Scared to get pregnant?!

Is anyone here scared to gain weight or have your body change because of baby??

It scares the crap out of me.
I am not "huge" right now but I am not in the "healthy BMI" range.
(I know BMI is somewhat skeptical to gauge someone on, but thats what pregnancy stats go by)

I have been trying to get in shape for me. But lately with baby talk on the the table I have been wanting to lose enough weight to where I wont be huge when it happens.

I am I just selfish or is it one of those things that wont matter to you as much as you think it will be after you have your baby.

Input? Experiences? Thoughts? Opinions? GO!


  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'm with you. I'm afraid to get pregnant (someday) because I put a lot of work into my body, and I know it is really easy for me to gain weight. I know it sounds vain but when you've spent a lot of time overweight, it isn't a good feeling.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Continue to eat healthy and do moderate excercise during your pregnancy then you can pick up right where you left off after the baby comes! My little guy is 3 and a half months and I absolutely ADORE him. I gained almost 60 lbs and have 5 left to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. No that weight isn't going to look the same as it did before, but it really is 100% worth it!
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    Nope, I'm getting back in to shape after 2 kids and am excited for a tight, toned body to concieve number three in. Then I'll lose the weight all over again for number four!
  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 539 Member
    lol, did this stem from my post the other day? lol, you are not selfish for worrying about your weight before pregnancy....that is why i'm here. I gained 40 lbs while i was pregnant with our first son and managed to lose 20 of it on my own without changing much but wanted to get back down before we worked on #2....I have since lost another 10 but still not where i would LIKE to be, but my hormones are kicking in and aren't going to take no for an answer for much longer. lol. Gotta love the baby blues!

    If you would get pregnant before you get to your goal just continue your habbits you have now through the pregnancy and you might end up smaller once you have the little one. Good luck chickie!
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    Great question! I'm anxious to hear from mothers. Some people have told me that if you gain a respectable amount of weight that you'll leave the hospital with only 5-7 lbs left to go...
  • AshleyRKnutson
    AshleyRKnutson Posts: 98 Member
    I actually craved HEALTHY foods when I was prego. I wanted grilled or baked ckn breasts, veggies (including things like broccoli which I NEVER ate). Also, there were certain things that made me not really sick but icky feeling and I couldn't have much of it or any of it. Like Dr. Pepper for instance, I used to drink it all the time. My daughter is now 3.5 and I still can't have it bc it gags me bc all I taste is syrup. Just something to think about...a baby is the greatest blessing in this world. You will never love anything or anyone like you will your child. :happy:
  • RunsForFood
    RunsForFood Posts: 110 Member
    You will not regret it one bit!! But I would definitely say to workout while pregnant, and still eat right. Don't go all out and "eat for two" all the time. I gained 22 pounds while pregnant, and by time my son was 5 months I had lost 35lbs! Just keep your healthy habits and after you have the baby you wont have to get back into the groove because you will still be in it. And it will be so healthy for you and your baby!
  • AshleyRKnutson
    AshleyRKnutson Posts: 98 Member
    My 1st trimester I LOST 11 lbs and so from my pre-prego weight I only gained 20 lbs. It's all about staying active and moderation...I put on all my weight AFTER going back to work after having my daughter. I was still out dancing several nights a week when I was 8 & 9 months prego.
  • bbriscoe13
    bbriscoe13 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm also nervous about this. I am going to try to continue to eat healthy and exercise. Hopefully it won't be too bad. :/
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Great question! I'm anxious to hear from mothers. Some people have told me that if you gain a respectable amount of weight that you'll leave the hospital with only 5-7 lbs left to go...

    This can be true, but every woman is different. Most of the weight put on during pregnancy is different than just putting weight on by poor diet. Like I said i gained 60 lbs, left the hospital about 15 lbs lighter, but lost nearly 40 lbs the first 2 weeks. Apparently I was very full of fluid. If I had to guess I had maybe 10 lbs of actual fat to lose.
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    Being pregnant and having a child does not mean you can't go back to your old body. I mean yes, some things can change (my breasts will never look the same after pregnancy and breastfeeding!) but if you are in good shape before pregnancy, eat well and exercise during pregnancy, you will be fine. For both of my children I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight by my 6 week post partum exam, and I gained 35 pounds with both.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    you are so not selfish at all!!!!!! when we started to talk Abbot having a baby i waited for years till i was ready. all my friends had their family by age 26, i wasn't ready. I wanted to travel and be ready to accept the changes that would happen with my body. I knew that my body would never be the same after, my worst fear was the stretch marks and the weight gain. When i started to approach 30, i said, then that it was now or never, if i wasn't ready at 30, i didn't know if i would ever be. We got pregnant and had my son 1 month after my 30th b-day. I was finally ready to accept the changes that would happen to my body, and i have done well with them. 3 months after i had him i had about 6 lbs to go to my pre pregnancy weight, i hit that at about 6 months or so but my body never did look the same. the whole shape was different and i carried my weight different. I carried him very low and i got that pooch, i also had a emergency c section and they had to make the cut really large as he was stuck and lot of pulling and tearing, so i don't think my tummy will ever be flat again. no extra loose skin just a pooch. I am fine with the way i look right now even though i am not at my goal. i think as long as i keep what i lost off i will be happy.
  • Elona_30
    Elona_30 Posts: 66
    it won't matter once you are and you know that your going to have a baby, its something so special, its a gift there are some many that can't have children that so despritly want to have one. Be thankfull that your able and just keep working out and taking care of yourself while you expecting and things will be just fine. I only gained 15lbs with my daughter and was back into my own jeans the week after I had her, now I know that not everyone is that lucky but if you keep doing what you are now it won't matter and it will come off easily after.

    just a tip the more active you are the easier the labor will be.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    One of the reasons I wanted to lose weight was specifically so that I would be in a healthier place before pursuing a third pregnancy. I plan to continue tracking during my next pregnancy to help myself work toward a healthy and not excessive weight gain and also to help encourage myself to make healthier choices than I did in my first two pregnancies. I think it's totally normal to be nervous about the weight gain and body changes, some things may not ever be quite the same after a pregnancy (although some ladies bounce back quickly and wonderfully!) - you just have to go into it with eyes wide open and be prepared.
  • 1natacha
    1natacha Posts: 14
    Pregnancy DOES change your body. I've been pregnant 5 times and have 5 children. I'm here to lose the belly weight--the rest of me is where I like it. With all of that, I am SO GLAD for my 5 treasures. It's worth it. Your body will change anyway. I'm glad i have the kids to show for it.

    I have seen people snap back after pregnancy by staying fit during the pregnancy and eating healthy foods. I've also seen people who didn't do so well and gain a lot bounce back with fitness and exercise after. There are a few who didn't do one thing right and bounced back.

    I gained plenty of weight. Couldn't eat during the morning sickness phase and made up for it when I could. You see how I look now. I have no regrets.
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    I know I would never regret it.
    And I have already planned to keep tracking and at least taking daily walks.
    And I am hoping that because of my age I can "bounce back" (hoping to be 22 by then)
    I have never had a perfect body, I dont think I ever will.

    My mother gained ALOT of weight with my brother and I. Thats what scares me big time!!!
    At least 60lbs with each. She really didnt lose after either.
    Is it like stretch marks? IF your mom gained weight, you will?
  • 1natacha
    1natacha Posts: 14
    It probably has more to do with your mom's fitness and diet habits than anything else. You can be different if your lifestyle is different. Looking at her just gives you a possibility if you have already noticed your body is a lot like hers and you do what she does.
  • auntkimmie19
    Do not be scared to put on a bunch of weight during your pregnancy. I actually lost weight in my first trimester due to morning sickness and only gained 25 pounds during pregnancy and all of which I had lost before my son turned two weeks old. By eating healthy and remembering that you do not need to eat for two full sized people but instead maybe another 500 calories than what you currently eat then you will be fine. Also, staying moderatly active while you are pregnant will not only help with an eaiser delivery but with dropping the weight after baby is born. Breastfeeding helps emesly in taking off the baby weight and then some after baby is born. It's the best way to keep the baby healthy and the best way to keep you healthy as well. Pregnancy and having a child are two of the most wonderful things that has ever happened to me and when I get some of this weight off I will be looking forward to baby number two! BTW my son is now 2 year old and I put on most of my weight after his 1st birthday =/
  • auntkimmie19
    My mom gained a lot of weight with me and both my brothers too and she did not keep it off after each of us. In fact she had gastric bypass 4 years ago to help her get the weight off after being overweight for 25 years. I only gained 25 pounds with my son while I was pregnant so no, it's not heridatary to gain what your mom gained during her pregnancies. You will be fine =D
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    I know it sounds cliche, but I did not care that I gained weight, even though I started chubby with the first. It was for something so wonderful it was worth it. Both pregnancies I gained about 40lbs. The first one I did not really keep exercising and after I did eventually lose it all, though that prepregnancy weight was not where I wanted to be anyways. Then we had the second and I stayed very active as long as I could. I lost those 40lbs and more. It's easier to lose if you stay fit during. The stubborn part is my mommy flab, since I had 2 csections. But again, totally worth it. My boys are amazing! We do want a third in a couple years and I'll be in better shape for it. And I'm weird but I really love being pregnant.