women over forty...

Hi, I have been having the hardest time losing any weight for the past three plus years. I exercise at least five days a week and now track everything here and with the fitbit. Still not losing...

anyone go through this and have any advice?

my endocrinologist said she thinks the only thing for me to do is the hcg diet...which is $500 and only 500 calories a day along with daily shots!

help! :(


  • Charismasme2
    Charismasme2 Posts: 118 Member
    I've always had trouble losing weight since having 6 kids. It's work, lots of it. I tried the hcg diet, and although I did lose with it, when I stopped it, it came right back on. I was reading somewhere (can't remember where at the moment), that it's not actually good for you body. Just keep logging in EVERYTHING, no matter what. You may have to tweak it, some do good eating back calories burnt, others don't. No ones bodies are the same. If you need a friend I'll be happy to help.
  • cooksbj
    cooksbj Posts: 1
    I've had the same issue - no matter what I tried, the pounds wouldn't come off until I learned that I am insulin resistant. Therefore I need to stay away from carbs/sugar and eat more fiber to have my metabolism stay in the fat burning mode. Maybe your doctor could test for that?
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    Are you eating enough since you work out so much! I've been stuck on a plateau for a year now and I think I may have broken it! I ate more like 1800 calories a day and exercised 4-5 times a week 30 minutes to an hour each time. Don't do that diet with shots and 500 calories that sounds expensive and unhealthy. There is a group on here if you search under groups called Eat More to Weigh Less. Read some of the threads on there and it explains it. I did weight watchers for 2 years and only lost 25 pounds and then stalled out and could not lose any more. I joined a gym 2 months ago with the money I was paying ww and I am losing inches but the scale won't budge until today! I think I lost 1.5 pounds! Hang in there! Are you eating lean proteins, vegetables, fruit, low calorie dairy products? Good luck to you!
  • photogmama
    photogmama Posts: 32 Member
    thank you all...good to know i am not "alone" in this fight. I do eat mostly organic foods and avoid most dairy (I even use almond milk in my coffee).
    I will look up the eat more to weigh less group...I have been looking at the metabolic effect, too. Their next women's session starts in june...so I may do that as well. It's an online program.
    I keep plugging along knowing I am at least getting stronger... I quit tennis and started back with weights and cardio five days a week. I feel a little thinner, but not much. Not losing many inches and it's been two months :( I really am frustrated.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Please do not starve yourself on that crap! It's worth nothing, as anybody would lose weight eating only 500 cals a day.... I am almost 44 and peri-menopausal - I do not lose weight - no matter how much or little I eat...I run a lot, and I started lifting heavy weights (heavy for me!) and am losing inches...Which makes a lot more difference that the scale not moving...
    Eat enough, and try lifting weights....
    Good luck!
  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
    getting older is not for the faint of heart! stay the course! i am experiencing the very same thing...eating so good, exercising like crazy, running miles and miles and miles (ok, maybe not that many miles!) but i am really doing so much right and nothing! not the scales, not inches - it is very discouraging - i know!

    also, please re-think that hcg diet - search it here and you'll see it is so crazy wrong!

    good luck to you!
  • ineedthis4me
    I have had a much harder time losing weight now that I am over 40. I have looked at all the ways to increase my metabolism such as eating small frequent meals, doing more exercises with weights to build muscle and just not getting stuck in a rut.
    I really do not think the HCG diet is a good idea.
  • JulieMI88
    JulieMI88 Posts: 13
    I also found now I am older and in perimenopause, potion control is not enough to lose weight. Especially I am trying to lose vanity weight.

    But I found South Beach works for me. It's slow but it works. I avoid suger, starch and animal fat. Eat 3 serves of veggie and 2 serves of beans a day. Limit to one serve of whole grain and no more than 3 serves of fruits a day. I also believe it's a very healthy diet, so I don't mind stick with it in principle (deviate from it a couple of times a week) for the rest of my life.

    Unfortunately, I got a bad injury a year ago that put me in depression. Medication made me gain 10 lbs. Now I try to lose the weight I gained in the past year. I lost 5 lbs doing south beach in Jan and Feb. I took a break. Now I am ready to lose the other 5 lbs.

    Good luck to you!
  • luckymom1968
    I just started to take this losing weight thing more seriously. I turned 44 in March and have never had to worry about it before having my children. Honestly, this hcg diet I have never heard of before so I would steer clear of it. It doesn't seem like a healthy way to lose weight to me.
  • snowintx
    snowintx Posts: 11 Member
    Myself, my sisters and three coworkers have done the HCG diet. Every person but one regained all the weight back. I will never do it again. It's very difficult to do and very discouraging to gain all the weight back. So...here I am trying MFP again and this time reaching out for more support online because last time I didn't try and connect with the cyber community.

    Just keep sharing. Keep trying. Don't give up. Maybe change the type of exercise you are doing once or twice a week???? to mix it up??
  • snowintx
    snowintx Posts: 11 Member
    Good job on losing 8 lbs! That is an accomplishment that I WOULD LOVE to achieve.
  • sweetyedie
    sweetyedie Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for asking this. Initially I dropped 12 lbs. But then I have a whole person to lose so that won't do. For the last 40 days I've only gone down a pound. It encourages me to go on when others are battling the same thing. At least we're not going up more.

    And hopefully you're feeling better from the excercise.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    In a nutshell...cut carbs, increase protein, build muscle and drink water.
  • hubkal
    hubkal Posts: 125 Member
    I am 47. DO NOT DO THE HCG DIET and DO NOT go talk to that doctor again. I am ashamed she even told you that!
    you need to start adding weight training in. You will initially gain a bit of weight, but you will move down in inches and in strength! Your arms will love you and so will your bones as they become stronger as well. As you go through menopause your body will love you too!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    In a nutshell...cut carbs, increase protein, build muscle and drink water.

    Ding Ding Ding!!! This worked for me. I think when we get older (I am 42) our body does not respond to carbs as well.

    I try to hit 100 carbs/day and 150 protein/day. I do not worry about the fat, because most of my fat comes from coconut oil.

    I believe that I have my macros set at 35/30/35 Protein/Carbs/ Fat and I eat around 1600-1900 calories and get in around 400-500 calories from exercising.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I lost weight fast at first but am in the weeds now. I find that eating 1700+/- is better than eating too little. I have one friend on here that did the hcg diet and she lost weight but is having a hard time maintaining it. Then people go back and do it again, very expensive and does not solve the food addiction.

    1. Feed your body what it needs, try to net 1200 at least
    2. Measure your food
    3. HRM or fitbit can help you be more accurate with calories out
    4. Drink lots of water
    5. Stress Relief...massage, Bingo, walks, shopping...whatever helps you decrease your stress that is not food!
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Hi, I have been having the hardest time losing any weight for the past three plus years. I exercise at least five days a week and now track everything here and with the fitbit. Still not losing...

    anyone go through this and have any advice?

    my endocrinologist said she thinks the only thing for me to do is the hcg diet...which is $500 and only 500 calories a day along with daily shots!

    help! :(
    Your endocrinologist suggested HCG before she recommended a nutritionist? Hmmm sounds like it might be time for a new doctor. Honestly it might really be time for a new doctor.
  • dawnschrecengost66
    dawnschrecengost66 Posts: 30 Member
    I am 45, and I too have difficulty losing weight. I've lost 25 lbs since January 1, that's good I suppose, that's with being strict, and doing P90X while watching diet.........but nothing in the last 3-4 weeks. It's annoying and frustrating, and I don't know what to do to change it.

    I have been researching and I agree with many of your fellow posters, that it is so possible that not eating enough is causing the problem.

    I would say establish a reasonable caloric goal, and I'm finding that tracking in here everything I eat, and my workouts is helping a great deal; and try to achieve that goal every day and see how it goes.

    I also found that high protein, low carb worked for jump starting me.

    Good luck.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    Shocked that any doctor would recommend that. Maybe you could open you diary and you would get more specific advice. I understand how frustrated you must be!
  • minime2b
    minime2b Posts: 168
    I feel your pain. I was pretty fit until my late 30s early 40s and then I got hurt. I had so much trouble until I found MFP....I realized that I was not being honest with myself about how much I was actually eating. I log everything but on the weekends I practice making good choices and have cheat days. We are a very social family and this is what works for me. Also at this point in my life I have found that smart carb choices are a MUST! If I don't pay attention to carbs I will not lose and may even gain

    I do not eat back execrcise cals so I dont have to worry if I over log. but I do try and keep proper track. Hang in there it will happen. These are the things working for me thus far and i'll keep them up until time to change. Good Luck

    Oh, I'm 49 with 3 adult children and I've lost 23 pounds since Jan 4th 2012