Am I the only one that doesn't enjoy the healthy lifestyle?



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Maybe you should look up obesity-related illnesses. See what being chronically obese does to people over the years. Make it real.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    What about pole dance or belly dancing as the ultimate fun exercise? I've never met anyone who was like, "Man, I hate sexy dancing, it just kills".

    As far as the food, I've no idea. Have you made sure you're not restricting too much? MFP was like, "Hey, you wanna eat nothing?" and I was like, "Not really". I've always been healthier in life eating a ton versus eating a tiny bit.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    What you are feeling is perfectly natural. I remember reading a quote from Jennifer Lawrence (Hunger Games) in which she said "I'd like to punch the people in the face who say they LIKE working out".

    Maybe what will help you is finding a physical activity that you do love. Are you an outside person Christy? Do you love the outdoors? Remember what it was like when you were a kid playing outside? What did you like to do?

    In terms of nutrition did you ever work in a cheat day? On that cheat day you can eat whatever you want, obviously in moderation, for example I LOVE CHEESEBURGERS, on my cheat day I'll have one. Not some silly Mc Donalds cheeseburger, I'm talking about an awesomely big boy cheeseburger. Sometimes I'll eat whatever I want and not worry about it, for example during Easter weekend I ate candy, french toast casserole, sausage, and pizza. Do I feel guilty? Not one little bit.

    A healthy lifestyle is not about limiting yourself Christy, its about making peace with the foods you love and having them responsibly. Since I LOVE CHEESEBURGERS if I desire to have one BEFORE my cheat day I'll make a Jennie-O Turkey Breast 99% lean burger so I can have my.... FIX.

    So much love for this post. :heart:
  • I used to hate healthy living - I love wine and all the foods that are bad for me BUT that all changed when I started going to Zumba :) I hate exercise with a passion - I have wasted hundreds on gym memberships etc in the past in my futile attempts to get fit. I started going to Zumba in Feb 2011 and I was hooked straightaway! What a buzz. Honestly, after that it just made sense to me to start eating a lower fat and higher fibre diet. I joined Rosemary Conley in January of this year and her eating plans are easy to follow and I'm honestly never hungry. If I fall off the "wagon" I just wiggle a bit harder at Zumba to make up for it :) I go 3 times a week and have upped my walking activites - I now walk rather than take the car for short journeys.

    Planning ahead and having a good routine is vital for me and I go to classes with some awesome women (and men). I have made new friends at the Zumba classes and I can honestly say it is the best exercise I have ever taken. Try it :)

    Since January I have lost 30lb - I have another 28 to go - gone are my yo-yo dieting days, this is now a complete change of lifestyle not just for me but for all my family too. Its the only way to succeed for me - to have my husband and teenage daughter eat the same as me (I alter it to satisfy their nutritional needs too).
  • swt0pie
    swt0pie Posts: 327 Member
    i think that everyone would want to eat junk/fast food and sugary food any time they want but i try to limit myself. The only reason is because the thought and want of being thin is much bigger than the want to eat unhealthy
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I work out at 4am. That way it's out of the way! Don't get me wrong there are days that I shut the alarm off and sleep until I have to get up for work, but on those days...all day long I have to talk myself into exercising when I get out of work!!

    Do you ever regret a workout? I don't :happy:
  • I am one of those people who love working out. I didn't use to, but I do now. I get depressed when I miss a few days. However, with that said, I HATE EATING HEALTHY! lol. I am a food slut, I love bad foods, fried foods, chocolate, salt, sugar, all that stuff I'm only supposed to have "in moderation." I love vegetables, but I love them the most in real butter. I can tolerate whole grains, whole wheats, and browns, but I don't have to like it. I LOVE biscuits, "fake" wheat breads, white rice, cake. And I like lots of it. COming to terms with the fact that eating the way I did was the reason I was fat, and the only way to get "not fat" was to stop it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Don't get me wrong, I knew that's why I was fat, but I wanted to believe it was temporary.

    With all of that said, seeing the way I look now, and knowing how much better I feel when my diet is on track makes it all worth it. And I can still have all of those things. In moderation. *cringe* :laugh:
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I workout so I can eat whatever I want. That's the secret. Find the workout that you like that you will always do. Personally, I'm addicted to working out, I love it. A year ago I would have laughed if I said it and never believed it.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I love swimming but that is not available to all. I'm older so I love the Beach Boys and dancing to their music. Find music you like and just move. If you do it without breaks and continue moving between songs, it can be aerobic. I know how you feel about exercise. It can be most tedious if you don't like it. Find what you like and move.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    I don't eat a single fruit or vegetable. I take the occasional bite of an apple, eat a carrot stick (globbed in ranch :blushing:), celery with peanut butter, but nope. I eat how I want. If I overeat, or think I've ate too much, there is this thing called exercise. And I use it to my full extent.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm one of those weirdos that likes to exercise. (I hope Jennifer Lawrence doesn't punch me.) I love how mellow I feel afterwards. I mean, I don't necessarily love strength-training and lifting, but I enjoy cardio. I look forward to my outdoor runs, because the lake I run around is gorgeous.

    Exercise keeps me sane. I may not always want to do it, but knowing how great I'll feel afterwards is what motivates me.

    Now before I get flamed, I HATE eating healthy. Hate Hate Hate HATE! I don't like vegetables, and calling them "veggies" doesn't make them taste any better.

    I like fatty, salty (especially salty), sugary foods. But I try to eat everything in moderation. I eat okay, not super healthy but not super unhealthy, either. I can live with that.

    I'm a "weirdo" too LOL...I love to run and do weights and my bootcamp fitness class, but I struggle with healthier eating. I love vegetables, but I love pasta and cheese more :blushing:

    To the's a really hard thing to find balance and figure out what works for you...that I CAN relate to. I think we all want this to happen quickly so it takes a while to figure out that it doesn't have to be all or nothing, you don't HAVE to diet or never go out for a cheeseburger again, you don't HAVE to spend hours in a gym, etc. You might have to eat a little less and move a little more but you don't have to cut out everything you love. For me, that's not realistic, anyway.

    It's hard to limit the foods you love that are not the healthiest for you, and push yourself to move more, if you don't enjoy it. I guess I would recommend that you try to focus on the positives of getting healthier (even if you only have 20 lbs to lose, you can prevent some health-related issues and look more fit.). Find something fun to do with other people, if possible. It really helps me to have people to be active with... I love to run, but I love to run with my running group more. And I've made a lot of new friends to support me along the way.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    You are 100% right, it is a chore... but the alternative is even less appealing.
  • talzybob
    talzybob Posts: 80
    i have good routines but i get tired of them so quickly then i want to give in. but i thin if you have the right support you will get to where you want to be. i made a few other life changes other than my healthy lifestyle and found it sank into place and now im happy. although id rather be at my goal by now. keep mixing things up so you dont get bored and remember to have fun as well. a few nights off here and there wont hurt. were only human and we want the good things in life.

    keep going the best you can and only aim for what you know is possible not what you know is impossible but dream about. keep it small goals each time and find new things to do and go crazy once in a while. keep smiling though.
  • 1_Slick_Chick
    1_Slick_Chick Posts: 199 Member
    I too Yo-Yo'd most of my adult life. I was a thin child/teen so I never realized how FAT I had gotten!! Then last year, light bulb!! I decided I was tired of being tired and FAT!! This is definitely a lifestyle change. Me and my husband are MUCH happier now that most of the weight is gone....I wish it didn't take so long to realize I was missing out on life!
    That being said....
    I hate any "organized" exercise so I have chosen to lose my weight slowly and without much exercise...once in a while, I will ride the stationary bike but mostly get out into the yard or scrub the inside of my house :). far so good. As for the food, I try new recipes and pick those ones I can have a lot of LOL! Good Luck!

    p.s. It may help to get more MFP's so you get encouraged through their accomplishments. It sure has inpired me to continue.
  • I workout so I can eat whatever I want. That's the secret. Find the workout that you like that you will always do. Personally, I'm addicted to working out, I love it. A year ago I would have laughed if I said it and never believed it.

    I hate to say this, because technically it is SO WRONG, but I agree. I work out like a wild woman sometimes when I want to eat like crazy. It's not the way to do it, really, but it's the way I do it. Just not every day. Also, I actually posted the other day that if someone had told me a year ago that in a year I would be a fitness instructor, I probably would have choked to death on my cookie.
  • mpalczew
    mpalczew Posts: 4 Member
    >>. But I'm hungry much of the time, I don't enjoy working out, and inevitably the weight comes back. I was whining to my boyfriend about it, and he breaks out the 'need to look at this as a lifestyle change, not a diet.' Ya know what? This is not a lifestyle I enjoy. I hate limiting my food. I hate not being able to eat what I want. I don't enjoy working out.

    If what you are doing isn't working, try something different. Did you try low carb with little excercise. High carb with a bunch of excercise. Intermittent fasting. High protein or vegetarian. I've lost 60lbs and got to a 6% body fat and there were times that it sucked, but for the most part it was fine.(high protein, weight lifting, no cardio and intermittent fasting). Keep trying stuff until you find something that clicks.

    But time some harsh reality, no you can't do the same things that you did to get fat. You can't eat what you want when you want it all the time. Saying you don't like that is like saying that you want to be fat. Find a sustainable plan, but don't let yourself ***** out.
  • moskinnny
    moskinnny Posts: 118
    Loving eating healthier but have a constant battle with myself about making it to the gym or exercising. I feel great afterwards, its just getting there that sucks.
  • Hev_uk
    Hev_uk Posts: 82 Member

    Now before I get flamed, I HATE eating healthy. Hate Hate Hate HATE! I don't like vegetables, and calling them "veggies" doesn't make them taste any better.

    Sorry, just browsing but I had to drop in. The word veggies is probably the thing that annoys me most about anything and everything to do with dieting and healthy eating. It doesn't make them sound any better and I don't even mind eating most!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I hated running and all kinds of formal exercise. I also hated limiting my food. Then I realized that if I exercise, I don't have to limit my food. Or at least not as much.

    Somewhere along the line, something clicked in my head and I realized that a "healthy lifestyle" wasn't punishment for a slothful life, but a way to treat my body well. And that there's a LOT of really delicious foods out there that are pretty good for me. I don't have to eat just salads. I might not eat everything I want, but I want everything I eat. I'm not going to stuff something gross down just because it's good for me.

    On the other hand, I realize that there's loads of things I don't enjoy that I do because I have to as a responsible adult. Like paying bills, mowing the lawn or scrubbing the toilet. I think of exercise as basic human maintenance, just like toilet scrubbing is basic bathroom maintenance.

    I really only wanted to be able to run a 5k as a personal challenge to myself, and having that as a goal made me stick with it long enough for it to become a habit. And kind of fun. It relieves stress for me. I don't enjoy strength training in the same way, but I love the results. The ~2 hours a week I spend lifting is something I consider an investment... or bill paying. I like looking a certain way, and exercising is the price of looking that way.

    But... yeah, if someone told me two years ago that I'd run, on purpose, and enjoy it... I'd have laughed my *kitten* off, too.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I sooooo hear you and I struggle too. I am quite alot older than you so I do this for many different reasons than some here. Believe me when I say I could care less about a clothing size or weight on the scale. I do it so I can have energy and flexibility and HEALTH to enjoy my children and grandchildren. I do it so I do not end up with a stroke and in a nursing home because I have high cholesterol like my mother in law did. I do it because my knees have begun to hurt and I know it will only get worse if I don't do this. I do this because I do not want to be a burden to my children someday. I do this so I can minimize the depression that has plagued me my entire life. I do this to stay healthy in body, mind and spirit. Would I rather lay on my butt and watch tv all day and eat piles of mashed potatoes with tons of bet! But I don't because i will suffer and others around me will suffer too. Is it a life long struggle? YES!! I look at it like depression. I can minimize the outcome with choices I make....but only I can decide what is important. I hope you will continue to walk this road with me.......we NEED each other to continue to remind ourselves why we are here and why we continue to try. It truly is the only option for a quality of life that I want. Hugs and caring, Dyanna