Am I the only one that doesn't enjoy the healthy lifestyle?



  • BarnDogBob
    BarnDogBob Posts: 104 Member

    And, I am a bit of an extremist, doing EVERYTHING in a big way.

    So yes, I totally relate.

    I have tried to vary the type of workout. Swimming, Tennis, Hiking, Canoeing - You have to adopt an always on the move lifestyle so you can enjoy the indulgences.
  • hobbitgrrl
    hobbitgrrl Posts: 67 Member
    What it boils down to for me: I hate counting calories and I hate exercise, but I hate being fat more. :grumble:
  • SnTsMum
    SnTsMum Posts: 90 Member
    I don't happen to enjoy watching what I eat and having to exercise. I also don't like feeling like a slob and having to have an inner dialogue with myself about how much I'd like to be fitter, why don't I have self control etc etc.

    I realised that I was going to feel put out one way or the other, so I may as well look great, live longer and feel a sense of achievement.
  • TurnLeftNow
    TurnLeftNow Posts: 171
    The point of making it a life style change and NOT a diet is that you can learn how to eat the foods you love. You don't have to cut ANYTHING out of your diet. You can eat whatever you want, just within moderation and learn how to fit it within your calorie goals. If you are always hungry then you aren't eating enough. Eating healthy doesn't mean being hungry and it doesn't mean eating lettuce and carrot sticks all the time. You can have very filling and delicious healthy foods. You can also still eat a delicious cheesy, greasy pizza if you want.

    Just try walking 20-30 minutes a day. It isn't much but it is something and it is really easy. It gets you out smelling the fresh air. or maybe hiking sometimes. Or find a sport you like, tennis or basketball, swimming or something. Maybe you can start going out dancing every weekend or take a salsa class. Or maybe by a xbox 360 Kinetic and just find games that get you moving that you enjoy. You can being active fun. Working out doesn't have to be going to the gym or something really hard and strenuous. It is really all about just getting your body moving. So you can pretty much do whatever you enjoy doing.

    Making a life style change is not giving up the things you love.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    I might not like this, but I'd rather run and eat vegetables than waste any more of my life being a fat slob.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    What you are feeling is perfectly natural. I remember reading a quote from Jennifer Lawrence (Hunger Games) in which she said "I'd like to punch the people in the face who say they LIKE working out".

    Maybe what will help you is finding a physical activity that you do love. Are you an outside person Christy? Do you love the outdoors? Remember what it was like when you were a kid playing outside? What did you like to do?

    In terms of nutrition did you ever work in a cheat day? On that cheat day you can eat whatever you want, obviously in moderation, for example I LOVE CHEESEBURGERS, on my cheat day I'll have one. Not some silly Mc Donalds cheeseburger, I'm talking about an awesomely big boy cheeseburger. Sometimes I'll eat whatever I want and not worry about it, for example during Easter weekend I ate candy, french toast casserole, sausage, and pizza. Do I feel guilty? Not one little bit.

    A healthy lifestyle is not about limiting yourself Christy, its about making peace with the foods you love and having them responsibly. Since I LOVE CHEESEBURGERS if I desire to have one BEFORE my cheat day I'll make a Jennie-O Turkey Breast 99% lean burger so I can have my.... FIX.


    BTW - what do you have your calories set at? You might need to raise them! Also - are you meeting your macros? That can also make a diff between feeling full or not.
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels. My motto! Of course it sucks at first but I don't have cravings as much as I use to. It's, for me, very much, eat this NOT that. :flowerforyou:
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member

    I don't have any great answers, but I am really enjoying this thread.
  • katyparish
    katyparish Posts: 16 Member
  • Raivynsblood
    Raivynsblood Posts: 68 Member
    Odd, I don't remember writing this! :tongue: Seriously? I feel the EXACT same way. I hate working out and I HAAAAAAAATE eating healthy. With a passion. Hate it. The only reason I am doing it is because I love my kids. I want to live as long as possible for them. If I didn't have kids I am pretty sure I would have stayed 224lbs, well no, I would have kept getting bigger than that. You aren't alone!

    yep.. i feel the same way.. im much bigger than your 224 pounds tho :grumble:
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I know what you mean. A big pain in the bum. UGGGGGG
  • Emmaegg93
    I enjoy going to the gym, but when I start losing motivation or start thinking 'oh I cant be bothered doing anymore' I just talk to myself in my head like 'you can do this! theres a reason you're here!' Sounds a little crazy but it works hahah xxxxx
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Bump* 2 read later;-) enjoying the honesty!
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Many things in life are necessary but not fun.

    We would all love to drive fast, but you can't because you might kill somebody.

    We would all like to ignore April 15th, but you can't because we have to pay for the government somehow.

    Nope, you're probably not the only one who doesn't like to exercise. The point is that you still have to do it in order to reap the benefits. If you don't care about the benefits, then don't eat right or exercise.

    We all have choices.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I workout so I can eat whatever I want. That's the secret. Find the workout that you like that you will always do. Personally, I'm addicted to working out, I love it. A year ago I would have laughed if I said it and never believed it.

    there ya go. work out to eat out.

    no reason to not eat the food or foods you like. you just have to probably eat less of many of them. otherwise, work out more and fit them in your day.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    It's all about finding a happy medium.....
    I feel better now that I'm exercising and eating better...I'm not as tired or lazy....I smile in the mirror more and I love how my clothes fit....I've found I LOVE running and have pretty decent endurance
    and if all this means I can't eat McDonalds every day so be it.....I've seen the light and I'm not going back
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    If you're not enjoying it, then you're not doing it right.
  • kd80538
    kd80538 Posts: 97 Member
    What you are feeling is perfectly natural. I remember reading a quote from Jennifer Lawrence (Hunger Games) in which she said "I'd like to punch the people in the face who say they LIKE working out".

    Maybe what will help you is finding a physical activity that you do love. Are you an outside person Christy? Do you love the outdoors? Remember what it was like when you were a kid playing outside? What did you like to do?

    In terms of nutrition did you ever work in a cheat day? On that cheat day you can eat whatever you want, obviously in moderation, for example I LOVE CHEESEBURGERS, on my cheat day I'll have one. Not some silly Mc Donalds cheeseburger, I'm talking about an awesomely big boy cheeseburger. Sometimes I'll eat whatever I want and not worry about it, for example during Easter weekend I ate candy, french toast casserole, sausage, and pizza. Do I feel guilty? Not one little bit.

    A healthy lifestyle is not about limiting yourself Christy, its about making peace with the foods you love and having them responsibly. Since I LOVE CHEESEBURGERS if I desire to have one BEFORE my cheat day I'll make a Jennie-O Turkey Breast 99% lean burger so I can have my.... FIX.

    I'm in complete agreement with this! I also NEVER enjoyed a healthy lifestyle, and have yo-yo'ed for about 20 years now. This last year, it actually did click for me. But I approached it as MY lifestyle...not for or by anyone else's rules. I have found a couple of activities that I really LOVE...hiking with my family in the warmer months, and during the week, I do Kung Fu...I get to beat the crap out of something (and sometimes, someONE); work out my agressions, and have one helluva calorie burn in the process! I've done the gym, weights, walking, dvd's, etc..etc...etc...For me...this is what works.

    As for food...just like Antoniosmooth...I've also learned how to make it work for me. I don't have a cheat day, per se. But I've found ways to make my favorites more healthy, or have learned how to plan for them better. I love me my burgers as well! So, I look for ways to take that crazy calorie burger and slim it down a little (guac instead of mayo; thin wheat buns instead of white sesame; leaner and smaller sized beef patties - as I've not acquired the turkey burger tastebud!). And I've experimented wihth healthier foods that I never would have thought I'd enjoy - and they are now some of my new favorites. And some days...I just let myself have the real deal. You're absolutely right in that you can always sacrifice to lose it, but you have to find a way to make it your lifestyle so you can keep it up for the long haul.

    Good luck on your around with it...see if you can find your niche...and feel free to friend me or look at my diary. It's not a shining example of perfection...but that's not my intent! :) It's mine...and reflects my choices, and what has worked for me over the past 18 months!
  • rpounds1957
    rpounds1957 Posts: 177 Member
    I haven't been at this long enough to have earned a "cheat day". But when that day comes, I will indulge in the Twinkie food group. You know, donuts, Zingers, pie, etc. Is that a bad thing? I assume that it is okay to have a binge day once in a while. I'm not sure that anyone really, truly enjoys the lifestyle change. A necessary evil though . . . at least for me.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I totally understand what you are saying. For me, the only thing that has made me really like the healthy lifestyle is working out with a personal trainer (was doing 3 days a week for 10 months, just switched to 2 days a week). While I am working out with him, I feel like I have some control for once over my health and I consider it 1 hour of week of just "me time" that I actually now enjoy. He is so good, mixes up my workouts constantly. I hope you can find something to make you stick with it and happy too! I know how you feel, it is not a great feeling and in fact very depressing.