Anyone Here Mentally Ill?



  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    Me either.

    I was thinking of a funny reply, no way to top this.

  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    I have found that exercise and diet changes have improved my mood and my anxiety issues :-)
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    @ raziq: aids is not a tumor.

    Why are you still drawing the parallel between infections, tumours, and the brain ?
    The brain is the most complex organ, and today the science doesn' even now what determines mental illness
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213

    It might be the future of medicine, but we aren't there yet. And if the cost doesn't come down, or if society doesn't accept the cost as part of having a society worth living in, we will never see that future. I'm betting we're never going to see it, based on our history.

    That said, epigenetics in particular (which is what the study I cited involves) is a fascinating area of research, if I were young and could do more than basic math, I'd go into it.

    Well, we are there already in many cases, particularly Her2Neu breast cancer. I could go on and on about the personalized medicine that's already happening in this country, but it's a bit off topic. Costs are coming down, btw. Keep in mind that genome mapping used to cost MILLIONS and now there are agencies that can do it at less than $10k. It's only a small matter of time...

    not off topic at all. this is really interesting, i actually never even knew ther were people out there getting personalized healthcare. hopefully the stuff will become widely available. is her2neu like nanotechnology?
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member

    It might be the future of medicine, but we aren't there yet. And if the cost doesn't come down, or if society doesn't accept the cost as part of having a society worth living in, we will never see that future. I'm betting we're never going to see it, based on our history.

    That said, epigenetics in particular (which is what the study I cited involves) is a fascinating area of research, if I were young and could do more than basic math, I'd go into it.

    Well, we are there already in many cases, particularly Her2Neu breast cancer. I could go on and on about the personalized medicine that's already happening in this country, but it's a bit off topic. Costs are coming down, btw. Keep in mind that genome mapping used to cost MILLIONS and now there are agencies that can do it at less than $10k. It's only a small matter of time...

    That's good, because if there's one thing history has taught me, it's that societies and individual lives don't become better because our species becomes kinder, wiser, and gentler, it's all about technology.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Thank you for posting this. I struggle with Bipolar Disorder. So far it has not interferred with my weight loss.
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    I use to get panic attacks and would take paxil and clonazepam! for about 2 1/2 years then i went cold turkey and im fine now i just get anxiety once in a while!
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I have had some major depressive episodes, or I have suffered with depression brought on by horrible events. I fall back into it from time to time, meds never work for me. Working out has been the only thing that has pulled me out of depression even though some days I don't feel like going to the gym.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    i just wanted to say that I think exercise is really helpful for a lot of mental issues....increases endorphins which lessens depression. It also lowers anxiety. I realize there is more to life than just depression and anxiety, but I just wanted to put it out there that people with mental health issues might benefit from thinking of exercise and healthy eating as a tool to help manage mental health stuff, rather than something extra to throw on your plate.

    Food choices can also impact mental health- some foods can make it harder to deal with mental health stuff, and some foods make it easier. This may sound nutso, but hey- I'm speaking from experience. Clean eating is good for your mentals and physicals. As is the exercise.

    and good rest.
    plenty of water.
    and cutting out the booze.
  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member

    Why are you still drawing the parallel between infections, tumours, and the brain ?
    The brain is the most complex organ, and today the science doesn' even now what determines mental illness

    We don't know the mechanism of action of MANY drugs that are highly effective, either...but what works, works. We don't understand the disease process behind all kinds of illnesses, and yet we have developed effective remedies.

    I'm sorry you've had bad experiences with medication. Hopefully you'll find another way to improve your quality of life. Please don't express your own limited experience as blanket truth for everyone else, though.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I think medics are nothing but a crutch

    Yes, medication is a crutch - one that has kept some of us alive. Without that crutch I likely would have turned my brain matter into a giant red Rorschach test on the wall behind me.


    its important that people know what they are talking about before spouting nonsense. people are so quick to jump on the antipsychiatry bandwagon without actually looking at how these drugs have saved people's lives.

    You ask people if they are ill, now I speak nonsense. The medication didn't save me from trying to kill myself ; though I was quite convinced hard drugs would kill me before. (could be the alcohol also) - you just can't put your point of view on one Universal altar

    But it's alright to generalize medication as a "crutch" because it didn't help YOU? Color me confused.

    Because I didn't help me, neither lota people I know/ knew. But I think it could be interesting to go from the original question "how are you battling with it ?" to "let's review all the medications for ill people and see how every one of them acts on both serotonin, dopamin and noradrenaline neurotransmitters "

    And it's not possible that you weren't helped by medication because your self-diagnosis was incorrect?

    There's a reason that it takes *professionals* to properly diagnose and medicate. Let's not also forget that incorrectly self-diagnosing and self-medicating based on what you THINK you're suffering from can greatly exacerbate the symptoms of whatever disorder you actually have.
    I never said I did some self-medication, but I agree on the fact that not being diagnosed rightfully by pros could be dangerous. I just wanted to say I gave up on hoping being different (eg fixed)

    It's absolutely within the realm of possibility that you'll never be "fixed". Many mental illnesses are lifelong battles with no known cure. But with proper diagnosis, help and understanding of what's truly going on, it's quite possible that you'll be more "balanced" and able to live a relatively normal life.

    As with anything, there's no guarantee. Mental illness is as individualized as fingerprints. I can assure you, though, that you will not be fixed, or even balanced, without understanding the true root of the issue.

    The only things that I found to work as a real catharsis for me is fitness now, before it I was a mess
  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    Bump...I'm at work, but want to see more of this when I get home this evening.
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    I have Panic disorder, Agoraphobia and Post traumatic Stress Disorder. I just started taking Zoloft but so far it makes me sleep all day and I have to force myself to eat because I'm never hungry while taking it. My disorders make it hard to go out in public by myself.
  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member
    it's that societies and individual lives don't become better because our species becomes kinder, wiser, and gentler, it's all about technology.

    ;) Sad but true!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I have depression. I have only recently be diagnosed after a suicidal attempt back in Nov. I was very against anti-depressants until this happened, but my life has been hell the past 2 yrs. I am currently going through a divorce with an ex who was abusive, cheated, and is incarcerated for a sex crime (long crime). It is a known fact that traumatic events in your life can throw off your brain chemistry having people do things they normally wouldn't (like me becoming suicidal knowing I have 2 babies to support). I will say my diet/exercise helps my mood big time, but I also need professional help. There is nothing wrong with asking for help, period!!!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Generalized anxiety disorder, it eats my life, woooo

    Me too. My anxiety is often all-consuming. People tend to think I'm 'just a worrier' or tell me to 'think positive!'. I wish it was that simple and easy.
    Same here. It seems to control my life as well. In fact, my boyfriend knows I don't like to drive on the interstate but only in certain places. In my county I'm fine, an hour to Indianapolis I am fine but north to Chicago I absolutley freak. Yesterday he was driving and I got very sick in the car, I was fine again when we were back in the county on the highway. It's crazy how physically ill anxiety can make me. It's especially bad when I get anxious about something coming up that is supposed to be fun, like looking forward to a night out with friends, but I tend to get so worked up I get unnecessary BAD anxiety.
  • gmctech
    gmctech Posts: 103 Member
    Hi there, I don't but a have friends, colleagues, employees and family with various mental illnesses. I've learned a lot from talking with them about it and try to be as supportive and helpful as i can be or as much as they will allow me to be. I try as hard as i can to make allowances and give people living with these ailments latitude when things aren't going so well for them. In Canada we now have a national mental health week to help remove the narrow minded stigma that has forever plagued people living with different illnesses. Bravo for everyone who has voiced themselves here! :)
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member

    Why are you still drawing the parallel between infections, tumours, and the brain ?
    The brain is the most complex organ, and today the science doesn' even now what determines mental illness

    We don't know the mechanism of action of MANY drugs that are highly effective, either...but what works, works. We don't understand the disease process behind all kinds of illnesses, and yet we have developed effective remedies.

    I'm sorry you've had bad experiences with medication. Hopefully you'll find another way to improve your quality of life. Please don't express your own limited experience as blanket truth for everyone else, though.

    I'm just saying I totally disagree on putting on the same level breast cancer and mental illness...
  • LilRedPitViper

    Breast cancer is a tumor, mental illness not

    If you want to believe that your problems are too complicated and "special" to have any humanly imaginable solution, that is completely up to you. For the millions of patients that are benefiting from medication on a daily basis, I will apologize on your behalf for insulting their attempts to better their lives.

  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member
    I have depression. I have only recently be diagnosed after a suicidal attempt back in Nov. I was very against anti-depressants until this happened, but my life has been hell the past 2 yrs. I am currently going through a divorce with an ex who was abusive, cheated, and is incarcerated for a sex crime (long crime). It is a known fact that traumatic events in your life can throw off your brain chemistry having people do things they normally wouldn't (like me becoming suicidal knowing I have 2 babies to support). I will say my diet/exercise helps my mood big time, but I also need professional help. There is nothing wrong with asking for help, period!!!

    You are absolutely right. Your body is very adaptive and can upregulate and down regulate the expression of different genes based on all kinds of stimuli, particularly stress. That can certainly affect your brain chemistry or pretty much anything else going on in your body. It's kind of amazing to think about, but also frustrating to deal with.

    I can't imagine all that you've been through. Congrats on struggling through it all. I know several people here are happy to have you around!