STS, it looks like the real deal.:bigsmile:
  • ML72
    ML72 Posts: 6 Member
    This was so motivating to read! I've been on the fence as to whether or not I should purchase STS. Reading about results like these, I'll be getting the series real soon!
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Me me me I love her i was wondering shy i havnt seen any one on here who has tried her. I hear about 30 day shred iv tried and turbo jam ive tried and turbo fire I saw one video of it and i liked but none is as exciting as cathe videos to me!! the first one i tried i did low max andi was mad because i thought now that is rediculous all these turns so fast buti did it again and agian and i am so hooked on her. I have about 6 dvds of hers now. I love hers. My whole head is sweating after I do the worlouts and i love the premixes on my days i work i do the 45 mintues timesavers monday tuesday and wed the tues thurs, fri sat and sun i do the entire dvd I am loving her way much.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    That is very inspiring as I'm 44 also. I'm taller at 5'6" and right now I'm at 210 (ugh) lbs. I did a around of P90X 2 years ago and have toyed with doing another round of that. I had pretty good results with it (lost 24 lbs down to 194) but never was able to start it back up after a surgery and gained most of it back. I've tried to start it again but even after two years of not being on the program I still can pop in a dvd and quote Tony almost word for word! I just don't think I could go through another 12 weeks. At 210 lbs I'm still pretty fit although cardio is my weak spot. MFP is giving me a calorie count of just under 1400 which seems low if you are doing an intense program like P90X or STS. Seeing that you had to increase your calories over the six months just to maintain your lowest weight, do you feel like maybe you should have eaten some of your activity calories? And did at anytime during the program did you feel you hit a plateau until you upped your calories?
    I'm a mail carrier so I have a pretty physical job but realize that diet is my biggest problem. I just hate feeling like I'm hungry all the time. While on the X, I kind of stuck with the Eating for Life program by Bill Phillips (Body for Life). I averaged 1500 -1600 calories per day with a free day/free meal each week.
    Congratulations at doing so well with the program. I know first hand how hard it is to accomplish such a fantastic transformation at our "age." As the old saying goes, if I would have known then what I know now, I would have never let myself get this fat!!!!!:laugh:
    Well I had tonys power 90 and did only one of his tapes once and I hated it because he is boring!! That is why i didnt get into the p90x I cant see how anyone can hear his voice over and over again! LOL
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