Body by Vi - anyone tried this or now about it?



  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I did research the ingredients of the shakes last year since I was breastfeeding and didn't want to drink crap. They do put some questionable stuff in it that made me decide that the bodybyvi website was more accurate when I first looked into it. When I first visited it had a disclaimer that if you are pregnant or breastfeeding to not take the products. But a few months later it wasn't on the site anymore. So I looked it all up myself, if you got to a party they have handouts with all the ingredients. yeah, not natural and not something I would want to consume for 2 meals per day.
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    I haven't used it personally..... I too question the nutrients, etc. Plus I want something that I can stick with from now. Which for me is just a healthier lifestyle. However, I have a good friend who uses and has had awesome results.

    This is an interesting article though...

    That is a great article.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    People should research things before they attack. Unfortunately it's scaring people with an honest question away from something incredibly healthy. :( Your idea of one a day is PERFECT for getting the extra nutrition. You don't have to stop eating and drink shakes all day. Come on people. This product is FDA and (THE ONLY ONE) Health Canada Approved, as well as recommended by doctors to diabetics. Obviously there is more to it than most think. Although I know how easy it is to assume all weight loss products are useless and a scam, as there are SOOO many out there. I still eat 3 healthy small meals a day on top of my two shakes, am incredibly disciplined with my food and exercise and have had amazing success. The shakes make me FEEL amazing because of the nutrition that is in them (UNLIKE a protein powder, which is only PROTEIN, I get my protein from lean meats daily).

    Please don't let people scare you by saying it's a scam, I am here telling you as a user and NOT a seller that it's an incredible product that has changed my life in only 3 weeks. It has changed my whole family's life. Look up the nutritional specs and compare it to anything. Watch the video on what's in there, and you will see :) There is no substitute for good food, but there is a healthy option of help for those who need it :) And no one who has researched it would tell you that you can get the same nutrition in a vitamin or protein powder. Because you just can't. The nutrition is WHY it works, it gives your body everything it needs even on those days you just can't be that strict and perfect, and even on the days that you ARE, you would need to consumer over 10 thousand calories of GOOD food to get this level of nutrition. This is why your body reacts so well to it. Nutrition. Not calorie reduction.

    Maybe you should research things yourself - protein powder is NOT just protein with no nutrients. Also, the body only needs a certain amount of nutrients - if you go over a certain dose, in some cases it is actually dangerous, and in other cases your body just does not absorb it. People can get the appropriate nutrients at a fraction ot the 10,000 calories you quote (otherwise everyone woul be suffereing from malnutrician). Sorry - does not compute.

    Are you saying that calorie has nothing to do with the weight loss when you say that your body reacts to it so well because of the nutrician and not the calorie reduction. Looking at your diary you are at about 1,000 calories a day - this has nothing to do with your weight loss?


    After comparing my protein shake (not a meal replacement), it has DOUBLE the protein in one scoop at the BBV. Just sayin'.

    Developed in an "FDA Approved Lab" is quite different than being approved by the FDA.
  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    Was wondering about nutritional values on these shakes. Like how many less calories I'd be taking in with drinking 2 shakes a day. I watched the video offered but don't know any details on it so was hoping some of you can tell me nutritional values and if you've tried it how it works, etc. I don't want to starve myself to lose weight...I can maintain my calorie intake on my own but I think the shakes are supposed to have all this really good nutrition to help shed the fat faster and also build muscle. Any advice is greatly appreciated. :smile:

    Oops! I meant "know" about it in subject line.

    I tried it but got really bored with it. I am using herbalife now and I LOVE it!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    The cost is 1/3 that of Shakeology so thats a plus. I got a sample from someone on MFP but haven't tried it yet. It's supposed to taste like cake batter but i'm a chocolate lover.

    The nutritional info is online and on MFP.
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    I've had 10+ friends on it... including some close ones. Dont' get me wrong... it works.. but its short term. I wouldn't do it... if you are into losing weight for the LONG run... I wouldn't bother. As the shakes/food is the same as eating 500 cals or less, etc for every meal.

    Nothing crazy... save yourself the monay.
  • Jaloth
    Jaloth Posts: 28
    My cousin has been on the Body Vi for several months now and has lost 45 pounds!! She seems to like it but I for me it costs too much and I rather have food then a shake!! I have been tempted to try the Body Vi just for breakfast because I am not not a morning person!!!! My advice is do want you want to do to yourself healthy!!!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I would like to know what you eat for $50 a month. I spend $50 a week.

    I must admit, I eat VERY well while dieting. If I want it and it's fresh and healthy, I buy it. I spend WAY over $100 per week, at time, and consider myself very lucky, having that choice.

    I spend MAX $150 a month for 2 of us, $40 of that is Diet Pepsi on sale (his vice not mine), it's soooooooo much cheaper to eat healthy! Veggies are cheap, chicken is economical, cereal, milk, bread - all cheepies! It only gets costly if you do organic.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    As for price, for $99 a month you can have 2 shakes a day, and NOTHING out there at this time is that affordable, not even groceries :) You could not get 60 healthy meals for $100. It would cost you over $100 to get the veggies and meats that would give you the nutrition that's in one Vi shake!

    Well I disagree with this one considering I spend $100 a month most months on REAL food for 2 (see my post above), $150 max but that’s when Diet Pepsi is on sale I load up about $30-$40 worth (his vice, not mine)

    BBV is 1/3 the cost of shakeology though so that is a plus.
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    These shakes are SHORT TERM. They do not build healthy eating habits, so what happens when you reach your goal? Will you continue to drink 1 or 2 shakes a day for the rest of your life?

    It shouldn't be so much about losing weight as learning to live healthy. And this shake doesn't look healthy at all.
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    I just had my last last Body by Vi shake this morning, a friend recommended it (also sells it) because I never eat breakfast and she said it would be a good replacement and it was. It tastes great but the cost on my credit card monthly was the downfall. I know of a few people who have had great results with it...they had 2 shakes per day healthy snacks ONLY and a healthy dinner. I also know people who saw very little difference taking the shakes. I think it depends on how strict you are willing to be with your diet, if you are eating relatively clean I don't think the shakes are going to make much of a difference. Just my opinion :drinker:
  • SarahLynn1985
    SarahLynn1985 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a supporter of shakes as snacks ... and an occassional meal. Once you get off the shake, unless you're super careful it's going to be hard to maintain the weight loss. I once lost 12 pounds in about 2 months doing Herballife 2 shakes a day, 2 snacks and dinner and gained half of it back when I started having two regular meals.

    But yes, if you're in a hurry once in awhile it's a great option or again, I use my shakes as snacks, but I get the Smart Smoothies from Complete Nutrition, cheaper and tastes better. Just my two cents. :)
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
  • Different things work for different people. you can find any product and find people who believe in it and people who say it's hogwash. Body by Vi shakes taste better than whey protein shakes. They still have the protein taste, but not as strong.

    They are very low in calories, and they DO have a ton of vitamins in them. I know several people that drink the shakes daily, but it doesn't replace any meals. They say they feel a ton better because of the vitamins.

    My experience with the BBV shakes is they did not fill me up. I still have my powder (bought it almost a year ago), and I put one scoop in the Yoplait Greek Yogurt Smoothies. I get my protein, vitamins, and it doesn't taste yucky. :)

    They are just as safe as anything else out there, so if you want to give it a whirl, go for it!

    (sadly, I have several friends that are now rabid sellers of this product. They are all driving BMWs and all their facebook statuses have something to do with this. I have had to block them all. In that regard, I am not a fan of the company)
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    Different things work for different people. you can find any product and find people who believe in it and people who say it's hogwash. Body by Vi shakes taste better than whey protein shakes. They still have the protein taste, but not as strong.

    They are very low in calories, and they DO have a ton of vitamins in them. I know several people that drink the shakes daily, but it doesn't replace any meals. They say they feel a ton better because of the vitamins.

    My experience with the BBV shakes is they did not fill me up. I still have my powder (bought it almost a year ago), and I put one scoop in the Yoplait Greek Yogurt Smoothies. I get my protein, vitamins, and it doesn't taste yucky. :)

    They are just as safe as anything else out there, so if you want to give it a whirl, go for it!

    (sadly, I have several friends that are now rabid sellers of this product. They are all driving BMWs and all their facebook statuses have something to do with this. I have had to block them all. In that regard, I am not a fan of the company)

    This article was posted today in this thread and gives the ingredients in the shake a complete breakdown. The ingredients are iffy and the nutritional value is questionable.
  • jodi1647
    jodi1647 Posts: 1
    My friend and I are contemplating using Vi also. My brother uses it and he has lost 30+ lbs. Another one we're interested in is nutrician 53. Shakes might not be the best way, but for people short on time- it could be thw anwser. I did find a nutrician comparison on

    Hope that helps
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Thanks for those links guys. I have been told REPEATEDLY that Body by Vi is gluten free and dairy free but if that ingredient list (on the one link) is correct then it is clearly neither.
  • Dorine
    Dorine Posts: 1
    Well I have been drinking the wonderful shakes for three weeks have have lost 17 pounds, it's way cheaper then food and I feel amazing, all the vitamins that I was not getting before, it's incredible the energy I have.

    It does teach you to eat properly, I am eating healthier and getting more nutrition then ever before because of the shakes, why?
    It gives you that boost you need to be motivated, AND I actually get it FREE now each month so WHY NOT!!!!

    Even after I lose the weight I will stay on at least one a day to maintain because of all the nutrition in them, check the labels and compare it to the crappy protein powder you buy anywhere, there is a HUGE difference.

    AND........ IT"S FREE!!!! And NO I don't sell it so I am NOT advertising to sell it. if anyone is interested I can give you the name of someone who does, but otherwise I am only here to say I am glad I FINALLY found something that make me feel this incredible!!!!!!
  • jtotheno
    jtotheno Posts: 123 Member
    These shakes are SHORT TERM. They do not build healthy eating habits, so what happens when you reach your goal? Will you continue to drink 1 or 2 shakes a day for the rest of your life?

    It shouldn't be so much about losing weight as learning to live healthy. And this shake doesn't look healthy at all.

    Doesn't look healthy? lol. Have you actually looked at what's in it? It's a great nutritional supplement whether being used for weight loss or not. I personally DO plan on using for life for that reason :)