Can't kick my caffeine addiction



  • garnetgazm
    I haven't drank soda since new years Eve :) I've been slowly cutting out junk food that's bad for me and I've found that if you post it on like Facebook you feel more likely to follow thru with it bcuz everyone you know is waiting to see if u fail or not. that works for me bcuz I lo e proving ppl wrong lol now I don't even crave it and I've also inspired ppl to cut out soda too

    you can do it :)
  • mcrundle
    mcrundle Posts: 7
    Try coffee no calories!
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Coffee should have it's own food group--without it, it just isn't worth getting up in the morning. No cream, no sugar, just good, strong, black coffee.

    My blood type is coffee. Decaf is the devil's brew. Coffee is a magic liquid that turns terrible days into bearable days. Coffee is euphoria without the track marks.

    People of Nordic descent don't do well on a caffeine free diet :tongue:

    I need my coffee...

    ^True story!

    I would suggest trading the soda for coffee. That was how I ended up quitting the soda in the end--right around the time I stopped drinking it I magically picked up coffee. 8-16 ounces in the morning, with 1 tablespoon of creamer and 1 packet of sweetener. Seriously. Try to do a "detox period" of four weeks where you don't drink soda at all, and see how the cravings are after that. Extra water throughout the day will probably also help.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    I wish I could step away from my Dt Dew for health reasons other than my weight but I CANNOT stand the after taste of coffee or tea...any kind of either so addiction continues.
  • jfield6
    jfield6 Posts: 56
    I wish I could step away from my Dt Dew for health reasons other than my weight but I CANNOT stand the after taste of coffee or tea...any kind of either so addiction continues.

    I had to stop drinking caffeine due to chronic hives. The caffeine was actually making my hives worse. Since I've stopped drinking it, my hives have almost gone away. I might have 1 show up every few days. It's also helped my sleep. My BIL had to stop drinking caffeine due to anxiety.

    Since I've stopped drinking it, I really don't miss it. I had a Diet Mt. Dew the other day and I could totally tell by the way I slept. I couldn't stop tossing and turning.