How do you get yourself going?

I'm doing great with the food tracking - and the several times that I have exercised I feel awesome! My problem is getting myself to the point of just doing it. It's such a struggle to get it started, despite knowing the benefits plus seeing all the extra calories earned. I am having such a hard time just getting GOING. :grumble:

Thoughts? Advice? Tips? Inspirations? Secrets?? I'm open to just about anything right now.


  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Maybe you just haven't found THE exercise that gets you excited? Zumba is what does it for me, but maybe for you it's hiking, biking, DVD's, kickboxing, or other group classes? I can honestly say I look forward to my Zumba class each week.

    My other trick on days I'm not feeling it is to change into my workout gear as soon as I walk in the door after work - before I sit down or anything. If I'm already dressed it's not so tough to get out to the gym. This obviously only works if you are an evening exerciser but you get the idea. At that point I can say 'well I'm already dressed...might as well go'
  • sehrler
    sehrler Posts: 89 Member
    I work out in the morning, as soon as I get up. For a few reasons--this way I have no time to sit around and think of excuses not to, I feel better afterwards and all day, and because if I leave it for the evening then I get stressed during the day thinking about if I won't have time to fit it in or if I'll be too tired. So I get up, wake up for 10-15 mins and get to it! Like Nike says, Just Do It! That's what works for me.

    Doesn't hurt that my wedding is in a few months so I have fittings coming up--that's a HUGE motivator for me. I want to feel good and healthy for that!
  • nataliespq
    nataliespq Posts: 23 Member
    Definitely find something that you like. I did try Zumba & felt like I had 4 left feet. Now I switch between walking, going to the gym for the cardio machines and I have tried several of the free classes offered there as well. I found that I really enjoyed Body Pump, a weight lifting class, but did not enjoy their aerobics class. I think I feel too self conscious when doing anything close to dancing so I just tangle up my brain and feet!

    Also, get a buddy. I had a workout buddy and then she moved away. We held each other accountable. Now it's just me telling me to move it.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I'm doing great with the food tracking - and the several times that I have exercised I feel awesome! My problem is getting myself to the point of just doing it. It's such a struggle to get it started, despite knowing the benefits plus seeing all the extra calories earned. I am having such a hard time just getting GOING. :grumble:

    Thoughts? Advice? Tips? Inspirations? Secrets?? I'm open to just about anything right now.

    I've tried many times to talk myself out of going to the gym. Once I'm there it's great, it's getting ready and the drive that bite.

    What did it for me honestly was buying my HRM. I am always wanting to see how many calories I've burned, it's like a competitiion with myself. Plus when I skip days, it tells me to "train more"... And so I do.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I get days I find it gruelling to get going on exercise, but then I do tend to do it everyday and push myself rather hard.
    I basically get up, have an hour for my coffee and whatever I choose to eat, then set off on my bike.
    I would agree you have to find something you will enjoy so it won't be so difficult to get going, whether that be walking, jogging, swimming, skating, cycling, treadmill, dance, tennis, etc. There are so many choices out there. I tend to stick to cycling because it has a good burn or I'd be doing something else instead somedays I think.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I tell myself that I'll just do ten minutes of whatever it is so it doesn't seem like such a big deal. I always end up doing far more, it's just getting started
  • Supersal45
    I also find it hard to get motivated but i find that if i sign up and pay for exercise classes the fact that i have handed over cash motivates me to get going and not miss classes, i also do much better if i do it really early in the morning because as the day goes on the motivation goes away. I have just recently started crossfit which is super hard but i love the challenge that i am faced with at each class. Good luck with your journey, it is bloody hard work but so worth it. Sally.
  • Livingbalanced
    Livingbalanced Posts: 84 Member
    I work out in the morning and as soon as I roll out of bed, I put my workout gear on. My water bottle is full and cold waiting in the fridge an I already have breakfast figured out (typically before a workout, banana with peanut butter and milk in a blender). I also need to commit the night before (usually putting my workout clothes right in front of my face for when I wake up) because if I'm not prepared, I'm more likely to ditch it. I also tell myself that I'm working out three times this week - it doesn't matter what days but come the end of the week, I better have a plan for when I'm going! This week, I went Monday and although I planned to go today (and didn't) I'm going tomorrow to zumba and Friday for an aquafit class. It has to happen as the weekends are off days!
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Build a routine and stick to it.
  • MommaMack2
    MommaMack2 Posts: 1 Member
    I exercise every morning before work between 4:30 and 5am. The motivation I have is seeing the number go down on the scale and the inches go away!!! Plus I love my workouts and I look forward to them each day. That is huge. You have to love what you are doing to stay motivated. You also need to be in constant contact with people who are working out and go through the same challenges as you. Also, when I workout first thing, it is done and the whole day is ahead of me. If I tried to wait until after the kids go to bed, I am way to exhausted! Hope this helps.
  • Rose200
    Rose200 Posts: 48 Member
    I loved reading this entire thread as I top can relate to lost motivation. You seriously have to tell that little voice in your head to SHUT UP and get moving. Something that helps me is having nice work out clothes. If I love my work out clothes, I love wearing them. And there purpose is to work out so I do.

    One MFP said that if you work out or don't work out, think where you would be in 1 year. I"m 208lbs so in one year if I don't work out, I'd probably be 240. Oh boo! But if I do, hopefully 160. My goal. And the later is much more attractive, literally.

    You definately have to find something you love. I don't like having a work out buddy but I find running on a treadmill beside other running strangers or group fitness classes motivating because I want to work as hard as the people around me, who really are all working for the same goal. Fitness friends never shut up, atleast mine don't and I only have an hour so I want to work hard during that hour.

    Two of the previous posters really sold me on morning workouts and really thinking of trying this tomorrow. I mean I probaby would feel great. The only thing is putting in my contacts at 5am before a wake up shower but I guess I can splash water in my face.

    I'd love more MFP Pals. So feel free to add me & good luck!
  • rubysphoto
    rubysphoto Posts: 254 Member
    There are days I do not feel like doing anything. I just think will this get me to my goal? Will skipping this one time help me? I just need to do it if I want it. Always keep in mind what your working towards.
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    Thanks so much for all your responses! We just moved recently, so I'm still working on meeting new friends... it's kind of just been me & my treadmill & trying to work that around my kids. (I know, excuses, excuses!) Anyway, I have a new friend who belongs to a gym & she just contacted me wanting to know if I'm interested in getting together tmrw morning & she has a guest pass for me & sitter service for my kids - how could I say no? So I will get my workout in nice & early and give this gym idea a shot!
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I just look at myself in a mirror and that's all I need to get my *kitten* to the gym.
  • Nastasha915
    Nastasha915 Posts: 124 Member
    When I first started working out and eating healthy whenever I would have a negative thought or try to talk myself out of going to the gym, I would think about how i wanted my body to look, how I wanted my clothes to fit, how I wanted to reach certain goals, and I got my motivation back. After doing that for a couple of weeks going to the gym and eating right became autopilot for me. I don't think about it as much. I still don't feel like going sometimes, but I just think about those cute outfits I'm going to buy and I'm good to go. lol
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    just get it done and over with! find something you enjoy or feel good after you do it... find a partner or someone to keep you accountable. just being on mfp keeps me accountable because of all the great friends i've met! go for it!!!
  • xx_donna_xx
    xx_donna_xx Posts: 144
    I put a unflattering pic of me as my profile then every time I log into MFP (which is about 30 times a day lol) it kicks me into gear to work out. I'm just sorry everyone else has to see it 2 lol
  • helpmepls905
    helpmepls905 Posts: 14 Member
    #1 your beautiful. Gorgeous face.
    #2 It took me forever... I just had to change my mental state. One day I just broke. Got up chucked all my bad food went and rejoined a gym and lost my marbles to making it happen.

    Just over two months later and I'm about 22 pounds less... I starting going on twitter and following people who had the same goals and had much higher goals, I started looking up female gym motivation posters. There is TONS of stuff on facebook that is great, and all about changing the mental state from failure to success.
  • GSCPostBaby
    GSCPostBaby Posts: 111 Member
    I created a workout diary ahead of time. I write out about a month in advance of what I expect myself to do . . . . . in detail. Include exact exercises for strength training with how many sets you want to do and set a goal for reps. Also what kind of cardio to do and for how long. I've also found that keeping things varied helps me stay interested and motivated. A workout buddy is a big help for me too. My husband and I strength train together and if one of us is feeling lazy, the other can give the much needed kick in the rear. Oh, and (this is the last one, I swear) anything you can do from home is great. It takes many excuses away since you don't have to GO to the gym. We use a band system and dumbbells which are REALLY cheap on
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    #1 your beautiful. Gorgeous face.
    #2 It took me forever... I just had to change my mental state. One day I just broke. Got up chucked all my bad food went and rejoined a gym and lost my marbles to making it happen.

    Just over two months later and I'm about 22 pounds less... I starting going on twitter and following people who had the same goals and had much higher goals, I started looking up female gym motivation posters. There is TONS of stuff on facebook that is great, and all about changing the mental state from failure to success.

    Thank you! :smile:

    I have an "inspiration" page on Pinterest and I must say - when I'm feeling less than motivated - the fitness page gets me fired up!