FitBit, is it worth it?



  • mbk830
    mbk830 Posts: 164 Member
    I love mine, but I'm kind of a geek. It definitely helps me to move more. I love being able to look at long term trends as charts. A couple of my good friends have them so we have a healthy competition going....although it's definitely not fair since they are teachers and spend most of the day on their feet!
  • KristenStone
    KristenStone Posts: 106 Member
    I have had my fitbit for 3 months and I love it. I'm addicted to the self-competition so it works for me.

    Lately I really have been thinking about trading up for a HRM though. Now that i am getting more into it, I realize that you can get a general idea of extra calories burned and although it is awesome, it is just not personal enough.

    I don't think I would give up my fitbit but I think a HRM is the better way to go. Just my opinion though :)
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Like anything, it is all personal experience/opinion. I have been using my fitbit for 2 months now and when it almost fell down a crack in a bridge the other day, I had to truly contemplate whether I would get another one if it was lost. The answer is YES, I would truly miss having it and spend another $100 on a replacement. The fitbit has encouraged me to be more active than I have been in years. I am motivated to consistently top the day before in steps and miles travelled. Although HRM's are probably more accurate for calories burned during workouts, FITBIT adjusts your calories if you haven't given yourself enough credit on logged activities in MFP. Anything that gives you more incentive to keep moving and be more active gets my vote.

    Totally agree with you. I've had mine just over a week and I can't imagine being anywhere without it. It's like having a happy little pet attached to you. I really like the sleep feature........I really do wake up a lot during the night just as I thought. I really like how it syncs with MFP and adjust the calories for you once updated. Nifty little device that I'd replace in a heartbeat if something happened to mine.
  • nannabannana
  • mdayton4946
    mdayton4946 Posts: 4 Member
    I have a Fitbit and a Garmin heart rate monitor. I use the Garmin only for my intense workouts. I use the Fitbit just to get my daily steps. I bought my Fitbit at REI for $100.00. Being a member of REI allows me to return any item purchase at any time. Don’t have to have a good reason, just let them know that you are unhappy with it. So, if you are not satisfied you have not lost any money. You don’t even need the receipt.
  • mrsmel55
    mrsmel55 Posts: 168
    The only thing I don't like about it is it adds too many calories to my day ( I have it synced with MFP ) and somedays I can't eat enough!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    Yes. I absolutely love it!
  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    i love my fitbit
    i think it is worth it!
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I honestly think it is worth makes me want to be more active so I can get more steps, stairs, and a more active "score" for the day. I say go for it!
  • MeliciousGibson
    Absolutely love my FitBit - I never go anywhere without it.
  • mrsweigl
    mrsweigl Posts: 198 Member
    I have a bodybugg and i want to get a fitbit instead, i am sick of buying the web subscriptions!

    Anyone want a bodybugg V3 with Digital display? Selling cheap...
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I got mine off didn't have any. I bought it for $88, Canadian funds. Came from Tennessee to me here in Ontario Canada in two days. I have heard that if there are any problems fitbit are quick to help out and replace any devices you damage. Either way, it's well worth the purchase.
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    I've had my FitBit for nearly 3 months and I love it. I think it works brilliantly with MFP and the FitBit website is free to use. You can pay more for an upgrade if you want but I don't see the point, especially if you are using it with MFP. I've definitely been more motivated since I had it.
  • GellisIndigo
    GellisIndigo Posts: 55 Member
    I got mine in a weird place, at a Brookstone store in Chicago's O'Hare Airport. I don't know if all Brookstone stores carry them, but I'd look into it. Hello, no shipping!

    Ive had mine for 2 weeks, but since I went out of the country without a computer I couldn't get it online and synced with MFP until Sunday. But even while away, I loved knowing how many steps I'd taken (airports anyone) and calories I'd burned.
    I don't wear it when I do my exercise, because I have an HRM (Polar FT4). But by golly, I feel naked if I don't have one or the other on!
  • Psychoanalytic
    Meh. I didn't scan through everyone elses responses. A couple of things caught my eye that I want to address that a few people said though.

    FitBit is in no way a HRM. It doesn't work like one. It doesn't look like one. It doesn't wear like one either. A HRM isn't a better choice for all people. If I wear a HRM, it'll tell you I've worked out 1000x's more than I actually have when I'm not on my medicine. Or if I'm on my medicine, it'll tell you I've sat on my rump all day and not moved. To me, THAT is the biggest advantage of FitBit from a physical aspect.

    FitBit doesn't have a monthly fee for standard use, but it does have a subscription for extra pretty shiny things on the website. I personally don't use them because everything their reporting tools offer suits me just fine.

    For whoever it was that was having troubles with getting their fitbit and MFP synced up or understanding it, take a gander at my blog. I put up a post with screen shots of how FB and MFP interact with one another. (And there's my review of FitBit somewhere in there too.)

    "FitBit gives me too many calories." Um. You're moving and shaking! It's not "giving you too many calories." You're just moving more than what fitbit or MFP has calculated you for. I was stuck on a plateau for a good while. Got a fitbit, realized I was burning 250+ calories more than I thought I was every day. Adjusted everything around, and voila. I started losing again.

    Edit: And OP, no, you don't have to buy them online. I didn't think to check to see if you listed where you live on your profile, but Best Buy sells them in most stores as well as REI.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    I do have a HRM already.... but I don't think I'd find it comfortable to wear all day....but maybe I should just do that lol

    This won't work unless it's made for this purpose. Most HRMs are only intended for wear during workouts and won't give an accurate burn count for the whole day.

    anything done during the day thats not exercise shouldnt be counted anyway :/
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
  • Psychoanalytic
    anything done during the day thats not exercise shouldnt be counted anyway :/

    So you're telling me that your version of sedentary and my version of sedentary and what Fitbit/MFP/Some-other-random-calculation is EXACTLY the same, and that we have exactly the same projected calorie burn during various activities that we do? No. We don't.

    That's where something like FitBit is really handy.
  • PatriciaMarieHall
    PatriciaMarieHall Posts: 5 Member
    I love mine. I had not lost any weight for a couple of months and when I got my FitBit I realized I wasn't eating enough. Voila! I started dropping weight again. Well worth the money.
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member