Anyone Here Mentally Ill?



  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    Severe depression
    Personality disorder
    and EDNOS supplemented by the first 3.

    At least that was my preliminary diagnosis last year after dealing with a sexual assault.
    I never got very far with the therapy without insurance and my college only covering 4 sessions.
    It is a new year though and I finally have insurance.

    Honestly the one thing that is keeping me most grounded with my ED tendencies is knowing that I have to take care of someone else within myself (I'm 19 weeks pregnant). Deciding to keep this baby also means growing up and dealing with my disorders. Finally I feel comfortable outside of the darkness of my disorders.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Severe depression
    Personality disorder
    and EDNOS supplemented by the first 3.

    At least that was my preliminary diagnosis last year after dealing with a sexual assault.
    I never got very far with the therapy without insurance and my college only covering 4 sessions.
    It is a new year though and I finally have insurance.

    Honestly the one thing that is keeping me most grounded with my ED tendencies is knowing that I have to take care of someone else within myself (I'm 19 weeks pregnant). Deciding to keep this baby also means growing up and dealing with my disorders. Finally I feel comfortable outside of the darkness of my disorders.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Severe depression
    Personality disorder
    and EDNOS supplemented by the first 3.

    At least that was my preliminary diagnosis last year after dealing with a sexual assault.
    I never got very far with the therapy without insurance and my college only covering 4 sessions.
    It is a new year though and I finally have insurance.

    Honestly the one thing that is keeping me most grounded with my ED tendencies is knowing that I have to take care of someone else within myself (I'm 19 weeks pregnant). Deciding to keep this baby also means growing up and dealing with my disorders. Finally I feel comfortable outside of the darkness of my disorders.

    My children saved my life. Without them I would have stayed in the darkness. I wish all the blessings in the world to you and your baby.
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    children are blessings. they do put things in perspective. i don't have any but i do have a dog that depends on me, he's a pup and follows me everywhere. knowing he is there prevents alot of self destruction
  • turbophoenix

    With talk therapy and medication I have managed very well. I also find that exercise helps a lot, particularly with the depression.

    Do you find that talk therapy helps the PTSD? I used to have a horrible time with it, and I would get exhausted and super upset even THINKING about going to therapy. For me, I just kept reliving things when I talked about them. And then I had that problem where I would want to get better to "please" my therapist.

    Does anyone else do that? I found myself seeking approval, subconsciously...and as a result, talk therapy wasn't helpful for me.

    It was helpful for me but I think a big part of that was having the right therapist. She specialized in PTSD and rape trauma and was able to help me work through things in a safe, stable environment where I didn't feel threatened. Unfortunately, a lot of times PTSD treatment involves discussing the traumatic event in order to work through it which is, naturally, triggering for most individuals.

    Oh - if talk therapy didn't work for you and you're interested in alternative treatment, look into EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). It's fairly new but I know that it has helped some people that didn't get much out of more traditional treatments.
  • SharkBite89
    SharkBite89 Posts: 2 Member
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I take Paxil and have for years (over 10) to curb this. I also went through extensive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

    I do have panic attacks, but only about 2 or 3 a year and usually at a concert or something where a lot of people are.

    My mom has it as well, and my close friends & family know that I have it - so if we are out somewhere and I start feeling panicky, they can usually help calm me down.

    If I have to take a little pink pill everyday to keep from freaking out when I walk out the door, I have no problems doing that.
  • trababes1971
    trababes1971 Posts: 173 Member
    I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety,..still undecided if im bipolar or not. Been through alot of abuse in my past and then was sexually assaulted within the work place which tipped me over the edge... i then became agrophobic, didnt go over the doorstep for a year. I also turned to drinking wrecked my marriage and my husband and i atm live apart. :0(. As for going out now im getting better but STILL can only go somewhere if someone (mainly husband) is with me or my children, as i suffer with really bad panic attacks. Cant work at the moment, because of it, but im getting help, and hoping things will get better as its really hard and makes my confidence rock bottom. Im like two different people i can go out with my friends/family and be in a pub and no one would be able to know i was a wreck because im full of alcohol.. but then when not drinking, its like im very timid and i struggle to get by. I guess this is why im also making life changes now.. with diet/alcohol etc, as i believe if im healthy then my mind will get healthy as ive probs wrecked my body over the years with bad foods, alcohol, even drugs in my past. Onwards and upwards i guess :0) xxxxxx
  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member

    Oh - if talk therapy didn't work for you and you're interested in alternative treatment, look into EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). It's fairly new but I know that it has helped some people that didn't get much out of more traditional treatments.

    That sounds super interesting. I will look into that!
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I have PTSD, depression, and anxiety. My father was physically and emotionally abusive. As I thought this was normal I met and married my first husband who was physically and emotionally abusive. After living that way for 20+ years I developed PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). I'm currently getting therapy and taking medications for it.
  • bigdogc23
    bigdogc23 Posts: 66
    Me either.


    I have GAD and general depression. It's so hard to explain to people that don't understand or want to understand. My wife is very critical and I tried to hid it for the longest time. Once I couldn't I got help to include sitting in a facility for a week (that is a humbling experince to say the least. It put my problems into perspective.Not to say I dont have any just made me realize it gets worse). She always called me a MANGINA until she witnessed my 4th and worste panic attack. It was so bad I thought I was a gonner cause I couldn't catch my breath, I lost all feeling in my body to include all my facial features and I passed out to wake up to EMT standing above me. The crazy thing about it all is I can't ever give a reason to why it happens. People ask, why you have a panic attack? My answer is always a shrug because I really don't know.

    I do know that a lot of my mental health is centered on my weight and over all physical fitness. So that is one major reason that I decided to join this site and get motivation from others. I hate seeing others with woes, however it can be reassuring knowing that you are not the only one on the planet that deals with "STUFF".
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Depression which started as post-partum depression in 1993. I don't take medication because when I did, I got told to "take your pills" any time I wasn't a good little robot. I went to 2 different therapists and each said, "So, what do you want me to do?" after a couple of sessions. >.<

    I'm just coming out of a 2 week slump which is just a build-up a little things I have been doing "wrong" about my eating habits and exercising. I found out last night my husband wants me to try taking B12 and vitamin D pills because that's helped an internet friend. It really hurts to learn people you thought cared about you just want you doped up and quiet. I try to do my crying jags when I'm alone in the house.

    Awwwww, maybe your husband doesn't like to see you suffering so much?
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member

    With talk therapy and medication I have managed very well. I also find that exercise helps a lot, particularly with the depression.

    Do you find that talk therapy helps the PTSD? I used to have a horrible time with it, and I would get exhausted and super upset even THINKING about going to therapy. For me, I just kept reliving things when I talked about them. And then I had that problem where I would want to get better to "please" my therapist.

    Does anyone else do that? I found myself seeking approval, subconsciously...and as a result, talk therapy wasn't helpful for me.

    It was helpful for me but I think a big part of that was having the right therapist. She specialized in PTSD and rape trauma and was able to help me work through things in a safe, stable environment where I didn't feel threatened. Unfortunately, a lot of times PTSD treatment involves discussing the traumatic event in order to work through it which is, naturally, triggering for most individuals.

    Oh - if talk therapy didn't work for you and you're interested in alternative treatment, look into EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). It's fairly new but I know that it has helped some people that didn't get much out of more traditional treatments.

    My wife is going through EMDR right now and while she finds it a little too "Alternative" she is also acknowledging that it is helping.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    If I'm being honest I'm pretty sure I have an anxiety disorder... but I've never been diagnosed so am not medicated (although I suspect I probably should be).

    I just deal... not easy, not nice... most days are pretty difficult but that's my approach.
  • alabughosh
    alabughosh Posts: 132 Member
    If you can truly get past something, like depression, cancer, AIDS, etc...and never look back, then that's fantastic. But for me, I'm comfortable knowing that this is a part of me that I'll probably have to manage for life. Managing your health in general is kind of that way. Every day it's something different, especially as you get older.
    I don't think there will ever be a time when I get past my experience and don't look back. I agree that my tendency to become mentally unstable when I'm stressed and tired and haven't eaten (for 3 days) is something that I will have to deal with for the rest of my life. But I think that everyone in the world has issues that they have to deal with on a daily basis. Be it an addictive personality, jealousy, body image, anger problems... No one is perfect, and if they think they are, that's an issue in itself. :wink:
    Do you find that talk therapy helps the PTSD? I used to have a horrible time with it, and I would get exhausted and super upset even THINKING about going to therapy. For me, I just kept reliving things when I talked about them. And then I had that problem where I would want to get better to "please" my therapist.

    Does anyone else do that? I found myself seeking approval, subconsciously...and as a result, talk therapy wasn't helpful for me.
    About the approval seeking of your therapist...I can totally relate. In fact I think that's part of the heeling process. When I had my manic episode, I lost my conscience*. Where in the past, I used to sort of have an internal dialog with myself, telling me how to behave and think, I stopped trusting my own mind. I had so much respect for my therapist/psychiatrist that when I would have that internal dialog, I pictured myself talking to her. I pictured her approving of my life choices and guiding me towards healthy behaviors. I've recently stopped doing that and have re-united my conscience with an image of myself. When my conscience tells me, "Amanda, you need to get your a#$ off the couch and go workout because I believe in you..." that isn't my psychiatrist, husband, parent.... its me saying that.

    *Conscience = An inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I think medics are nothing but a crutch

    Maybe. There are people who wouldn't function without meds though.
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    I think medics are nothing but a crutch

    Maybe. There are people who wouldn't function without meds though.

    you are right. i wonder what those antipsychiatry supporters would say if they knew how many people committed suicide due to severe mood swings.
  • Reecebullet
    Reecebullet Posts: 141 Member
    I have real bad anxiety. More than likely being Generalized anxiety disorder (soon to be verified). I'll sometimes have it were I'll sit for around an hour and think over the same thing over and over again. I'll then get so stressed, I get (quite often) really bad chest/heart pains, as well as going giddy. This is mixed with my OCD though, making me do things I can't help but do, I then get really annoyed about doing it, making me stressed and loop.

    The worst of it, is just when I'm on my own. I'll think of something stupid and sick, and then not be able to drop it. Even though the thought disgusts me, I just can't let it go. I'll also have times where, if I want to think, say, do, read, write and more something, I'd have to either re-think it over and over, or say it outloud (to myself or others) over and over. I'll sit there then finding it hard to swallow until it just goes through. Then I'll go back to doing what I was doing until it happens again. I have to all the time, sit and say aloud when I'm doing, or what I'm going to do, to make sure it's correct. If I make a mistake when I'm saying it, I get really stressed out too.

    I get stressed easily though, which doesn't help, and brings on this horrid pain. I'll over-worry about things as well, make sure I do certain checks to make sure I'm 'safe', or then blame myself when the smallest thing happens.

    I don't know how to go about being 'checked out' and finally sort it out, as it really is slowly taking over many aspects of my life, and its slowly started to leak out to when I'm with other people, rather than just on my own. Tried booking a doctors appointment, but it'll take like 3 weeks to be seen. :/
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Tom Cruise would go apesh** reading this topic, maybe even jump on a few couches. :laugh:

    OMG....too funny. Yes, he would have a field day on this topic.

    OP: I'm not trying to have an argument with you, but insulin is a horrible example. I met a guy who wears a box on his hip that gives him insulin and he said he just puts in the food he wants to eat. He said, "If I want to eat a bowl of rice, I just put the number in the box." A BOWL OF RICE!?!

    Ok I'm putting my two cents in. Insulin is required to sustain life. Your body produces it naturally to balance the blood sugar and assist with fat storage. If someone doesn't produce it, the cells aren't sensitive to it, or the insulin is not effective injecting insulin is the only way to maintain balance in the body. Insulin is not a good example to use in this instance to make your point.