guys may not wanna click on this....

Okay ladies, help me out.... I have NEVER been one to eat alot when I get my monthly curse ( sometimes it's a blessing) LOL Anyway- the past 2 months since starting mfp it's like the 5 days I'm on it I want to eat EVERYTHING in site... Everything I have not been eating or cut down on.... Is this normal? Do I eat these things I usually wouldnt? I dont want to kill my progress! Helllllllllllllllllpppppppppp!!!


  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    guys may not wanna click on this....

    I couldn't resist a challenge.
    I want to eat EVERYTHING in site... Everything I have not been eating or cut down on.... Is this normal?

    Obviously I'm not a woman, but I have quite a few on my friends list. From my understanding, irrational cravings are normal (ie car doors and small pets)

    That's the extent of my knowledge on the subject. I'd try not cave in and binge if you can.
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    guys may not wanna click on this....

    I couldn't resist a challenge.
    I want to eat EVERYTHING in site... Everything I have not been eating or cut down on.... Is this normal?

    Obviously I'm not a woman, but I have quite a few on my friends list. From my understanding, irrational cravings are normal (ie car doors and small pets)

    That's the extent of my knowledge on the subject.

    Thanks for the info!
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Saying guys may not wanna click on this is like giving us a giant red button we are going to press it.
  • mainebabe
    mainebabe Posts: 32
    That's usually the worse time for me too but what I do is portion control and find something healthier than what I want ( like if I wanted a sweet I would celery with low fat peanut butter) try subsituting what you crave for a fruit or vegetable.
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    Saying guys may not wanna click on this is like giving us a giant red button we are going to press it.

    hahaha- then I'm glad I kept it clean!
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 324 Member
    yes its normal. my TOM was last week i felt like i NEEDED to eat everything in my house and couldnt get my butt of my couch to save my life.. i didnt eat like a cow (and i chewed a lot of gum! and drank tons of water) i nibbled at things and still did ok. i was having TERRIBLE cramps (unusual for me ....TMI I know) and walking and doing sit ups (SERIOUSLY?! sit ups) helped a bunch. Don't deprive yourself of craving food.... just eat small amounts of them and move on
  • willyzification
    willyzification Posts: 95 Member
    Quick question? Are you on a high protein low carb diet? Cause if you are, these dont work for a long term lifestyle change. WIth low carb diets you do see some significant weight loss, however the odds of cravings bad binge eating are much higher hence not very good long term. My macros are 50c/30p/20f (50 carb, 30 protein, 20 fat) and I have absolutely no cravings for anything (except for RED MEAT MWHAHAHAHA) which I eat plenty of anyway. Im a true carnivore!
  • MelsieK
    MelsieK Posts: 72
    I have some months that are worse than others, and you know what I go with it. I find these days now though I make smarter choices what I'm having. So will grab a handful of almonds, have a protein bar, munch through a bunch of celery. Also having a herbal tea helps too. I get one called Fruits of the Forrest, it's quite sweet naturally, so it helps with the sugar cravings. As does green tea.

    As some months are worse than others, I don't worry about it too much, part of life that I just have to deal with. And I've found it doesn't really affect my weight that much. The months I don't crave too much, can still gain 1-2kg that week. So try for smarter choices to snack on and go with the flow, and don't feel to guilty for it.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I just cave. It's only on day 1 that I feel so insatiable, and when I try to substitute, I usually still end up going after whatever I was craving in the first place. It's only 1 day, and I know I'm going to make up for it, so I don't worry that it will derail me.

    I figure my old lifestyle was made up of never saying "no" to a craving. Now, I only give myself permission like that once per month. Huge improvement!
  • mangobadango
    mangobadango Posts: 294 Member
    My only suggestion is to allow yourself to have the treat, but only after you have drank a bottle of water or done 100 jumping jacks or 50 crunches or ate some carrots.

    You get the idea, distract yourself from the craving. And really if you still want whatever you are craving after distracting yourself then give in to the craving, but track it. And if you have made yourself do some form of exercise as a distraction, track that too.
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    I just cave. It's only on day 1 that I feel so insatiable, and when I try to substitute, I usually still end up going after whatever I was craving in the first place. It's only 1 day, and I know I'm going to make up for it, so I don't worry that it will derail me.

    I figure my old lifestyle was made up of never saying "no" to a craving. Now, I only give myself permission like that once per month. Huge improvement!

    I agree- I used to consume at least 3000 calories in just junk food a day, so now I'm doing great- I try to buy the 100 calorie packs of sweet things so I dont over do it but today I ate 2 mini Reese Easter Eggs and didnt feel bad.... I also made sure I worked out a little longer yesterday and plan on going tonight-
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    My only suggestion is to allow yourself to have the treat, but only after you have drank a bottle of water or done 100 jumping jacks or 50 crunches or ate some carrots.

    You get the idea, distract yourself from the craving. And really if you still want whatever you are craving after distracting yourself then give in to the craving, but track it. And if you have made yourself do some form of exercise as a distraction, track that too.

    it's funny- I find myself at the gym some days like " oh just burned off half of my lunch" LOL. Last week I went out with some friends and someone offered me a can of pepsi ( i used to drink 4 a day!) and my response was I'm good- It would take at least 20 minutes to burn that off. LOL I never used to think about stuff like that...
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    My only suggestion is to allow yourself to have the treat, but only after you have drank a bottle of water or done 100 jumping jacks or 50 crunches or ate some carrots.

    You get the idea, distract yourself from the craving. And really if you still want whatever you are craving after distracting yourself then give in to the craving, but track it. And if you have made yourself do some form of exercise as a distraction, track that too.

    it's funny- I find myself at the gym some days like " oh just burned off half of my lunch" LOL. Last week I went out with some friends and someone offered me a can of pepsi ( i used to drink 4 a day!) and my response was I'm good- It would take at least 20 minutes to burn that off. LOL I never used to think about stuff like that...
