Congrats on staying under your kcals allowance?! (warning; r



  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    It annoys me to! All I say is Wtg on any post that doesn't have an open diary! I still want to recognise that persons efforts and my firends are pretty good! I know a lot of my firends by now and I know the sorts of stuff they tend to eat from what they have said in other posts etc so I in these cases I don't see it as an issue.

    I also have a few friends who are recovering from EDs and because I know this I can be objective with their food intake! Being encouraging can reap rewards when people start eating breakfast for example because of the suport they have been given by their understanding group of friends!!

    Not sure if any of that makes sense toanyone else but its what I think! Lol!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I don't open my diary because it is mine and there our somethings I would just rather keep to myself. Does that mean I am lying bout being under for the day or not well check out my ticker if that were the case I don' think I would have been able to lose the weight that I have lost. But I do offer advice to my friends if they message me, and I let them know some of the things I have done to lose the weight.
  • ericgAU
    ericgAU Posts: 271
    I too dont quite understand the reasoning to close ones diary. While I'm usually a fairly private type of guy, I thoroughly enjoy the accountability, advice & the camaraderie amongst my MFP friends. I mean, isnt that what being on MFP is all about??
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    I don't open my diary because I don't want people to criticize me if I eat something that is not healthy.
  • nelandel
    nelandel Posts: 1 Member
    :smile: Ditto!
    I don't want others scrutinizing what I eat or how I eat. One person wrote she was just concerned about the dieter's health. My health is my concern and no one elses.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I wouldn't be too concerned about that message that "they were under X amount of calories". I sometimes hit the "completed for the day" during the day - before I'm actually done - just to see what it says.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I never comment on the messages that someone is under their calories unless I can view just what they are eating. I don't want to tell someone that they are doing good if they are living on 1200 calories of junk food.
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    mine is open to MFP friends, and just yesterday a young lady pointed out I needed to eat more fruit, and she is right, whether or not I heed the advice or not is my choice but it I think it's good someone has taken out the time to check my diary and to help me along with my plan, and yes I will eat more fruit :smile:
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    -Title was meant to say at the end; (warning; rant) heh

    Okay, so something's been getting to me recently.. And I feel the need to get this off my chest.
    There are some people on here who choose to not make their diary entries viewable to others, even with their friends added on here, and I respect that decision and everything. I'm aware that perhaps such a person would feel more comfortable with the added privacy etc.
    But what worries me is when their entry is completed for the day, and y'know it says that they were under their calorie allowance for that day...which is great I suppose. But I do worry 'cause I can't see by how much they're under, and whether it's really that healthy. Fair enough if they're under by so many calories etc. but then there's the possibility of them netting below 1,000 kcals etc.
    And then, all too often in response to these completed diary entries, another person comments with something like, 'Well done' etc. and that really gets to me because how are they to know the extent of by how much under those calories were, and in turn by the amount of nutrients they're feeding their body...
    (It's like such comments could be encouraging unhealthy, destructive behaviours...)

    I'm not trying to criticise, nor am I trying to be overly nosy or anything. I'm just concerned for these such person/s health.

    Okay Rant over.

    But seriously, does anyone feel the same to me on this issue, or anything similar?

    Many times, people say "well done" because they are more often than not, meaning well done as in the person has not gone over their daily allowance. After all, many people are here, to keep track of their calories and hope to keep within their allowance.

    Regarding seeing their diaries, I do not consider that my responsibility, the only responsibility I have is to my own day's eating and drinking, everybody else's is their concern, it really is nothing to do with me.

    Regarding feeling concerned for their health, that too, is none of my business and I would hate for somebody to feel their could judge me on what I am doing, eating, drinking and what my calories counts are, because I am old enough to make my own decisions and I do not necessarily consider another person to be more wised-up than me when it comes to my own body. In actual fact, I would go further than that and am cast-iron certain that another person would not know what is better for me than I.
  • weight2go
    weight2go Posts: 92 Member
    If we all were perfect we would not be on here. Its what works for you. I made mine public because I wanted show I can make good choices. And sometimes I am human I will make a bad one and get over it.
  • fishiewishes
    fishiewishes Posts: 91 Member
    I keep my diary open - as far as I see it, if I'm being honest with myself with what I log I'm open for any criticism. Also, I like people to look at my diary and go "ooh, that meal sounds nice I might make that tomorrow" and I enjoy seeing the same, I've been inspired by looking at my MFP pals diaries and what people have been logging :)
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    I too dont quite understand the reasoning to close ones diary. While I'm usually a fairly private type of guy, I thoroughly enjoy the accountability, advice & the camaraderie amongst my MFP friends. I mean, isnt that what being on MFP is all about??

    I totally agree with this comment. Most of us eat something that is not considered a wise or healthy choice from time to time, but if we ate this way all the time then hopefully a caring friend might be able to offer some constructive advice - if our diary is open for all to see. Plus - I like to look at the successful losers diaries to see what the secret of their success is.
  • ambitious01
    ambitious01 Posts: 209 Member
    well, my diary is open. I don't appreciate judging my eating habits tho. Maybe I'll do better closing it. I want motivation, not ridicule.
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I think you're overthinking this. Just don't comment on closed diaries then and be on your way.
    Not everyone is on 1200 cal per pday so being under is no nig deal. I have 1950 cal per day + exercise cals so am under all the time but my diary is closed. I don't want comments on it, I wish MFP wouldn't post that stupid notice when I complete my entries. If I remember I X it out of the news feed.
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    I started here with having mine open to my MFP "friends" but recently closed it...yes, I eat too much chocolate and no where near enough fruits and veggies. But I KNOW this and don't need someone else pointing it out...I am trying to incorporate new things and every day I work on it, but I'd rather not have the judgement, even if it's by people I don't know.

    And I rarely comment on anyone's diary, except one of my new friends as I know he's been struggling and could use the encouragement and feedback.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    I don't care what people eat. I'd prefer that the feed didn't contain that little "end of day" blurb. I never comment on people's end of day.