When you reach your goal weight, will you go back to eating

Will you go back to eating what you did before?

My journey here with MFP is amazing, and along the way I went to a herbalist who has put me onto a month long strict detox programme. Although it is hard (I'm actually in my 5th week now), it obviously has boosted my weight loss in an amazing way. My intention now is to try to stick to this way of eating as a life style as much as possible even after I've reached my goal weight. This is because for me its about health as well as weight. I've too many health issues going on and am determined to fix them.
So, what's your plan when you reach your goal? When you are all slim and fit, will you stick to a healthy diet?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i'm already eating at my goal weight's maintenance level and i pretty much eat anything i want as long as it fits in my weekly calorie budget.

    i didnt get overweight necessarily because of what i was eating, but because of how much of it i was eating.

    so yeah i'l probably eat exactly the same way i am now.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Uh... no. I kind of don't want to be back at square one.
  • DalexD
    DalexD Posts: 236 Member
    I think I'll stick to this, although I don't like to deprive myself of something because I end up binging on it later. But I much prefer my new way of eating, so no :)
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I will eat.. healthier!, as I am doing now..
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    i'm already eating at my goal weight's maintenance level and i pretty much eat anything i want as long as it fits in my weekly calorie budget.

    i didnt get overweight necessarily because of what i was eating, but because of how much of it i was eating.

    so yeah i'l probably eat exactly the same way i am now.

    Same for me - using MFP I eat everything I did before, but a LOT less (and better versions!), nothing is off limits. But I got fat 'cause I ate too much, so no I won't go back to eating the way I did before!
  • Uh, well, if I want to keep the weight off then no haha.
  • danielleburwell97060
    danielleburwell97060 Posts: 257 Member
    Heck no! Eating the way I was before is what got me into this mess!

    I am not doing some unsustainable amount of cals a day. I'm eating for what should be my maintenance level now so my body adjusts and gets comfortable and so far I haven't had to go hungry or feel deprived, just needed to make healthier choices, make wise decisions about little indulgences, and do some extra work getting my butt moving! This is a lifestyle change forever!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    All of this, for me, has not been "a journey". This is my life now. I eat like a normal person and don't reward myself with food. I don't feed my feelings. I don't deprive myself of things I like, I just don't stuff myself to the gills anymore.

    Let's be honest with ourselves here- our unhealthy eating habits are why we've all become overweight. If we return to that we're going to end up the way we were. I would NEVER go back to eating the way I used to.
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member
    i'm already eating at my goal weight's maintenance level and i pretty much eat anything i want as long as it fits in my weekly calorie budget.

    i didnt get overweight necessarily because of what i was eating, but because of how much of it i was eating.

    so yeah i'l probably eat exactly the same way i am now.

    Same for me - using MFP I eat everything I did before, but a LOT less (and better versions!), nothing is off limits. But I got fat 'cause I ate too much, so no I won't go back to eating the way I did before!

    Same here! :) x
  • talzybob
    talzybob Posts: 80
    what woould be the point in losing the weight when you go back to old habits. i cant a lot of food as it is being gluten and dairy intolerant. but the new food i have been eating will be staying. it would be wrong to go bck to old ways
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I am 20 lbs from my goal and I have done a lifestyle change so no I will not go back to eating like I did before. Thats not to say that I wont have some of the foods I ate before but not in the quantity and will stay in my calorie goals.
    Dont want to waste all this hard work plus I feel so much better eating clean and healthy.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    When I hit my final target weight I will start keeping to a weekly calorie goal rather than a daily one.

    I think it is going to be harder sticking to moderation rather than tight control, but then I do not like any alternative.
  • shiny_lights
    shiny_lights Posts: 9 Member
    I forgot to bring a lunch with me to class today, and since I was going to be on campus until 7pm or so I grabbed some chicken tenders and curly fries at my school cafeteria (a favorite of mine my freshman and sophomore years). I felt a bit gross right after eating them, but then a few hours later my digestive system went absolutely haywire and still feel nauseous 10 hours later. I don't think I could eat the exact same way I did before even if I wanted to, my body would revolt!
  • danielleburwell97060
    danielleburwell97060 Posts: 257 Member
    I forgot to bring a lunch with me to class today, and since I was going to be on campus until 7pm or so I grabbed some chicken tenders and curly fries at my school cafeteria (a favorite of mine my freshman and sophomore years). I felt a bit gross right after eating them, but then a few hours later my digestive system went absolutely haywire and still feel nauseous 10 hours later. I don't think I could eat the exact same way I did before even if I wanted to, my body would revolt!

    After only a few weeks my body is already doing this to me! It's made me think twice about what I eat, even if I do have the calories to eat it!
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Uh... no. I kind of don't want to be back at square one.

    This lol. If we went back to eating how we did before, surely we'd all be back to square 1. I will go onto maintenance calories but never back to the way I was
  • schwim
    schwim Posts: 65
    i haven't cut anything out of my eating plan. i try and fit some things in by either eating a smaller portion that i would have had or exercising loads more so i don't have to feel guilty about it. if i deprive myself of something then i'll just binge on it later. i'm getting better with portion control and making better choices when i eat and still be satisfied.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I forgot to bring a lunch with me to class today, and since I was going to be on campus until 7pm or so I grabbed some chicken tenders and curly fries at my school cafeteria (a favorite of mine my freshman and sophomore years). I felt a bit gross right after eating them, but then a few hours later my digestive system went absolutely haywire and still feel nauseous 10 hours later. I don't think I could eat the exact same way I did before even if I wanted to, my body would revolt!

    After only a few weeks my body is already doing this to me! It's made me think twice about what I eat, even if I do have the calories to eat it!

    Snap! I had some biscuits the other day (5, which is nothing compared to wha I would eat before) and I felt horrible after, my belly was not pleased!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I'll stay at my current deficit and wheat free as I'm heading for the menopause and don't want to pile it all back on again, also have under active thyroid which has made my weight loss really slow (taken me nearly a year just to lose 3 stone).

    I'll have the occasional spike day when I'm doing well energy wise and have been burning lots of cals on wii and exercise bike and allow the occasional treat (maybe a wheat free pizza that day or a brandy and coke), but mainly planning to stay at a deficit and low carb/wheat free.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Will you go back to eating what you did before?

    My journey here with MFP is amazing, and along the way I went to a herbalist who has put me onto a month long strict detox programme. Although it is hard (I'm actually in my 5th week now), it obviously has boosted my weight loss in an amazing way. My intention now is to try to stick to this way of eating as a life style as much as possible even after I've reached my goal weight. This is because for me its about health as well as weight. I've too many health issues going on and am determined to fix them.
    So, what's your plan when you reach your goal? When you are all slim and fit, will you stick to a healthy diet?

    That's the problem, people reach their goal weight and then think they can go back to eating what they used to, then they return - I did.

    When I reach my goal this time, I will not be returning to how I used to eat, I'll just eat more of what I eat now so that I can maintain.
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    I don't eat like I did before because the calories in some foods are just too high for me to even think about eating it, and mfp has kind of brain washed me into always picking the healthy option & avoiding complex carbs forever but I do pretty much eat what I like now.

    I eat a healthy breakfast/lunch/dinner as if I was still trying to lose, but I allow myself lots of snacks like chocolate and cakes now cause I enjoy them, I burn the calories so I might as well enjoy them :)

    I've been doing this for 5-6 months now and although I feel guilty for alot of things I eat I've maintained the same weight.