Working out at home??



  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    the budget friendly option is 30 Day Shred ot Ripped in 30. My wife's doing the 30DS and it's under $10 at Target.
    Pros, the price Cons, only three routines

    the more pricey options are ChaLean Extreme, Turbo Fire, P90X, Insanity from Beachbody.
    Pros, Comprehensive workout programs with multiple routines to prevent boredome.
    Cons, the price, but I've been using My $119 P90X workout for 2 years and still going strong, no need for a gym so maybe that's a pro too
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I've never belonged to a gym or owned a treadmill. I watch what I eat, run outdoors and lift free weights.

    Recently I bought Jillian's 30 Day Shred, it's awesome. I think it was $9 at Target. Loved it so much I bought Ripped In 30 which I'm doing now.

    99% of your loss will come through your logging so pay close attention. Of course, any additional exercise will help...
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    Jennifer Nicole Lee has a lot of workout videos to choose from. Very high energy workouts that combine strength training and cardio bursts. LOVE HER!!! Here is the link --->
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    There are quite a few videos like Leslie sansome (she has a variety from beginner to advanced). I am not good on picking out videos as I'm not well coordinated for many of them but I did insanity which is extreme. Reason I post though is that my best advice is make the area a place you want to go and do a workout. I do mine in an unfinished basement where we painted the floor and somewhat decorated with a table and a lamp and some pictures with a nice carpet. If we hadn't done that then I might not have been as successful but because it was so inviting I loved going to my "sanctuary"
  • wendyann98
    wendyann98 Posts: 3 Member
    Walking it a great way to start, I walk 15 min in the morning and 25min at night when I get home and I feel great. Not to mention portion control.
  • Wiifitmii66
    I use my Wii as a motivator at home, and also run in place while watching tv.
    If you have an "on demand" option with your cable company, there are many really good exercise videos available there.

    Good luck!
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    I started by using my gym membership and while I'm ok doing cardio there, the machines fill up quickly, there's no guarantee I get a machine, and I'm too self conscious to lift around other people (I'm small and VERY weak and frumpy! lol)

    So I started doing a jumping jacks, prisoner squats, push ups, arm rows, planks circuit at home til I basically drop. I've recently spent $25 on amazon to get a doorframe pull up bar. I like it, and I can shut the door so I don't feel super aware that my boyfriend might catch a glance (I don't know WHY I can't stand for anyone to see, but I just can't)

    I already subscribe to netflix so I plan on changing it up once in a while by getting Jillian Michaels or other DVDs through the mail sometimes. There are also a ton of Instant Watch exercise videos on Netflix. Mostly I'll probably stick to the circuit until I'm unable to add more weight or otherwise make it harder to do and the number of reps I have to do to improve just bores me too much. I think that's pretty hard to do though, because once you've mastered the push up, there are harder variations.

    Currently, I'm worried about the fact that I don't have far to go to improve my squat. I feel like I'm at the point where I need a bar and weights, but I can't afford them right now :/ I definitely plan to get them at some point, though, because eventually I want to try getting into the deadlift.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    No gym membership here either. I have Zumba 1 & 2 for Wii, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, No More Trouble Zones (weight work) and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I love them all!
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    I workout at home too, have a room that I do my workouts in, I try to have a variety so I don't get bored, also going for walks always helps. grab some dvd's, weights and give'er
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I started that way!, looking for routines online.. Found some in pinterest.. Then I also found some videos in youtube. So, nothing wrong with that. While on my look I found some zumba videos in there that I still practice once in a while,even tho I go to zumba classes :)
  • outdoorslife
    outdoorslife Posts: 28 Member
    Rake leaves, haul and split wood, paint house. Vacuum clean (yes, its a form of exercise) etc.

    And of course stretching and the overall exercises mentioned by others (pushup, sit-up/crunches, lunges etc)

    good luck!
  • patriciaannbibo
    patriciaannbibo Posts: 130 Member
    The Firm workouts W / weight, Melt the pounds off Medicine ball workout,Jillian Michael workouts are good.Netflixs has exercise movies also in the streaming part.Comcast has workouts also. Wii fit a lot of fun also.
  • mcg6242
    mcg6242 Posts: 84
    I don’t go to the gym for the same reason, there are none around me with a reasonable price. I walk my dog or run every day and also do either stationary biking or one of my DVD work outs (insanity or gold's gym dance party) I also recently found a great YouTube work out called pop pilates, most of the videos are short so I normally do more than one a day! I hope this helped =)
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    I workout at home with tons of dvd's, jump rope, trampoline, walk, tennis, dancing, zumba, up and down the stairs, weights, barbell & Dumbbells, Kettle Bell, Books, such as The New Rule of Lifting for Women, You are Your own Gym and otthers. I have work out cards, Bod in a Box.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    DW & I are doing Power 90 right now. Power 90 is a step down from P90X. It is kicking our butts in the best of ways.
  • mommamisty823
    I work out at home with an elliptical trainer, dumbbells, and a couple of workouts that I have on Netflix.
  • yara1989
    yara1989 Posts: 2
    Right now i'm doing ZUMBA and its helping me a can try it i'm sure it will help you a lot...good luck
  • Tracey0013
    Tracey0013 Posts: 154 Member
    Don't know if anyone has said this yet but you can go to your library and see what they have for fitness dvd :) Free and you can see what you like.