Do you ever save your calories for alcohol? Do you still los



  • gmctech
    gmctech Posts: 103 Member
    HELL YES! AND HELL YES... LoL :drinker:
  • SusanleeBee
    SusanleeBee Posts: 144 Member
    A family friend did that. She was obsessed with staying very thin and liked to drink a lot so she ate very little. It eventually killed her.
    What did she die of, if I may ask?

    I would assume alcoholic hepatitis, if she ws consuming almost all of her calories through alcohol, that's a lot of alcohol.
  • Suegeee
    Suegeee Posts: 35 Member
    absolutely! You can't give up everything. Just plan. I save it for the weekends. During the week I may have a glass of wine with a meal because it pairs well, but not for the buzz. For the buzz (yes, it is fun!) I like vodka with a splash of Rose's lime or fresh citrus if you have it, but when out I like to have them put it (one shot) in a big pint glass filled with soda water. That way I won't drink too much while getting more of other liquid. I do notice for sure if I don't drink for awhile then seems to really affect my loss. Cheers! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    Booze of any variety stalls me any time I drink it, and I still have 40 pounds left to lose. I think different bodies work differently - if you don't notice anything detrimental as a result of drinking alcohol, then by all means, drink on!
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    A family friend did that. She was obsessed with staying very thin and liked to drink a lot so she ate very little. It eventually killed her.

    All extremes are bad. Everything in moderation should be OK.
  • bugbeenz
    bugbeenz Posts: 31
    No, never save calories for alcohol.. still drink alcohol - mainly wine, but the odd cocktail.. drink maybe once or twice a week, maybe more, maybe less.

    And yes, I'm still losing weight.
  • bnazarian
    bnazarian Posts: 20
    I rarely drink, maybe one drink a month, but there is a body of research that suggests that a little alcohol is better than no alcohol for the heart. I am considering leaving some room for a glass of red wine or beer once a week or so. It makes me cringe to think of a very thin person that doesn't eat much saving the calories for alcohol. In general, alcohol isn't good for the system, but in moderation it can be. I think particularly for people over 40, we tend to need a little different diet than 20-30 somethings.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Yes and yes! I have a drink every night.

    For my ghetto Hard Limeade: One lime, half a teaspoon of Truvia, cup of water, 1.5-2 ounces of flavored Vodka or play around with the recipe to your liking.
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    I don't "save" calories for alcohol -- I simply factor it in along with other types of calories and carbs that are part of my regular diet. Unlike I think everyone else who has posted here, my alcohol calorie/carb allotment definitely includes beer or wine, which I believe is healthier (in moderation, of course) than distilled alcohol.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    I don't drink very much right now. Sometimes I'll save some calories for a big fun night, but that's very rare. If doing cocktails, I stick to rum/diet coke. Other times, light beer and red wine.

    Light beers run around 90ish calories per 12 oz.

    Red wine is about 100ish calories for a glass, depending on type.

    I don't bother with high alc by volume liquors because I'm pretty sensitive to vodka and tequila. Also, I've found that unless I just plan to have a green light for the night, I can only have one drink anyway. After two, I'm just like, LOL EFF THE DIET GIVE ME MORE RUM.

    Oh, judgement impairment.
  • mjhartness
    mjhartness Posts: 43 Member
    It can take your body up to 4 days to start burning fat again after drinking alcohol. I'm not saying you can't lose weight, but it takes a while for the body to process the alcohol and while it's doing that, it doesn't burn fat.
  • kettrickenx
    kettrickenx Posts: 92 Member
    I always save my calories when I'm about to drink at the night. I usually order Martini and a diet coke, very rarely whiskey because it has too many calories. :) I actually started avoiding alcohol after I started using MFP though - I'm thinking about my health.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I read somewhere that people who consume small amounts of alcohol process it better than those who rarely drink at all.
    I save calories for alcohol, but generally if I have more than 2 drinks I'll **** up by eating something stupid afterwards. But I don't if its only once per week. It drives me to work out harder the following week to make up for it.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    It can take your body up to 4 days to start burning fat again after drinking alcohol. I'm not saying you can't lose weight, but it takes a while for the body to process the alcohol and while it's doing that, it doesn't burn fat.

    Got any references for this? I have some amount of alcohol almost every day and I still lose fat, so there is no way it stops your fat loss for 4 days. Your body burns those alcohol calories as a priority over anything else, however it doesn't take any longer to burn those alcohol calories versus any other kind of calorie. Factored into your normal calorie intake, it won't change anything.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    All I know is I'm eating less and better and moving more and not losing. I think it is because of the alcohol (I probably drink 2 bottles of wine a week). Sigh.
  • katyconser
    katyconser Posts: 92 Member
    i TRY to save cals for this, and if i can, i work out a little longer to "earn" more cals for big drinkin nights...

    my go-to drinks that help me keep variety goin on... and yes vodka + diff flavors is enough variety for me hahaha:
    vodka (dragonberry, if you have it) + pink rockstar (OMG)
    vodka + soda water + those new MIO drops
    vodka + flavored soda water

    most of my friends drink beer for marathon drinking days (....or weekends....or weeks), so i just go w coors light or mich ultra, but there really isn't a significant difference between all the light beers (for the really low cal ones, you get less alc content, so it evens out)

    when i drink wine now, i try to stay away from the super sweet ones and stick with those bang-for-your-cals full-bodied reds, since the sweeter ones are higher in cals

    i do have a stall after heavy drinking events, but i know that's cuz i go way over my cals... i don't really notice a setback if i have a glass of wine with dinner and stay under my cals
  • jessicamott
    jessicamott Posts: 9 Member
    Yes, but on those days I ALWAYS make sure I got a good workout in, and that I ate a lot of protein so it doesn't screw up the hard work I put in during the week. Otherwise, if I have a glass of wine or a beer during the week I just integrate it in my calories.