Storing fat in thighs!



  • mamato2babes
    Swimming! I run about 15 miles a week, but over the summer when I can work in some swimming, my thighs slim down.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I'm with ya! My thighs are definitely the last to go! I have been doing the Butt bible dvds (less than $20 on Amazon) and while I still have some work to do on my thighs, it definitely has helped.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    thunder thighs unite!

    Women who gain weight in their thighs have better cardiovascular health then those who gain in their belly, thus reducing their risk for heart attack. My legs are pretty toned except for the pool of fat and skin sticking to my way upper thighs... it is what it is. Weight training your legs as well as Jillian videos helps tone, I have even reduced cellulite (yes, it is possible), but the pesky fat at the way upper thighs won't budge. get the new "kick box fast fix" as well as "killer buns and thighs". No promises on a magical cure but it does help... the best way to reduce the "fatness in your thighs" is to change your attitude about it. :)
  • sdow
    sdow Posts: 71
    I have always had bigger thighs than other parts--mostly my waist and stomach are small. At one point in my life I was too thin--skeletal on top. Since I was running lots, I had muscular thighs but still larger than the top half. I am in my 50's. I work out 5 days a week and I have an active life style. My thighs are muscular for the most part. It is the way I am built. I am strong and healthy. I would love to have beautiful legs, but that isn't going to happen. I try to choose clothing that is flattering and emphasizes the parts that are thin. Loving myself and appreciating my gifts is a daily goal. And, as it turns out, that is harder than changing my body.
  • TinaCleg_cancel
    Ugh...I am a total pear shape. My bottom half is so much bigger
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Am I the only dude in this group? Come on, guys! We need some testosterone in here! Help me out.
  • vmbourg
    vmbourg Posts: 125 Member
    I have very thick thighs... Even when I'm thin. I can not change that.. On this weight loss journey I have used an elliptical and have lost inches but I know that I have built a lot of muscle. I am ok with muscular legs so if your just looking to reduce inches and tighten up , I highly suggest an elliptical machine. But if you just want thin legs, I'm not to sure it's for you bc muscle will be built with increase resistance. Hope this helps.
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    oh wow! I thought I am the only one with that problem. Would love to find "the cure" for big thighs. I am 5'9" and my thighs are 22" around. I fit in size 8 clothes in my hips but my waist and my thighs do not allow me to enjoy clothing in that size :( I have to get stuff size bigger so I do not look like a sausage :( I started boot camp this week and between will work with Jillian (30 days shred), walk and run. We will see after 1st week :) hopefully cardio IS the answer

    lol...we have the same body. but i guess i look like a sausage cuz you bet your big thighs i wear those size 8s!! i'm betting you look good in them too, but you're just a bit self-conscious about that area.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Since I'm the only dude here, I can give you all a unique perspective, I think. There a lot more dudes than you might think that don't like chicken legs. Just saying...
  • SiouxsieQue
    SiouxsieQue Posts: 85 Member
    I sympathize, I do! Thighs are my #1 concern. I'm pretty much thin everywhere but there (well, and the butt, however I don't mind that so much). Someone told me not to do the hip inductor - i'm not sure if I'm calling that right. You sit straddled with a machine and squeeze your legs together (think Thighmaster). They said that this does not slim down the thighs and only makes it worse???

    Anyway, another friend of mine would wrap cellophane around the thighs and wear them all day, I guess causing them to sweat. Seems ridiculous to me but I think it was right before a pageant and she swore it made her legs look better. LOL...
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I sympathize, I do! Thighs are my #1 concern. I'm pretty much thin everywhere but there (well, and the butt, however I don't mind that so much). Someone told me not to do the hip inductor - i'm not sure if I'm calling that right. You sit straddled with a machine and squeeze your legs together (think Thighmaster). They said that this does not slim down the thighs and only makes it worse???

    Anyway, another friend of mine would wrap cellophane around the thighs and wear them all day, I guess causing them to sweat. Seems ridiculous to me but I think it was right before a pageant and she swore it made her legs look better. LOL...

    Adductor is the one you're referring to. Abductor is the one where you're pushing your knees outwards. In latin ad means to and ab means from. Think of being abducted by aliens. They take you away (to the mothership, probably for anal probing and whatever else it is the aliens do to people, but that's beside the point).
  • MSimp78
    MSimp78 Posts: 17
    I have big thighs too. My waist will fit in 6/8 but I wear a 10 thanks to my huge thighs! My husband says I'm stuck with them for life..... I'd love to prove him wrong =)
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    I know my legs will never be thin. I just want to at least tone the thighs and make them more firm. lol
  • graebnerkm15
    graebnerkm15 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I am 100% pear, I just measured my hips yesterday and they're 48"! My natural waist is 34" if I remember right. My boyfriend swears he likes my thighs but I think they're just yucky and jiggly. I hope I can start swimming again this summer to get them tamed down a little bit.
    I swam in high school and my thighs were much smaller, even if I didn't think so then.
  • JeBitchy23
    totally relate. during my pg i gained some weight and mostly in my legs and belly. i hate it. and i currently do the JM workouts and had lost a few inches in each thigh but need more workouts for them. and my belly. doesnt seem to matter how hard i work my abs the belly fat wont shrink.
  • angelinasings
    I had the same problem with my thighs a few years back and found a great solution... What worked wonders for me was a combination of cardio along with Pilates. My cardio consisted of either 45 minutes of elliptical training or bike (stationary at a moderate level resistance). I bought several of the Winsor Pilates DVD's and did anywhere between 20-45 minutes on any given day. When doing cardio, I made sure to stay within the targeted heart rate for fat burning. I also did hills to challenge my legs to work harder. My resistance level was between 8-10 (on a 20 point system).

    I would agree with many others who've suggested lunges, squats, etc. If you HATE lunges and squats like I do, try starting with a leg press machine. If you can press your body weight or slightly more, do a minimum of three sets, 12-15 presses per set. Some gyms offer assisted weight squat machines which also make the workout more enjoyable. Well, as enjoyable as squats can be.

    Good luck~