I need HELP!

So, I am new to all of this. I was fairly thin and healthy until I turned 18. In August of 2010, I weighed 131. Now (April 2012) I weigh about 150. I REALLY want to get to how I looked before. I'm not too much worried about the actual pound number, but I want to be fit and healthy in time for my September wedding! I go to the gym 4 times a week, usually mixing cardio and calisthenics. I've lost about 3 lbs in 2 weeks, which is not too bad ( I don't think).

But my BIG, HUGE, HORRIBLE problem is my diet. I am extremely picky! I don't like veggies really at all, barely any fruits, and not much meat. I basically survive off of pasta and cheese pizza. And the biggest problem of all is I drink Mountain Dew like it is going out of style (at least 5 cans a day). What are some good dieting suggestions other than just getting down to X amount of calories?

And any and all advice about what exercises to do, what types of foods to eat, a good swap for soda? I appreciate it all! Thank you everyone for all your inspiration and motivation by the way. I am loving this site.


  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    You can add me if you like. I will tell you that mountain dew is poison, lol and cheese pizza - satan's mistress. :devil: if you're serious, you need to understand HOW this food affects your body. Good luck!
  • SleepingBeauty12345
    SleepingBeauty12345 Posts: 101 Member
    im in the same boat as you! only im much heavier and way older.lol. i hate veggies and fruits! and live off junk and pepsi! lol. i just started this not long ago,and im struggling big time! but im finding small ways to get around stuff.for example we dont eat red meat anymore.we live mainly off chicken and turkey breasts.and lots of salads!! we all like lettace but thats about it.lol.so i buy the "kits" they come with light dressing and theres very little carrots or whatever in them that i dont notice yet.lol. then i just try to buy lite or fat free stuff here and there. but thats what ive been doing.....
  • AshDrews
    AshDrews Posts: 10
    I have the same problem! Except i gained 30 pounds AFTER I got married! I started the couch 2 5k running and just started eating better. I know what you mean about the MtDew, I used to be a Coke Addict, I weaned myself to diet (which is gross) and now drink regular coke every once in a while.
    The other thing that's really helped me is reading labels and ingredients. Check for food high in protein and fiber to keep you fuller longer, and if an ingredient list is too long for you to read (and understand) while standing in the grocery store it's probably not worth eating. =)
    This is a great website to check nutrition and "fullness factors" http://nutritiondata.self.com/ along with using MFP =)
  • Penelope145
    I strongly suggest ditching the crack juice. Mountain Dew is the devil. Try weaning yourself off one can at a time.
  • simplyjenna
    simplyjenna Posts: 2 Member
    i suggest going down to ONE CAN of soda a day if you MUST have it. Or even switching to DIET. Make changes like wheat pasta and pita pizzas... with low cal cheese... or yogurt cheese. etc. Top your pizza with lots of veggies to get some veggies in... eat food like yogurt, cottage ceese.... umm... drink lots of water. thats all i got for you! you REALLY need the nutrition so i would strongly suggest eating veggies.. I myself hate fruit! but i force my self to eat at least one fruit a day... usually a banana or an orange! you can do it! you have to!!!!
  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 341 Member
    I know the soda addiction can be hard, but you've got to tackle it. If you usually drink five cans a day, take it down to four then three and on and on. Try diet. It's not the same, and it's not a health drink. But you can get used to it. You can do anything if you are committed to it. I still drink one Coke Zero a day. Try Crystal Light. It's like Kool-Aid but yummier.

    Next, track the calories in all the cheese pizza and stuff you eat. I stay under 1500 calories and still manage to eat pizza once a week. Try one new food a week. Make your own pizza on a low cal tortilla with Prego smart choice sauce and part skim mozzarella. I make these and they are only 225 calories.

    Try one new food a week. If it is deli turkey and broccoli with cheese sauce, that is a small step in the right direction.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

    Good luck!