Setting Goal Weights

This post is mostly specific to the manner in which MFP sets up goals, weight loss tickers, and goal weights. A little background: I'm at 235 right now after losing 15 pounds in about 2 months.

Basically, I have 3 separate weight loss goals, so separate goal weights. The first is to be under 200 (so, 199). I hope to hit it before September. My second goal is to be in the "overweight" BMI category (as much as BMI is controversial, it's still a goal) as opposed to "obese," which means my second goal weight is 175. Then, I'd like to get down to 150, since that will represent 100 pounds lost since I started trying to lose weight.

100 pounds is my weight loss goal, but it seems so overwhelming that I'm looking at these as steps toward the ultimate goal. As such, 199 is currently set as my goal weight as set on MFP. Should I leave it at that and set the new goal of 175 once I hit it? Or does it make more sense to go by my ultimate goal weight and set it to 150? Has anyone done something similar - i.e. set goals with the intention of updating them once you hit them?


  • nickyrobinson
    nickyrobinson Posts: 161 Member
    You are doing exactly what I am, doing things in steps. I further plan to take a several month break at the end of each step and switch to maintenance mode for awhile. For all I know, I will get to 199 (which also takes me out of "obese" territory) and discover I actually like being there and have no desire to lose more.

    Breaking big tasks down into manageable chunks is a really good way of tackling pretty much any stuff that feels overwhelming, whether it's weight loss or weeding the garden.

    Good luck!
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I have a hard time sticking with goals that seem so far out of reach that I won't get to them for like a year or more, so I set my mini goals on my ticker. Setting up 20 lbs to reach seems more accessible to me personally. It's easy enough to change the goal once i hit it.
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    Breaking things down into mini-goals definitely helps me stay on track. My immediate goal is to lose 30 lbs but I look at them as little 6 pound (one month) increments.

    And honestly, you won't even know what your actual goal is until you get there, so I wouldn't sweat it.
  • FishInATree
    FishInATree Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the responses, I think I'll keep doing what I'm doing! I felt like I was doing it "wrong" somehow, but I hadn't considered what you guys have said, that my goals might change over time. I feel encouraged again :)