

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Tuesday,

    I finished catching up from Friday, sounds like everyone had a busy weekend home and away.

    Hubby and I hosted an Easter Brunch with a total of 15 of us:noway: I fixed quiche's, muffins and hashbrowns and the rest was brought by everyone else. Usually I'm so good when I have it at my house but for some reason my brain was totally out of wack...I was soooo enjoying the Sunrise Champagne and had three of those...I knew I should only have one but noooo had to have three:noway: and boy is the scale telling me I was bad! Then there were the bunnies that called my name too:sad: But today I'm back at drinking water and eating right.

    We did manage to get in several bike rides and walks and I do wish that those would counter balance the over indulgance but not:blushing: Still a bit sore from the long bike rides but so glad we did them.

    Yesterday I took the day off work as my friend from 7-10th grade was in town and we hadn't seen each other since we were 19...she so looks like her Mom and in the 3.5 hrs we had together we filled in all those missing years...where does the time go:ohwell: We were realizing that our 40th High School Reunion is this year...that's so hard to believe:wink:

    Tomorrow when I have more time I will take the time to make some comments but have to finish lunch now and get back to work.

    Have a great day, log your food, drink plenty of water:drinker: and let's keep moving.

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Had a very nice but quiet Easter weekend. Moved some pachasandra (probably not spelled right:laugh:) from one bed to a different one..I love getting my hands in the dirt..somehow it eases my mind. I went over my target on the weekend,but finished the week with calories to spare, so is that ok? I am still learning the system. I hit a new high long distance on recumbent bike - 12 miles in 45 minutes. I keep a white board calendar of my workouts and when I hit a new threshold, I put lots of circles around it. Perhaps a little silly, but gives me a sense of accomplishment:laugh: . Today I did 20 minutes of kettleworx resistance and treadmill hills for a mile.

    Someday soon I will figure out how to respond to other people's comments, but by the time I post this my brain is usually shutting down! Hope everyone had a great day!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, Dear Ladies,

    Sounds like "everyone is busy and enjoying the spring weather. I love to see all the different exercises that everyone choses! As Barbie says, The Best Exercise is the exercise that you will do." Sounds like we are taking care of that!

    I had a NSV today: Ran for 24 minutes straight. (I don't run but once or twice a week and I have been pushing myself to get to 20, and can't do that every time I try). I realized today that I don't run much faster than I "fast walk", but I sure burn more calores when I run because my heart rate gets UP there. So it is worth trying to do when I can pull it off. I will NEVER be a runner, but I am doing it to get my fitness level up, and, let's face it...to try to lose those last pounds. It was perfect weather today for doing anything outside.

    Realpure: It sounds like the book you are reading advices what I have been trying to do the past 3-4 months. I would guess it is one of the reasons that my blood sugar went down from "borderline" to normal. So I will be continuing with the paring of protein when I do have carbs in a meal or a snack. Keep me posted on your reading and results.

    DH is flying in tonight so will drive to savannah to pick him up in a bit. I have been very good about staying away from wine with dinner (except one night) since I've been back, but when he is here I tend to be far more tempted. And I will be in Chicago this weekend for a shower and a tea for our future DIL, which means lots of "celebration". Will try to focus on visiting with my friends and less on the food. Must bring some healthy snacks for the hotel...

    Sorry, I am thinking out loud. Glad you are here to "talk to"! Take care, Kackie:heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Nancy - I skipped mahjongg today and we are OUT of the storage unit. Saving $100/month. It's truly interesting the things you find. Now to find room to store things. Well, we're getting new shelving for the downstairs storage room so a lot of the things will be put on them.

    We have the Newcomers general meeting tomorrow morning. I usually have egg substitute and an egg that day because they are pretty low in calories and they really fill me up so I'm not tempted by the (usually) high carb snacks. Guess I'll have an orange, too

    Oh, I just realized that we're going to have our Easter this weekend and I'm supposed to serve at the mass. Wish I knew this in advance. Jessica usually doesn't mind eating dinner later, tho

    Robin and Nancy - I'm really lucky, I don't have a problem dress shopping. Mainly because I don't dress shop. I have thick ankles so I tend to wear pantsuits mostly.

    Jeannie - so not everyone is switched over to the timeline, that's why I can't see someone else's. Thanks for letting me know.

    I bought the ham for Saturday, I just can't get over how much sodium there is in it. One kind did have less sodium, but it also had more sugar.

    For that apres-bowling party, I'm going to bring shrimp and the fixings for the hamburgers -- lettuce (Romaine), tomato slices, pickles, onion slices.

    Did 40 min of the Jackie Warner Personal Trainer DVD. It's mostly weights. There is a 15 min total body workout, another segment that is 15 min long for the lower body, one that is 15 min long for the upper body, and one that is 15 min long for the abs. I did the 40 min total body workout. Tomorrow, I'll do a workout on the bosu

    Jen - 12 miles! You go girl!

    kackie - whenever we go away, I always bring snacks, not only for my lunch or to have in the car (even on the airplane) but to have in the hotel.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    who is off to watch DWTS
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Getting back into the swing of things this week. I was up one pound in my weigh in tonight….hopefully that will be gone fast. I have been stalling about going to the gym (with my neck/shoulder thing going on)…but I think tomorrow I am going to go to either ride the bike or do the treadmill. I want to keep my schedule so that I don’t drop the exercise all together. The chiropractor told me to not do the weights until I have a couple of visits with him. The disk/pinched nerve problem is really getting better. I think it is healing. It’s hard not to feel frustrated with the setback.
    Realpure… The time at the beach sounded wonderful. Let us know how the week goes with the Insulin Resistant program. I definitely feel different when I have lots of carbs.
    Mary… I love that you named your trees. I can definitely relate to that. I hope the new addition does well for many years to come.
    Laura…It sounds like you had a great weekend. I did a brunch for family on Easter too. It was great but I am so happy to be back to my normal eating habits. I love catching up with friends from long ago. Sounds like a perfect day off.
    Kackie…what a great NSV!! I hope your trip to pick up your husband was smooth. What a great weekend you have planned for next weekend!
    Have a great night,
  • surfpinescolleen13
    Hi! I joined in March- but this is my first post to a group. I would like to join if there is still room. I had a success today that was not scale related- but I am so happy that I want to share. I got upset with my husband and the first thing I wanted was chocolate. Instead I grapped a piece of gum. First time I came to the reality that I have to change habits that are hard- it's not just the calorie counting. Life style changes are hard but necessary. Hope I can figure out how to get back to this topic after tonight. Thanks for listening everyone! Have a good day tomorrow!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jellyfishjen, take it one day at a time and you’ll soon be out walking around the harbor.

    :flowerforyou: Jane, I love your attitude. You are always so positive. I learn from you.

    :flowerforyou: Margaretat, take it one day at a time and you’ll find the success you seek.

    :flowerforyou: Realpure, I hope you’ll tell us how things are going for you with the Insulin Resistant Diet.

    :sad: Nancy, how disappointing to lose the water at the cabin and have to come home….the lunges I do are in groups of 4-10, not all at once….I’ve read about Bosu balls and they look very challenging…..I still need solid ground.

    :flowerforyou: Eileen, your weekend at the beach sounds great and your Cadbury egg breakfast sounds yummy.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, I loved hearing about your trees and feel sad that they didn’t survive. How great that you gave them names.

    :flowerforyou: Sally, that must be so frustrating not to be able to lift weights right now but you are so wise to follow the chiropractor’s advice.

    :flowerforyou: Colleen, welcome to the group….if you keep checking in with us, you’ll get the support you need and learn a lot about how to sidestep the traps and temptations. You dog is really cute. Tell us about her.

    :bigsmile: Jb, glad to hear that SWSY is still going well for you. Are you keeping a record of your workouts?

    :bigsmile: Laura, your weekend sounds like you had fun…enjoy the memories and make today a new beginning.

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, it takes awhile to get the hang of everything on MFP….just keep coming back and be teachable.

    :bigsmile: Kackie, running for 24 minutes is amazing…….and good for you.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Michelle, after my mother died we put a lot of stuff in storage and didn’t finally empty the storage for over five years. I still remember how great it felt to finally get it emptied

    :bigsmile: My day was busy with dog walking, weight training, and dancing. I know I am overdoing the preparation to substitute for the line dance teacher tomorrow, but I strive for perfection.

    :bigsmile: We stayed up late tonight to watch the DWTS results show......it was very sad at the end :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington state where it is getting warmer.
    My life today is so great today it should have background music (like “I Made it Through the Rain” sung by Barry Manilow)
    April goals:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 lunges a day
    *strength training three days a week
    *17,000 steps a day

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Someone please tell me what is brats? Obviously something you eat. We call naughty children brats.
    The BRAT diet is foods relatively bland and low in fiber: bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Its what you eat after a bout of nausea and diarrhea to rest your digestion. Brats are what lots of folks call the German sausage bratwurst. My son is always "grillin brats."

    I've been feeling pretty good lately and getting caught up on gardening and housework. I still have to be very careful what I eat. I tested the waters by trying a few bites of beef at supper last night and had another attack about bedtime. I don't understand why I can get by with eating meat at lunch, but not supper. Guess maybe I'll find out when I finally see the dr next week. Meanwhile no fried foods, caffeine and carbonated drinks, pork, and anything with butter, milk or cream in it. Restrictive, but its either that or feel like poo all the time...

    We are expecting thunderstorms today so better get outside and get some gardening done. Happy Wednesday ladies!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Way to go Kackie. I remember when I was on the treadmill every day and I lost all that weight I was able to do a run/jog for a full 5 minutes once. I was so proud of myself. I kept pushing and I was finally able to do 45 minutes. I only acheived that once. I miss being that person but that was when I was home all day unemployed.

    So now I am doing 20 minute Kettleworx workouts 3 days aweek. today was day 2 and I am sore but it feels good to work my body again.

    Since I didn't get the job I am back to ground zero with my job. I really don't like it and it makes it hard to stay positive and get thru each day. I hope something else comes up.

    Have a great day ladies.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just doing a drive by today to say good morning! I've got to get to work updating grades and studying more polar graphing. I hope that you all have a terrific Wednesday! Mary

    Almost forgot - to whoever asked if we still had room for someone else to join us, and to all newcomers, Welcome! We have Plenty of Room! (Check out the song that describes our group!)

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Brats or Brots I want one now. lol

    Just hearing the word brings back memories of the beach and my uncles grilling various things on the grill. The beach gates opened at 6am, but my uncles jumped the fence with the coolers around 4AM to get THEIR GRILLING SPOT every Sunday morning. They parked illegally on the road and never got a ticket. The cops use to jump the fence and have coffee and breakfast with my uncles. When the gate opened, they moved their cars. When we got there around 8AM I swear half the police force was still there. Heaven help the rookie that ticketed their cars one time. The whole station house got mad at him.

    Thanks for jogging the memories ladies. I will be smiling all day now.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Overcast Wednesday,

    Happy day all! Nothing like routine to get your eating habits back in line. At work I am so careful about what I eat, scheduling my snacks and only eating what I have planned...one day I'm hoping that my weekends join the plan :huh:

    When I wake up in the morning after a good day like yesterday I always feel so much better and am ready to attack the day and with all the work I have on my desk I'd best get attacking:wink:

    Everyone have a good day, keep up the exercise, logging and drinking:drinker: ....water that is:laugh:

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning from rainy Portland. April showers, yanno. :flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It's a big day for me, I finally said farewell to 59 and hello to 60 lbs lost. Yippppeee! I will not celebrate with food, lol. I should go buy myself a little something, though, not sure what. A pair of jeans that fit would be nice, but I don't have time to do a lot of shopping today. Long work day ahead.

    Had a beautiful hike yesterday and spent lots of time wandering through the forest snapping photos of trilliums. Absolutely gorgeous. I put a few pics up on my profile page, but if I have time I'll try to post a few here.

    Oh, Barbie, yes, I'm keeping track of my SWSY progress on a spreadsheet. So far no huge changes, but one day I'll look back and be amazed, I just know it. :wink:

    Salad Sistas, let's keep rollin! Pile those plates high with dark, leafy greens & vegs. Swiss chard is an excellent addition...it's also verrrrry good steamed. Which reminds me, I want to make roasted beets, carrots, onions and peppers...toss with a tiny bit of oil, then after roasting drizzle with balsamic vinegar. Mmmm-hmmm! :love:

    Alrighty, time to get moving. My "sit bones" aren't as padded as they once were! :laugh: Remember to sit up straight at your desk, pull those shoulder blades together.

    Have a wunnerful day! Drink your water :drinker:

    P.S. Every time we grill bratwurst, I promise myself to only eat one. But I'm NEVER successful! Love 'em, but boy, are they full of everything on my no-no list. Once in awhile it's fine. In an attempt to eat healthier, I've been buying Al Fresco brand chicken sausages, they're pretty good -- but nothing can replace a real, true fatty brat.
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Happy Hump Day,:flowerforyou: I woke up to thunder and lightning:angry: this morning and much needed rain...all my veggies on the deck got a drink and saved us having to water...

    First day back at the gym yesterday, it was nice to see all those familiar faces and was welcomed back like a wayward child coming home. Just did recumbent bike and weight resistance machiness for this first time and will increase times and reps next time and throw in some treadmill time. I hope to build back up again to where I feel like WonderWoman again:laugh: ...LOL Maybe in reality not exactly like Wonderwoman but I was feeling pretty strong, slim and healthy last year before we left for a 6 week vacation and just haven't been able to go back to the necessary discipline needed until now...Yes, NOW!

    70th birthday coming up next month, OMG, that is one scary sounding number, I really want to feel on top of my game and strong and healthy by the end of May...lots of work and discipline and female determination going into this...

    I have also discovered the Al Fresco chicken meatballs and I'm loving them...they are gluten free and the first meatballs that I have eaten for years.

    Have a wonderful day today...Sissy:flowerforyou:
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    good morning I finally got all caught up on the posts cant comment on all of them to be honest I would never remember who all said what not very good at that sort of thing But I do love to read them and hear all the victories and the struggles it helps me so much. There is always great advice and suggestions on here

    Jb, Barbie and all the other PNW folks I am from the Portland area too so love to read about your days the trilliums sound beautiful Was so happy to be out in the sunshine over the weekend

    All trhe talk about Brats makes me hungry for some wonderful Veerbort sausage best any where!

    Off to work have a great day
  • sharonwitten
    Hi! Barbie, thanks for the thread. I am new to MFP and just learning. I am 62 and need support from my peers. My goals are to keep up the 1 hr/3 miles three times a week on the treadmill and hope I can add more miles in that hour this month and add some strength training in between the days I run. I say run but the exercise chart say I am walking at a 3.5 mph but I feel like I am running with my short legs. LOL!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    oops trying to post photos, photobucket's being a pain right now, will attempt later :ohwell:
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Scale hasn't moved in 3 weeks. Thinking I need to replace the battery. But did my measurements Hips down 2" waist down 3" from the first of January. I'm happy with that. Pants are getting baggy.
  • housegirl2
    housegirl2 Posts: 79 Member
    Just found this. I'm 66. My goals for April are to keep up the live classes at the local YMCA 2-3 times a week , walk with my walking buddy 3-4 times a week and continue my current weight loss healthy eating program.
  • Calexalea
    This looks like a great thread - I'm glad I found it. My goals for (the rest of) April are to limit sweets, increase veggies and fruit, walk at least twice a week and work out with the small hand weights 5X a week. Wish me luck !