BMR question

Is it true you should be eating as many calories as your BMR is. I eat 1200 cals per day, but my BMR is 1,400. Should I up my calories? I have a very difficult time losing weight, would maybe uping them a bit help? I'm just nervous that if I eat more I won't lose weight, maybe even gain..?

Thanks in advance,



  • I use to figure out what my calorie intake should be. From what I've learned (I'm only self-taught, so I don't know how helpful this is), 1200 calories per day would be about the minimum any adult female should be consuming. And that's net - if you burn 100 calories, you should be eating no less than 1300 calories total. Your body is likely holding on to fat for dear life because it thinks you are in starvation mode!! I'd up your calories a bit. I find that calorie calculator very helpful and I've had a few people ask me the same question, and I've given them the same advice. Hope it works for you too!!! Keep me updated :)
  • taracote3
    taracote3 Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you so much! I'll let you know how eating back most of my calories works out!
  • No problem!! Can't wait to hear how it works out for you! :)