What's your idea on overweight runners?



  • I am about the same weight, and I run. I used to be a runner when I was thinner and fitter; this time, I too notice the stares. I don't think the stares are mean- I think people aren't used to seeing heavy people run, and so they are genuinely surprised, even shocked, and so they forget their manners and stare. As more of us take charge of our health and get out there, heavier runners- working on becoming thinner, faster runners- will be something people are used to seeing. So definitely get out there and do your thing! Don't take it personally and know that 99% of the people aren't upset that you are out there- they're amazed.
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    a runner is a runner-no matter what size-its respected! IMO

    AMEN! If you run, you're a runner(:
  • talzybob
    talzybob Posts: 80
    when i first started running i was really petrified and hated it when people stared at me. then i got the point where i was like oh so what im enjoying myself. i dont run as mch now as im working around illness but my biggest proud day came when i took part in a local charity run with my local RAF base. I loved every minutes of it and to keep up with them and not get left behind was amazing. so that being able to do that was my proudest moment.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    I get excited whenever i see anyone run! my husband and i yell "runner" (to each other) every time we see one doesnt matter the size. it usually makes me want to go run and im so happy for the runner because i know how hard it is to get out the door. Keep it up!
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    I wish I could be a runner... Eventually I plan on being there!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I give you pops for running. I use to run when I was in high school playing soccer and swimming, but since I have gained weight, I can only jog a minute or two before having to walk again and catch my breath. I'm seriously jealous! And don't think that the "thinner" runners are judging you like that... Maybe they are in awe about how amazing it is for you to be pushing yourself like that.
  • PattieD
    PattieD Posts: 4 Member
    Whenever I see a heavy runner I'm absolutely in awe! I think "Wow, look at them go!" It also gives me hope that maybe that's something I can work up to. You have my utmost respect and admiration, don't ever stop running!
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    My idea on overweight runners?

    Well for every pound of fat on your stomach is 8 on the knees and 10 on the upper back....thats an injury waiting to happen.
    It also throws off your stride as well as adding potential damage to your feet.
    Walk fast instead of running till you can get the BF% down then if you need the CV work then start running.
    You can lose a ton of weight with a 20 min daily walk.
    Again... I call shenanigans.

    I second your shenanigans.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    I think "Good for you, keep bettering yourself"
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    When I see someone who is running who looks overweight or out of shape, I feel very, very proud of them. It brings a smile to my face that they're out there doing it. You want to run? Go for it. If anybody has anything rude to say about it, let them kiss your *kitten*.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Hi Ive been obese my whole life but I always had a thing for running my fav runner is Flo Jo. Every since I joined this site Ive gained back my love for running even though I'm 268lbs I can ya know...run with a good pace. Well...my pace but I'm still learning and training. When I run by thinner or "fit" people I tend to get stares or scoffs like "What this fat b**** think she's doing?" type of look. I just want to know if you see an obese beginner runner what do you think?

    People that take the piss out of other people running are usually those same people that never move faster than a snail's pace when walking. They take the mickey because they haven't a bloody clue what is really going on and as they have never done running themselves, they are ignorant as to what is involved.

    Therefore, if you want to run, do so. Anybody who take the rise out of you for running (whether you are overweight or not) is not worth giving a second thought to xxx
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    When I see someone who is running who looks overweight or out of shape, I feel very, very proud of them. It brings a smile to my face that they're out there doing it. You want to run? Go for it. If anybody has anything rude to say about it, let them kiss your *kitten*.

    <3 you, friend.
  • If I see anyone run, overweight or not, I think, "I wish I was doing that!"

    this! ^^^
  • I think to myself: I'm so impressed! You go girl!
  • I admire anyone I see running and even more so the bigger people, I think to myself you go! Don't worry about what others are possibly thinking because if they have a problem remember it is not YOUR problem but theirs . Get your running shoes on, your music in your ears and take off running with the wind in your hair. Focus on you, your running and that goal your going to meet and you won't give anyone around you a second thought :smile: . I wish I could run....well I can but it would be grotesque and end in injuries possibly not my own as I am very uncoordinated lol.
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    I am in a town of serious soccer moms and those orange county laguna beach uppity to good to stop at the stop sign and let you cross the road carring a baby carseat and with a 3 year old on your hip type woman and not once have I ever felt welcomed by the running community. most of those types dont even say hi back when I say hi to them when I go past but I am ok with that. You gotta remember you are not running for them you are running for you! I get a lot of hoorahs and get it girls motivational sweet nothings and beeps and I let that stick in my mind more then the laides that are too busy worying about their work out to say hi to me doing my best to trot on by it is ok if they scoff or look down or what ever bc it is not our concern how rude they are let them be rude you do you! & then next year when were fine as hell and can run away fast enough we can kick em and run :bigsmile: bahhaa ok jk jk:laugh:
  • Good for you! I just remember, "So what if look gross doing it, but I'm going to look amazing afterwards."
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I'd think, "good on you" because I started at 220lb and I'm still going :)
  • When I see an overweight runner my thoughts are..."wow, I am impressed. They are overweight but they are trying to do something about it.". I find it even more impressive when they are by themselves because it shows they have inner drive and self motivation.
  • You look young, I would be careful of how much you are running. Your body will heal much faster than a 30 year old so you could be causing some damage to your knees and hips. I am a life long runner, I have done marathons (my weight gain is due to a recent long-term illness). I have been alternating running with Eliptical. I am not a fan, but it is better on the joints. As for what other people think, I ran with many women larger than me and I feel proud of everyone who gets off the couch, be proud of yourself!