Uk Pals!! eating out!!?? HELP!!!!!

so i started a topic, asking what people do when they eat out! im going out either tomorrow or friday for dinner with friends, its not a special occasion and i DO NOT want to splurge or just eat what i like. i realise i can if i want to but i dont want to!!

so i posted the topic and got a tonne of lovley answers but most replies were from american people, therefore they could only help so much! it probably will be pub grub!

what do you order when you go to eat out that IS healthy????


  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    i just try to do damage control = order nothing fried if I can help it, & go for a salad side (I'm still learning to do that).... also do a really good workout either before or after.
  • Definitely do some exercise before AND after - you'll feel much better...and remember you CAN say no to pudding!

    Every now and again in pubs, they'll actually tell you the calorie count...some even have a 'less than 700 calories' menu - I love that.
    But yes, order something without sauce, lots of veggies, maybe go for the veggi option...NO CHIPS!
  • Fernze
    Fernze Posts: 7
    Sea food generally is pretty good, not fried tho. Grilled fish or something a long those lines, with boiled veg.
    Not hard to come across in pubs to be honest.

    Ask for the sauce to come in a separate dish so you can manage that, or leave it out completely.
  • Katherine1687
    Katherine1687 Posts: 106 Member
    Harvester put the calories on the menu which helps and you the salad bar is free.

    If you know where you are going can you look up the menu online. You may be able to find calories online as well. You can decide what you want before you go then don't look at the menu again and be tempted to order something different.

    Have fun
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    Go for the fish option, avoid desserts and avoid dressings.
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Definitely stay away from the fried food they pile it on in pubs.
    There are a lot of Hot Sandwiches or tasty vegetarian stuff in the ones I go to. :)
    And I agree to do some exercise before you go you'll probably feel a lot better. :)

    Hope this helps. :)
  • gabimcd
    gabimcd Posts: 9
    If you go to a Whetherspoons you can usually find the cals on the MFP database, or even use this as a guide for other pub grub. I usually go for a spicy chicken wrap with salad...minimal damage yet yummy!!! xx
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I eat under my calories the day before and on the day itself, and exercise. That way I feel I can relax a bit. But there's usually something - last time I went out I had steak with grilled tomatoes and mushrooms, and asked for rice instead of chips. I don't know what the calorie count was but it can't have been too bad. There's usually a fish option, which as long as it isn't fried should be OK. Basically if you skip fried stuff, melted cheese toppings, crwamy sauces, and puddings it won't be a major problem. Just relax and enjoy the night out, company and fun are part of being healthy just as much as your calorie count...
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    PS there was one hilarious post form an American lady a while ago in response to the same question, she said she took her own food in a plastic bag and sat there with her friends and ate that! Bet she's popular...
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    If you go to a Whetherspoons you can usually find the cals on the MFP database, or even use this as a guide for other pub grub. I usually go for a spicy chicken wrap with salad...minimal damage yet yummy!!! xx

    thats a good idea i dont think it will be thee but surley they cant all be that different!!
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    hahaha! brilliant! i couldnt do that they already all think im weird!
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    She even listed the contents of the bag, which were totally bizarre; pitta bread, beef jerky, peanuts... she did say that the last time she did it one of the waiters looked at her like she was doing something strange! If I was brave enough I'd try it in a UK restaurant just to see what reaction I got!
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    She even listed the contents of the bag, which were totally bizarre; pitta bread, beef jerky, peanuts... she did say that the last time she did it one of the waiters looked at her like she was doing something strange! If I was brave enough I'd try it in a UK restaurant just to see what reaction I got!

    well let us all know how you go!! especially if you take the same random mix haha!! im so tempted
  • If we are eating out a a pub or somewhere like the beef eater Or whetherspoons try to avoid anything fried and swap them for salad or veggies, I stay clear of bread and thing like that... You will find there are a fair few places that put the calorie count on their menus and some places even have a healthy lifestyle section on the menus just keep an eye open for it and remember creamy sauces and thing like that are often high in calories. If your really worried about going over try and cut you calories from other meals in the day.
  • BevP123
    BevP123 Posts: 58 Member
    The weight watchers eating out guide is fab for gauging the good from the bad and helps me make "better" choices.
    It lists so many common UK eateries, pizza, KFC, Indian etc etc.... I don't even follow WW but I do use it for reference.
    Enjoy your night out whatever you choose x
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    thanks all! ive ignored my original post. far to many vulgar or *****y people getting sidetracked there!!!! thanks for all your suggestions! im not quite as panicked at the idea now haha!

    what do you eat when you go out??? what do u enjoy ???
  • Lizziefin7
    Lizziefin7 Posts: 1 Member
    I tend to eat grilled steak (fillet as it has least fat), baked or new potatoes, salad, fresh fruit, no dressings anywhere, ask for them separately, ot go for grilled fish (ask for no added butter or oil) etc. It really depends where you are going and what you want to spend. Often the lower the calories, the higher the price! It's the same in the US, the smaller the portion, the higher the cost!
    Good luck with it anyway, and just enjoy yourself, you can always walk / run some of the calories off!:smile:
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Ok, I was going to reply on your other thread, but I'm a UK pal!

    I had a pub meal out a few weeks ago. It was somewhere I was familiar with (but even if it's somewhere you haven't been before, I bet you can guess what meals will be on offer). I thought of some options of what I might choose and looked up things in the food database that seemed to be similar. It's never going to be an exact science when you don't have the nutritional info, but it helps you have a general idea before you go, so you can plan what to have so as not to go overboard. I had a starter and main, (fishcakes and chips), and it worked out about 1200 calories not including drinks. After I logged it all, I noticed the sneakiest calories came from dips and mayo type things. If you're not going to have chips, that'll save a good chunk. You might get lucky and find they have a lower cal section of the menu, some pubs do these days.

    Since you don't want to fast beforehand, what I tend to do is try to shave a small amount of calories off the previous day and/or following day. Not so much that I feel deprived, but just maybe 100 or so, and do some extra exercise at some point. It sounds like you're going to be sensible though and chances are you'll still be well under your TDEE, and maybe even your daily calorie goal. Most importantly, just have fun!

    And don't forget, even the lower cal stuff will probably be full of sodium, so you might see a temporary gain due to water weight, but it'll soon come off again.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Ooh, and don't let your friends order any sharing platters or anything... at least don't get sucked into sharing them!
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    Ooh, and don't let your friends order any sharing platters or anything... at least don't get sucked into sharing them!

    haha thanks!!
    no worries about that i have germ issues haha i love them dearly but i do not want there mitts on my dinner!!

    they will all have hug burgers with fried and massive deserts purley because they know im eating healthy and they like me being the 'fat one' lol they will try to get me to try there food but it is NOT happening haha