I think I ve lost motivation

flsl Posts: 75 Member
Have been eating so much recently.. A part of me wonders if its 'natural' in that I may be nutrient deficient?
Have been watching diet for 5 months now and was v motivated and strong, but just feel like eating alot... and have stopped recording here. I did my best to eat healthily. I defo eat more fruit and veg and drink more water than I used to, but feel Im craving certain foods right now

I think I need advice/encouragement/a kick up the bum-bum


  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    I personally think the whole "nutrient deficiency" being the cause of cravings is a cop-out in most cases.

    You just have to get back to logging. Find exercises that you LIKE to do! Let yourself have the foods you are craving in SMALL portions and make sure you log them.
  • I feel exactly the same way. I told myself I was making a lifestyle change and not dieting, but when a reached a weight I was happy with I totally fell off track and started up all my old bad habits. Just last night I had a conversation with myself as a reminder that I had committed to making healthy changes in my life and I can't just quit. It sounds like you aren't ready to quit either, so maybe find some friends who want to get healthy with you and that could provide some motivation. Sorry I am not much help, but you are not alone. I've stuffed my face over the weekend and at the end of the day the only thought was, 'why did I do that, and was it worth it?'

    Good Luck!!
  • Ok, here is your kick in the bum.... :) Just read your profile, maybe you should re-read it yourself and get your motivation back. You want a healthy lifestyle yes??? Then what steps are you going to take today, to get there????? A day at a time hon.. a day at a time.... as for the eating out,,, that is ok, you just gotta order the right stuff. protein, salads, grilled veggies... You can do this... go for a walk today and while out in the fresh air, have a talk with yourself about why you want to do this.. why you NEED to do this.... If you need more of a support team, gather one around you to help keep you going.... YOU can do this... you just gotta really want to and no excuses!!!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Just get back to logging. We all fall from time to time, but you have to love yourself enough to pick you back up. Just start with logging all that you are eating. Seeing the numbers often sets me straight!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Can't see your diary, but having a cheat day once in a while is fine.

    The biggest problem for people trying to go from an awful diet to super healthy is cutting out. I say cut down instead! So if you eat 100g of chocolates a day, rather than not have any, eat 50g of chocolates a day and eat 50g of something healthy a day instead (or just go without). As you've found, it's not sustainable in the long run unless you get addicted to lettuce. :-D
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I know how you feel. I was doing great, and then all of a sudden I just wanted to eat. I would be overly full (which I know you shouldn't feel in the first place) and then when I would actually finish I would still want more food. I think my biggest problem is that I have absolutely nobody on this journey with me. At home i have nobody to talk to about health and nutrition.
  • Naw, you are good. I too was pretty de-motivated last week. But, I put a clock on it and just said, "Sunday, enough...get back to the business of trying to loose weight and be fit." Will see how motivated. Please stay encouraged.
  • oceanlaede
    oceanlaede Posts: 1 Member
    So today I'm signing back in to get some support for willingness to take a moment before putting food in my mouth. I can't believe I am the weight I am. I have a negative self image but want to turn that around and am for the first time, on line posting to attempt to connect. Moreso open myself up to some interaction instead of having to do it all on my own.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    Agreeing with CherishQuick. I had a week and a bit off track, just wasn't feeling it and was hungry/craving all the time. I said I would stay off till the Bank holiday Monday then Tuesday I'd be back on track. I've drawn up a few exercise plans and planned a few meals, logged a day ahead so I know roughly what I'm doing. Re-take your measurements , re-weigh yourself and start again. Best of luck and don't be afraid to send me a message if you want to vent

    Laura x
  • flsl
    flsl Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for the support and the kicks in the bumbum. Im hugely oversensitive, but find a bit of tough love gets the adrenaline moving again :-)

    There are emotional issues behind the comfort eating, which I need to address. But I dont want to put on all that lost weight again. (or all that cellulite!) So maybe I can allow myself to take a break from weight loss, while keeping the focus on eating healthy and exercise.
    The exercise (even though its fairly low key compared to some) seems to have made a great improvement to health and energy levels.

    Easter has been full of temptations and breaks from routine. Far too much sweet stuff, biscuits carbs and chocolate. Thats not nutrient craving, its comfort eating!

    My instinct is that 1200 calories is too low right now. Havent been losing weight anyway...
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    1200 is too low!!!! For most people!!! Please raise your calorie goal. That is why MFP already includes your calorie deficit into that number, you are supposed to eat back your calories!!! I did not lose weight at 1200 calorie goal and I'm 5'2", here is a spreadsheet another MFP member shared, it has been so helpful to me.


    Please also see the group "Eat More to Weigh Less"