30 day shred buddy?



  • Pink231
    Pink231 Posts: 9
    Hi everyone! I started today!!!! Sore tomoz looool! xxx
  • Selah37
    Selah37 Posts: 32 Member
    I started the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred last week but I was so sore after two days that I had to take a day off. Are you doing it every day?? Has anyone out there who has done it lost weight on it? I told a nutrition guy that I was trying it and he said to just stick to 50 min of cadio to loose fat instead. What do you think??
  • Selah37
    Selah37 Posts: 32 Member
    Also, how do you calculate calories burned on the 30 day shred?
  • slpaud1
    slpaud1 Posts: 3
    How does it work? I know the video but are you supposed to do it everyday? I would think doing the same exercise everyday would not be good for you (ie take a day off in between or do another type of exercise inbetween)
  • VirginiaWoof
    I started yesterday guys! Feeling the burn a bit already!!
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 194 Member
    I officially restarted this morning, I did two days last week but then got off track so i decided to just start over completely. I plan on doing following the schedule:

    Sunday - 30ds
    Monday - 30ds
    Tuesday - cardio
    Wednesday - 30ds
    Thursday - 30ds
    Friday - cardio
    Saturday - rest day

    ETA: anyone is welcome to add me as a friend if they would like.
  • jtdink1121
    I started yesterday! Feel free to add me. I will be doing it everyday for 30 days and can use some motivation and help motivate as well
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    I am starting it this week as well and adding it to my normal gym routine
  • srussell1108
    srussell1108 Posts: 20 Member
    I would like to do this, what is it though? Im new at this site kinda and just started dieting on here, any help would be great.
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    Hey all! I am on day 2 of level 2 of the shred and was getting frustrated after thinking that I was not seeing results after the first level. I took before measurements so just to prove to myself that I wasn't getting any where I peeked at my measurements after level 1. I LOST 8.5 inches overall and 2 of that around my belly button!!! I didn't lose any lbs. and it took me 14 days to do level 1. I would highly recommend that everyone take before measurements! Good luck to all of you!
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    I did lvl 2 day 2 yesterday and lemme tell ya, ow. My abs and shoulders are angry today.
  • therealkatarr
    I'm on day 14, level 2 (I skipped ahead with level 1 early, but I think I'll be sticking with 2 for a while, squats + raises are killer on my weak arms). Feel free to add me! It's definitely a work out at every level, so I'd be happy to encourage anyone who's getting started or wants to maintain working on the shred. :)
  • isazzzz
    isazzzz Posts: 95
    Hey all! I am on day 2 of level 2 of the shred and was getting frustrated after thinking that I was not seeing results after the first level. I took before measurements so just to prove to myself that I wasn't getting any where I peeked at my measurements after level 1. I LOST 8.5 inches overall and 2 of that around my belly button!!! I didn't lose any lbs. and it took me 14 days to do level 1. I would highly recommend that everyone take before measurements! Good luck to all of you!

    WOW! great results :)

    I am on day 2 of level 1. My thighs and butt ache but my arms and abs don't :( I think it's because I did alot of strength training for abs wayy before I started on the 30 DS? I'm gonna be progressing onto level 2 soon as soon as I get my form perfect for the strength exercises!
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    I'm starting today as well!

    My schedule is as follows:

    30 day shred
    30 day shred
    6 weeks six-pack (also a Jillian Micheals DVD)
    30 day shred
    30 day shred
    6 weeks six-pack

    Repeat lol :drinker:
  • Tara1090
    Tara1090 Posts: 199 Member
    I started last night as well, not too sore this morning, probably because my body is used to working out 5-6 days a week. I have a feeling Level 2 will kick my *kitten* though :)

    Its a great workout and certainly flies by so fast!!!
  • mooffle
    mooffle Posts: 5
    Going to start today :) adding this to my workout hopefully i can do it... want to lose about 20 lbs in about 35 days with eating healthy...lowering calories and LOTS of exercise..think i can do this ! need to try and lose about 6 inches off my waist in order to fit into a dress lol... been lazy ..have a month left..now i have to work my butt off lol.
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 155 Member
    Also, how do you calculate calories burned on the 30 day shred?

    Use a heart rate monitor.... great tool for any workout ... I dont' work out with out mine ...
  • blacklily3
    I'm starting tonight! Feeling a good at the moment and hoping not to have too many aches and pains (be nice to still be able to walk and sit down lol)
  • sheepish7
    Think I might give Jillian Michaels 30 day shed a go. I have a really bad ankle so fingers crossed I can work around it and lose those CM's and Kgs :)
  • mooffle
    mooffle Posts: 5
    could it be possible to start with level 2 instead of 1 ? im pretty active already and do a hour and half of running and elliptical and strength already so would u advise me to start with 1 or 2 ?