Internet dating stories :)



  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    I met my husband on Okcupid 4 years ago...friends first...talked on the phone every night for a few months. Then he convinced me to agree to meet him...and he drove 50 miles to see me every day (he lived in New jersey, I lived in New york)

    We've been married since September 2010 and living together since fall 2008

  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I met my hubby online. I saw his goofy photo on a friend/dating site and I left him a little message in july 2006. We hit it off well but we didn't talk for a month so he thought I lost interest but then we started talking again. We talked casually for a few months when I asked him if he had a gf and he replied "do you wanna be?" We continued chatting online and eventually on the phone. He asked me to marry him on the phone in April 2007 when I said yes then we met in person for the first time 2 months later in July 2007. After meeting him in person I went home (he gave me gas money for the way back) and 4 months after that we were married in a court house in November 2007. The first year of marriage was us getting to really know eachother & a few days before our 1 year wedding anniversary in November 2008 he got the phone call to deploy. We had that December 2008 together and he left in january 2009 for a year.

    We've been married for almost 5 years in November :love:
  • josepb
    josepb Posts: 27
    There was no such thing as the World Wide Web when I was dating. No texting, sexting, sharing, FB or Myspace. Had to make human contact.

  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Met my husband in a forum.
    We flirted back and forth in the forums for a few years, then starting talking on msn messanger, then the phone & skype, then finally I flew to California (i'm in BC, Canada) to spend a week with him, yup, just dove in, he could have been a serial killer, but I was pretty sure he wasn't. My parents were supportive, but what could they say? They had a one night stand and 9 months later my sister was born, 31 years later and they are still married, so it all worked out.

    I have also met some of my best friends as a result of the internet. 2 of my girlfriends were friends of a guy i met on line that I used to go to concerts with, I don't hang out with him anymore, he was kind of an odd duck, but I met these 2 wonderful friends, so it was all worth it!

    I met my husband on line in a chat room in the late 90's. After 2 months I dove in and flew down to meet him. We got married 4 months later. I never went back. I was living in Canada at the time, now I am in the States, and still married.. Happily most days, but married none the less.
  • talzybob
    talzybob Posts: 80
    i gave up on it lol. toooooooo and i mean toooooooooooooooo many wierdos only wanting a quick fumble when they saw fit. to find my mr right i started volunterring and had a secret crush on him then one day he just gave me his number and i was like OMG. and hey presto he is mine now.

    internet dating to me is to risky. i dont believe in it as you dont see the real person. and i think its an easy way for some not all to cheat. bring back the old fashioned days when the guys were scared to ask the girls dad permission to do anything thats when dating was dating from the stories my gran and aunties have been telling me. but then it was funny watching my otherhalf ask my dad permission to marry me. now that was funny.
  • I met my husband in a vampire chat room on vplaces, which I don't think even exists anymore. We were from different countries and started emailing each other. After a couple of months he proposed and he flew to New Zealand to meet me and get married. It's our 14th wedding anniversary today.
  • I met my boyfriend on OKC! We talked about books, and music. We started texting, talked on the phone, then met for coffee. He thought I wasn't going to like him because I bought my coffee before he could. We talked for hours, and then we hung out consistently for a few days. I brought him tea to the theater he was at, and he gave me paintings he made. We had a ton of mutual friends, have been to the same concerts at the same time. It's crazy. We've been together for over a year now, and we've lived together for officially six months.
  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    I met my husband in a yahoo chat room back in 2000. We were regulars in the room, and just chatted like everyone else. When I found out he was in Tennessee, I made a comment that he was close enough to me (I was in Virginia) to come visit. I was joking at the time. Fast forward several months later...we started chatting through messenger, then talked on the phone, then planned for him to come visit. He cancelled the first time, and I thought he had changed his mind. When he finally did drive up, he was supposed to go back the next day. He ended up staying for a week, at the end of which I moved to Tennessee with him! We've been married for almost 10 years now...a sometimes difficult 10 years, but we've stuck it out and made it work. :love:
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    It was Yahoo Chat for me too!!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I have tried this quite a few times. All the guys were nut jobs.. broke up with me or cheated on me.
    Until I met my fiance. We were friends on facebook for a long time and we had 2 mutual friends I think. He tried to talk to me every day and I ignored him. After my ex broke up with me on my birthday, he talked to me and I asked for his number as I really needed a friend. We were friends for a few months and he was head of heels for me. I didnt want to rush into a relationship and I have to say I am glad we didnt.

    He asked me out for about the 4th time and well I said yes. He had bought me my christmas present with a poem inside it was so cute. 3 years later the rest is history!
  • gogidget
    gogidget Posts: 70 Member
    I know too many people who have Internet datng horror stories, and not many with successes. I have created profiles on a couple of dating sites but am still very reluctant to officially post them.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    There was no such thing as the World Wide Web when I was dating. No texting, sexting, sharing, FB or Myspace. Had to make human contact.
    Ahhh those were the days...when you met real live ppl and could actually see if they were who they said they were!:tongue:
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    I don't use it but my mom does... She had a picture of me and her up as one of her profile pictures and she got a lot of creepy messages requesting threesomes... UM NO... :noway:
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I was just kind of seeing someone for a couple months, she gradually stopped trying and would barely text me anymore. So I got it, I've been there plenty of times so I asked her about it and she said she was just trying to take things slow. A week later she dumped me.

    I think I've been internet dating for so long I can read people pretty well and can tell how they feel before they even know it.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    The girl I dated for 3 1/2 years I met "online" even though she lived less than a mile from me. She finally talked me into coming over and hanging out w/ her... I made fun of her for having so many stuffed animals. The next time I was there, they were gone. At first I wasn't really interested in dating, just hanging out as friends, but it finally happened.

    We had a great relationship, with it only ending b/c she moved away for school and it was too hard for both of us at the time.

    I did however, meet someone that didn't go well. For whatever reason, I agreed to hang out w/ her one night (around v-day I think, or on v-day) and she showed up, woof. Def wasn't fitting as her picture(s) were. I don't know if I got bit by the myspace angles or what, but we went to blockbuster to rent a movie and before we even made it back I told her she had to leave. She cried. I went and watched a movie and passed out. Do not feel sorry for that one.
  • yepitsjen
    yepitsjen Posts: 79 Member
    Okay- this is really long- I originally posted it on my blog.

    I joined OKCupid on a Friday night, on a whim, when I was totally vulnerable from every single person in my life wondering why I wasn't dating. From my mom to my co-workers, I got a lot of "but you'd be so happy if you were dating" speech. So I caved.

    Friday night- uploaded my profile. My profile mentioned my music likes (everythi:g, as long as I can stand around looking smug, holding a Rainier and nodding absently- no dancing required), my food likes (everything, as long as I can criticize other restaurants who have the same food types and offer better/worse wine, and aren't yet featured on Yelp!), my movie likes (70's horror and please god, no "rom-coms") and my shoe preferences (Converse and Fluevogs). I didn't mention anything about my sexual proclivities, but did mention I'm a single mom who works a demanding job, and that I don't have a ton of time for dating.

    Saturday- the responses come pouring in. And by that, I mean, I got like... 7. 2 of the 7 were out of my area (Rhode Island? That's quite a commute for a Saturday night booty call) and Tacoma (sigh). Leaving 5 potential suitors. One guy asked me what the craziest thing I'd ever done was. I told him a very long, hysterical story about a shopping cart and an icy hill in Portland, that ended with me jumping out of the cart mid hill and hitting a cop car with my body and moving just before the shopping cart smashed in to the cop car. That's not what he meant. End conversation.

    Four potential suitors. I made two friends, one of whom I ended up seeing for a bit. And then. Then. There were the other two.

    Puddle Guy: This one started off rather innocuously, and I thought, Hmm, maybe. He asked me to describe my perfect date, and I blathered on a bit about something. God only knows what, I'm sure I mentioned music, food, nodding, and Rainier. Then he told me about his perfect date scenario. Wait for a super rainy day. Take my car (because he didn't drive) and tour the city looking for the biggest puddle. Review all big puddles in the city, and then when we agreed upon the biggest puddle, he would get out and stand next to the puddle. I would drive through said puddle at a high rate of speed, and splash him. This splashing, apparently, caused him a great deal of arousal. So then I needed to pull the car over and we'd have sex in the car. Yep. He didn't date in the summer, he said, because he couldn't get aroused.

    Uh... Next. If only I'd known.

    Fetish Guy: This guy made the puddle guy look like your kindergarten teacher. He opened our conversation with "Do you have a lot of fat friends who like to get drunk?" I waited for a minute for the punch line, and he kept going. I don't know that I ever said one word in the conversation because I was so stunned. He was very detailed in his need, he'd really planned it out.

    The scenario: Invite all my friends over for a party, and provide tons of booze and food. He was going to pay for the booze and food. He specifically requested that I invite all of the curvy women I know, and specifically asked if I didn't have "heavier" friends that I should make friends with some heavier women before the party. He would show up half way through the party when everyone was halfway drunk, and just stand in the middle of a circle. He wanted me to start with insults, by calling him ugly, and then have my friends and I verbally abuse him while he slowly took off his clothing. When he was naked, he specifically wanted people to insult his anatomy, and the group of women should try really hard to make him cry.

    The denouement? He was going to bring his own (ahem) aid, and wanted the heaviest girl at the party to use it on him in front of everyone and call him names while this was happening.

    I declined. And then I canceled my account.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Okay- this is really long- I originally posted it on my blog.

    I joined OKCupid on a Friday night, on a whim, when I was totally vulnerable from every single person in my life wondering why I wasn't dating. From my mom to my co-workers, I got a lot of "but you'd be so happy if you were dating" speech. So I caved.

    Friday night- uploaded my profile. My profile mentioned my music likes (everythi:g, as long as I can stand around looking smug, holding a Rainier and nodding absently- no dancing required), my food likes (everything, as long as I can criticize other restaurants who have the same food types and offer better/worse wine, and aren't yet featured on Yelp!), my movie likes (70's horror and please god, no "rom-coms") and my shoe preferences (Converse and Fluevogs). I didn't mention anything about my sexual proclivities, but did mention I'm a single mom who works a demanding job, and that I don't have a ton of time for dating.

    Saturday- the responses come pouring in. And by that, I mean, I got like... 7. 2 of the 7 were out of my area (Rhode Island? That's quite a commute for a Saturday night booty call) and Tacoma (sigh). Leaving 5 potential suitors. One guy asked me what the craziest thing I'd ever done was. I told him a very long, hysterical story about a shopping cart and an icy hill in Portland, that ended with me jumping out of the cart mid hill and hitting a cop car with my body and moving just before the shopping cart smashed in to the cop car. That's not what he meant. End conversation.

    Four potential suitors. I made two friends, one of whom I ended up seeing for a bit. And then. Then. There were the other two.

    Puddle Guy: This one started off rather innocuously, and I thought, Hmm, maybe. He asked me to describe my perfect date, and I blathered on a bit about something. God only knows what, I'm sure I mentioned music, food, nodding, and Rainier. Then he told me about his perfect date scenario. Wait for a super rainy day. Take my car (because he didn't drive) and tour the city looking for the biggest puddle. Review all big puddles in the city, and then when we agreed upon the biggest puddle, he would get out and stand next to the puddle. I would drive through said puddle at a high rate of speed, and splash him. This splashing, apparently, caused him a great deal of arousal. So then I needed to pull the car over and we'd have sex in the car. Yep. He didn't date in the summer, he said, because he couldn't get aroused.

    Uh... Next. If only I'd known.

    Fetish Guy: This guy made the puddle guy look like your kindergarten teacher. He opened our conversation with "Do you have a lot of fat friends who like to get drunk?" I waited for a minute for the punch line, and he kept going. I don't know that I ever said one word in the conversation because I was so stunned. He was very detailed in his need, he'd really planned it out.

    The scenario: Invite all my friends over for a party, and provide tons of booze and food. He was going to pay for the booze and food. He specifically requested that I invite all of the curvy women I know, and specifically asked if I didn't have "heavier" friends that I should make friends with some heavier women before the party. He would show up half way through the party when everyone was halfway drunk, and just stand in the middle of a circle. He wanted me to start with insults, by calling him ugly, and then have my friends and I verbally abuse him while he slowly took off his clothing. When he was naked, he specifically wanted people to insult his anatomy, and the group of women should try really hard to make him cry.

    The denouement? He was going to bring his own (ahem) aid, and wanted the heaviest girl at the party to use it on him in front of everyone and call him names while this was happening.

    I declined. And then I canceled my account.

    I think you win for craziest story!
  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    I met my hubby in an online chat at the university we attended back in 1993. We chatted for about a month before I agreed to go out with him, only because he had a motorcycle and I thought that was cool. We got married the summer of 95 and will be celebrating our 17th anniversary this summer. We've got three great kids and though like all married couples we've got good days and bad, but I knew right after I met him that he was the one God had planned for me!
  • caddygarcia123
    caddygarcia123 Posts: 122 Member

    Fetish Guy: This guy made the puddle guy look like your kindergarten teacher. He opened our conversation with "Do you have a lot of fat friends who like to get drunk?" I waited for a minute for the punch line, and he kept going. I don't know that I ever said one word in the conversation because I was so stunned. He was very detailed in his need, he'd really planned it out.

    The scenario: Invite all my friends over for a party, and provide tons of booze and food. He was going to pay for the booze and food. He specifically requested that I invite all of the curvy women I know, and specifically asked if I didn't have "heavier" friends that I should make friends with some heavier women before the party. He would show up half way through the party when everyone was halfway drunk, and just stand in the middle of a circle. He wanted me to start with insults, by calling him ugly, and then have my friends and I verbally abuse him while he slowly took off his clothing. When he was naked, he specifically wanted people to insult his anatomy, and the group of women should try really hard to make him cry.

    The denouement? He was going to bring his own (ahem) aid, and wanted the heaviest girl at the party to use it on him in front of everyone and call him names while this was happening.

    I declined. And then I canceled my account.

    WTheck wow!! Sorry but i cracked up once i read this! Yea ummm nooooo!