Need serious help

So i just went to the doctor yesterday and was weighed...

I went from 95lbs (i'm only 4'8") to 108 in a matter of months, suspiciously after changing birth control.
Needless to say, i have now changed back to the previous Depo shot i had been on but the weight refused to come off. I had no idea i had gained THAT much in a few months.

Now, i know 108 is a reasonable weight for my height, but none of my clothes fit anymore so now i need to lose the weight.

I'm a vegetarian, but i have to say my healthy eating habits have been painfully affected since my boyfriend moved in. He's a picky eater, my mom's more "whatever you cook i'll eat" and i'm a health food nut. Of course, they always win. It's too expensive to cook 3 meals for 3 people.

I have also fallen off my exercise routine because I have no one who wants to work out with me anymore. My mom is also dieting and working out-but she gets frustrated and bored too quickly. I'm left working out for about 30minutes less than normal because she gets really upset that she can't keep up with me.

It's dull to work out alone, but joining a gym or driving anywhere is financially out of the question. So i'm left choosing to exercise alone and get bored (which leads to quitting) or work out with here...when she's in the mood to, and only on the days that she's not going to get frustrated.

I'm at wit's end with it. How to i get my meat-and-taters man to eat a little better so i don't cook a whole meal just for myself? (By the onions, spinach, peppers, tomatoes, mustard, carrots, spice, yaddayadda.... can be included. Period. He's as bad as a kid) And how can i make my at-home-workouts more fun (but still free of charge)?


  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Please don't take this as being rude, but when it comes to exercising you might just have to deal with it.

    I exercise everyday alone. My mom tries sometimes but lasts only a couple of minutes. That actually makes me push harder because I don't want to be in that shape to where I can only last a few minutes.

    I think it's you can get clips of tonnns of exercise DVDs and find one that interests you.
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    id say he'd be cooking for himself:wink: , and for the workout, yes, it can be boring alone, but i have found if i wait around for someone else i only put on more weight:explode: ....good luck:bigsmile:
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hmmm. Exercise by yourself with some great music... and if your mom gets frustrated that she can't keep up, then nicely explain that it's because she isn't trying hard enough. Which is the impression I get if she's "bored" with it.

    If you're "bored" with your exercises, do fun ones. Don't make exercise a punishment, or you won't stick with it for the rest of your life!

    About the man... how about a compromise. You cook what they want X times a week, and they can choke down that they should be eating (i.e. your healthy foods) the rest of the time. You're bound to find healthier meals he likes. And if not, he can cook his own darn food.

    Your health comes first. Not catering to other people's unhealthy attitudes that damage your own. That is their choice. This is yours. You can't be responsible for everyone else: willpower is what makes or breaks a healthy lifestyle, and you don't want to lose yours. And if that sounds unsympathetic... I've been there, and that's what you have to do. And yes, there will be sulking and the occasional fight, but I'm so glad I changed for the better as others around me are doing the same. Kicking and screaming, but they're doing it!
  • yessie75
    yessie75 Posts: 152
    I'm usually the cook in my house (family of 5) and I choose what we eat. I take into consideration their likes and dislikes, but it would be a nightmare trying to please everybody at every meal. They know that I will cook healthy meals and whoever doesn't like it, can have a bowl of cereal :grumble:
    When we go out to eat, then they can choose what they want:glasses:

    I also work out alone. I tried to get my husband and then my daughter to join me, but they couldn't handle the commitment.
  • Demetria
    Demetria Posts: 178
    you can't please everyone and if they don't like it they can fend for themselves. It almost seems like you are the mom and they are the kids. I buy the groceries and make the meals so again I choose what we have and if they don't like it, I tell them they can make themselves a sandwich but I am not making anything else that includes my husband.

    You can go to the public library and check out exercise dvds some for you some for your mom, you just won't be able to work out together. Walking, jogging outside don't cost anything.

  • hungrybear
    I go to the gym with a buddy but I actually find it better when I work out myself. My workout buddy comes to me when I'm working out a lot of times and asked "how long are you going to be on this?" "do you want to do this instead?" "are we leaving soon?" it is much easier for me when I workout myself and choose what to do and when to leave. Try listening to music or watching whatever show they put on at the gym. Bring a magazine or something. Check yourself out at the mirror helps too, haha.

    I totally feel you about the food. I live with my parents and siblings. The food my mom makes are quite fattening and oily a lot of the time. It is VERY tempting when there are yummy oily food on the table. But I started buying some grocery myself, and prepare my own quick meal...either at the same time my mom prepares the family meal or a little before or after. Then I just sit with them and eat what I made for myself. You should talk to them about it. But yeah, the most challenging part for me is to fight temptation, but yeah, if she makes healthier food that night, then I'll eat it.

  • Rugbychick16
    Rugbychick16 Posts: 183 Member
    I really dislike working out with other people. My only exception is either spin class or going for a hike with my sister in law, but I find if i do my own thing, I can go where I want, when I want and for however long I want. Get some great music, put it on your MP3 player, and have some "Me" time, which is how I view my workouts. I love my family and I love my Husband, but sometimes, I just gotta have that alone time, which is my running time.

    My husband is also a very picky eater, and I've learned to make one main dish, and then different sides. We can have fish as a main, and then I give him fries and I have a salad. I've found it doesn't cost much more to do it that way, and then we both get what we want. :happy: The other thing I've started doing is just using lighter ingredients in the recipes I currently use and/or smaller portions. So far it's worked out for us! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I completely understand.
    I'm having trouble, too.
    My gym closed up & combined with all the other changes in my life, I'm really overwhelmed.
    The good news is my hubby pretends to be supportive. :wink:
    Good luck to you -
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • stephcheers
    I have also fallen off my exercise routine because I have no one who wants to work out with me anymore.

    And how can i make my at-home-workouts more fun (but still free of charge)?

    Run. Run. Run. Run!!!

    That's my advice. It's addictive and free and right out the front door. Take a break from being the care taker to mom and boyfriend. Run for you! Then enter your miles you ran on MFP and see how much you can actually eat. You won't be so rensentful for the meals they like you to cook.

    You can do it!