Scared of running in public!



  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    Screw haters. Acquire miles.

    That should be on a T Shirt!

    totally agree.

    imo if that is your only reason for running outside, it's kinda lame.

    just do it. no one will judge you, and if they did, it would be 'gez i wish i could do that'.

    go outside your comfort zone, that is where the magic happens
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    just do it. i felt the same way. thinking what will people think seeing a 240# old woman out running (slow pace at that), that the kids would be yelling from the school buses. i just figured i wanted to do it. so i just did it. now i don't care. when i pass other runners or walkers i get hellos or i get thumbs up. it's for my health not theirs.
    feels so good. go for a run. i just did.....
  • dasboogs
    dasboogs Posts: 2 Member
    Just know most of the people you pass are busy doing other things like driving, trying to supervise kids, pets, focus on their own exercise. I used to run at odd hours to avoid people like really early in the morning or after dark. Granted the places I ran were always populated by other runners at the hours I went but there were less people standing around doing nothing. Get some good tunes and get lost in your journey of seeing where your feet will take you and enjoy it. Don't worry about what others might be thinking. For all you know they're probably thinking, "I wish I could be as awesome as her running like that."
  • RedFeffer
    RedFeffer Posts: 25 Member
    I can certainly relate to this post, and I have a few suggestions that really helped me take control of my running experiences! First of all, try running in the evening. I love running in the dark, when everyone's windows are all lit up, putting them on display instead of you! LOL I always worry about my bottom shakin around too, so I wear good running pants, and always a nice shirt that covers up that part of me that I like to hide. Also, listen to fabulous tunes!! You will get absorbed into the music and your own rhythm, that you won't care what's going on around you - ESPECIALLY around 18 mins (that's my magic number) when the adrenaline kicks in and I start feeling like a flying gazelle leaping tall buidlings in a single bound!!!! Ohhh wait.. sorry - just ran away with myself there... hahahahaha.... The truth is, every single time I see someone running, no matter waht shape, I think "GOOD FOR THEM!", and then I wish it was me running, and it very often excites me to go home and tie up my laces and get out the door. Treadmill running is good for cold or rainy days, but getting out in the fresh air, the changing scenery and the changes in terrain that are so good for your body all make it sooo worthwhile. Outdoor running is rewarding, don't deprive yourself of an experience that just might become your favourite activity! :)
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    Screw haters. Acquire miles.

    That should be on a T Shirt!

  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    Screw haters. Acquire miles.

    That should be on a T Shirt!

  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    I feel the same way.
  • kissedbythesunshine
    kissedbythesunshine Posts: 416 Member
    I feel the same way. Anxiety mixed with the fear of tripping over a crack in the sidewalk while on a busy street. Jogging by past a red light where cars are lined up stopped and are watching you, etc. Finally put on some loud headphones and faced my fear yesterday. I can't run long at all so I have to alternate jog/walk. I just focused on the tunes and before you know it I was back home again after almost 4 miles. If anyone else if having this problem I dare you to give it a shot just one time. Pick a time where less people are on the road (safety first of course) and just give it a shot. Focus on you not the people around you.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    I used to feel that way, but my fear of stepping foot in a gym was worse at that stage, so running on a treadmill wasn't an option for me; there was no other choice. Run in an area where you feel safe, and if you can, at a time with less people around until you feel more confident.

    This might be an odd one, but I used to find I didn't notice people looking at me if I couldn't see them. When I lost enough weight that my glasses started slipping down my face all the time, I just ran my familiar routes without them, and because the faces of the people I ran past were blurry, it never seemed like they were looking at me. It actually made me relax somewhat.
  • cyndlynn
    cyndlynn Posts: 9 Member
    That's totally me! Lol! I used to go "for a walk" at night when it was dark, but when no one was around, I would run! I still can't bring myself to jog or run in public!
  • TheCrawlingChaos
    TheCrawlingChaos Posts: 462 Member
    I feel that way sometimes, even in gyms, which is why I have weights and an elliptical at home. It makes it harder for me to make excuses about not workon g out since the stuff is in the same building as me. It's just going to make moving a pain in the *kitten* when I find a new place to live.
  • dimasj
    dimasj Posts: 164 Member
    I used to feel this way but what I tell myself is "at least I'm out here and not sitting on my butt"...
    what goes through my mind when I see others running/walking or being active in any way is "good for you!"

    keep that in your mind and that may help... it helped me get over my fears since I was doing something to make myself healthier and living my life instead of sitting on the sidelines doing nothing and letting life pass me by!
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    When I first started running, I would only run on the treadmill because I thought I wasn't a proper runner and shouldn't be outside. My friend eventually got so fed up with my excuses for not running outside that she put an appointment in my calendar for the two of us to do a short outside run. I did it, loved it, and the rest is history.

    I now live in the US on the Boston Marathon route and though I'm not a marathon runner myself (a half is my limit), I love seeing everyone out training for the race and I always take Marathon Monday as a holiday so I can go along and cheer everyone on.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I thought that no one noticed. Then, while driving home one day, there was an automobile accident in front of me. I stayed out of it, but called the police and waited for them to arrive in case they wanted my report. After speaking with the drivers of the two cars the officer said that he didn't need my statement unless I wanted to give one. No, thank you. He replied that it's OK and if they need me, I'm the guy running all over town. "We know where to find you". I've also lived in this small town for 30 years. So much for anonymity. But, like its been said above, I'm out here for me, F'em if they can't take a joke.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I look like a complete muppet when running. Good job I am so much faster than everybody else so nobody can see me.....
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    Okay, so this might sound weird, but I'm terrified of running in public! It's not that I'm worried about how I look when I'm running, I guess I just don't like the thought of people watching me - I never really get that feeling in the gym because I know everyone else in there are exercising too so are focussed on themselves.... But I hate it when I'm trying to run outside!

    I don't know if anyone else gets the same thing but I miss going on a jog on a regular basis so would appreciate any advice that'll help get me back out there!

    Lots of people are. Suggestion: Find a friend, and pick a quieter route to run (Like a park or something). I wouldn't recommend you going alone, since you're freaked about running in public, running in a secluded park alone might cause the same reaction.

    Then, ease into busier areas. You'll find even the "busier" areas, most people wont care you're running, and if they do, it'll generally be in awe that you're actually doing it. Especially when weather is bad, and you're still out there. Additional points for going the same public route every day, so people start seeing you as "familiar" :)

    Or, conversely: Just keep running at the gym. Nothing wrong with that either.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    edited March 2016
    I was self conscious even though I live on a fairly rural road, I pass a karate studio on my route. One day a lady waiting by the studio rolled down her window and gave me a thumbs up. One time I actually stopped to talk to her. She was waiting for her grandson and said she wished she had been more active when she was younger because she would be healthier now. Don't regret not getting out there.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    I'm the same way, but I push through it. The worst is getting honked at by the 18-wheeler trucks (I live right near a highway and the street I run on runs parallel to it). It's so startling and interrupts my process.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I generally run when it's dark out so i don't have to worry, but at the gym i was nervous because i'm slow. but people are impressed on my distance and don't seem to care about the speed

    runners in general seem to be a very supportive group and nonjudgemental
  • KaiUneeda
    KaiUneeda Posts: 46 Member
    Me five years ago: "Look at that person running, they're crazy...and I am secretly jealous." *never thinks of that person again*