


  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Breakfast, is no more or less important than any other meal.
  • MAponte73
    MAponte73 Posts: 46 Member
    I do coffee and a protein shake low cal. because I am not hungry either in the mornings. But I do know how important breakfast is too.
  • imogenjade
    imogenjade Posts: 131
    have a coffee or small glass of apple juice xx
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Eating breakfast does nothing for your metabolism.

    If you aren't hungry - don't eat!
    I usually don't eat "breakfast" until noon or 2 pm

    this is wrong on so many levels. breakfast is CRUCiAL for your metabolism. do you know WHY your not hungry? because your metabolism has slowed to a halt. WHY? because if it kept on going then your body would eat itself to death. it is a survival mechanism by your body to slow your metabolism so you don't die and the reason why its doing that is because you have no nutrients that your body can feed on. in other words FOOD. to stop this from happening you need to eat very soon after you wake up. in other words BREAKFAST!!

    So because I ate a meal late at night last night and am not hungry now, my metabolism slowed to a halt digesting the food during my sleep and I need to eat in order to wake it back up? Uh no.

    Eat when your hungry and don't eat when your not.. That 5/6 meal day a bull and must always eat breakfast doesn't work for everyone. there have been days when I legit will eat a light breakfast, a thousand calories at lunch and then barely anything at dinner and I'm losing weight just fine.. Must be a freak of nature I guess.
  • dynamojones
    I'm usually not hungry in the mornings as well, but I forced down a fiber one and a couple cups of water. Helps digest my supplements.
  • marticapitt
    marticapitt Posts: 27 Member
    Eat. Something small, maybe a hard boiled egg and then again a couple hours later. Your body needs to know it is going to get food on a consistent basis so it doesn't go into starvation-mode, whether your stomach says it's hungry or not. Several small meals way better for you than 1 or 2 big ones!
  • smor27
    smor27 Posts: 87
    By eating a breakfast you can balance out your sugar levels through out the day and feel better, less tired. It has also been a proven fact that you tend to eat less through out the day.
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    I used to not eat breakfast at all and not eat much until noon or later. I had read that to help lose weight that you should be eating something for breakfast. It may not work for everyone, but I didn't really begin to lose weight until after I started to eat something in the morning (and I had been eating pretty good and exercising beforehand). I usually just have 1/2 bagel with either jam or spreadable butter (low fat)
  • thoshowski
    thoshowski Posts: 135 Member
    I used to find that I wasn't hungry in the morning either. I don't believe in eating at certain times to lose weight, however, I found that I don't eat after 8 pm, I will be hungry in the morning, then I can eat something for breakfast.
  • mel100808
    mel100808 Posts: 23
    Thanks for all the help guys :)