Do you pack a lunch?



  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 720 Member
    Hummus and pita bread is a nice snack or lunch, soup, wraps, pita sandwiches, if you have a toaster oven you could make mini pizzas,quesadillas, greek salads, left overs (make an extra chicken breast with dinner etc.) :)
  • I usually try to do meal plans for my whole week for work and home. It's hard but it really helps. I plan to have left overs of a couple dinners to take as lunch. I also do salads. Sometimes I eat a low carb wrap but I eat very little bread so I usually don't do sandwich. I do put anything I'd eat on a a sandwich over lettuce or in lettuce wraps. I also do a lean cuisine about 1 time a week. Now and then if I am feeling lazy I just eat oatmeal.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 743 Member
    I bring jamie easons turkey meatballs! Yummmm!!!

    I make a big batch on the weekend and separate them in baggies...super easy and I don't have to worry about prepping lunches every day!!

    I also make home made muffins and protein bars that I won't feel guilty snacking on...

    And of course some veggies...not raw though they don't really fill me up.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I'm big on convenience too, but I actually find that my excitement about my lunch is usually in direct proportion to how much effort I put into it. Last night I took the time to chop some grape tomatoes, cucumber, and sweet pepper and put them in a [homemade] balsamic viniagrette overnight. This morning I added spinach leaves, kalamata olives, and feta and I can't wait for lunch.

    For dinner last night, I tried the "zucchini boat" thing, stuffing it with shredded chicken I had made in the crock pot, hot salsa, and some cheese-- broiled in my toaster oven [freakin' love that thing] and the half I didn't eat will be lunch tomorrow.

    I love broccoli and mukimame with nothing but salt & pepper, so I also love the steam-in-bag veggies for work. They're kinda pricey if not on sale, but you can't beat the convenience. I'll pair them with a Flat-Out wrap filled with hummus and shredded chicken.
  • ablykins
    ablykins Posts: 200 Member
    I designate Sunday afternoons as my food prep day and I prepare all meals my husband and myself, portion them, and pack them for daily lunches and dinners. Taking one afternoon/evening makes meal planning soooo much easier for the week and actually saves you so much time. It also has meals ready do go should your schedule throw you a curve ball. I also always have 2 protein shakes and a shaker cup in my car in case I get stuck somewhere. Typically in a week I make low carb enchiladas with either chicken or turkey, turkey & black bean chili, sweet potatoes, baked chicken, baked tilapia, roasted garlic turkey burgers, roasted asparagus, brown rice or quinoa casserole, spaghetti squash, and/or low carb fruit and bran muffins. I have a cooking blog if you'd like to check out some of my on the go recipes. :happy:
  • katB_83
    katB_83 Posts: 41 Member
    I normally bring some soup or a salad as I can't eat bread (intolerance to wheat) but sometimes, especially in the summer months i bring a nice fresh fruit salad, its still filling but the flavours are a welcome change from normal salads
  • Cillamail
    Cillamail Posts: 21 Member
    I make a big batch of soup, or anything I can freeze, portion it out into 4-5 containers, and take one to work and heat it up in the microwave.

    I do this too, I find it is a good way to get rid of those "almost too old" veges, I just use some vege stock, canned tomatos and lentils and it is a guilt free quick lunch. And way cheaper than frozen weight watchers meals. Or since it is coming into winter I am looking forward to making a big batch of pumpkin soup. If this doesn't fill you up enough, throw in a peice of bread/toast.

    I also love turkey or salmon with rice cakes, add some avocado, tomatoe, cucumber or anything fresh.

    Try mixing up the salads, I have a great womens weekly recepie book called "TOSS" which has some great recipes which I use as ideas. Thai beef salad is a fav, I make it for dinner and can't wait to have the left overs for lunch the next day.

    I always cook up heaps of extra steamed veges and boiled potatoes for dinner, with a bit of sauce these are a quick easy lunch.

    I look forward to reading everyone elses ideas. I need a bit of refreshing myself :)
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Mmm I'm loving some of the ideas in this thread! :smile: Fed up of sandwiches too!
  • kyrstin__1188
    kyrstin__1188 Posts: 170 Member
    Lately I usually get the frozen healthy choice lunches, or take leftovers.

    This week I made salsa chicken in the crockpot over the weekend (chicken breasts, corn, black beans, jar of salsa) then shredded it and put into a big container in the fridge. Then each day I grab some of that, along with different things for my lunches. What I've had with it so far is tacos, burritos, & salad. For these you can add whatever else youd like, lettuce, tomatos, olives, cheese. I also did the chicken on top of mashed potatoes one day.

    It was a super easy recipe, and goes great with tons of different things, so I haven't been getting bored with it. It's also pretty low calorie, but filling too.

    Hope this helps! :)
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I bring lunch every day and it wouldn't even occur to me to bring a sandwich. I make sure there's something prepared the night before that I can take with me (today it's lentil soup that I made for dinner yesterday). I don't really understand why more people don't just take leftovers for lunch-- it's a lot easier than making something specialized. On the rare day that I'm ill-prepared there's usually something in the house I can grab, like half an avocado and crackers. I always have whole fruits that I can bring with me as well.
  • tldust
    tldust Posts: 103 Member
    I usually pack an Amy's frozen meal or Kashi frozen meal, luna bar, some type of fruit. Left overs if I have any. Those cute little boxes of soy milk.
  • brogersnhod
    brogersnhod Posts: 5 Member
    I normally buy the big container of Cabot Vanilla Greek Yogurt and a different flavor of granola that is not to high in calories. I combine one cup of the granola to one cup of the yogurt and eat that for lunch. Being that I am a guy and my calorie intake is more than most ladies this might not seem worth while for you but most times it equals about 500 - 700 calories again depending on the granola I choose. 1 cup of the yogurt is only 220 calories 4 grams of fat and 18g of protein. This will fill me up for a short while but I am trying to get into the habit of 6 small meals a day instead of 3 big meals.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I'm also about to get on a quinoa salad kick... quinoa + veggies of choice + fresh cilantro or basil + lemon/lime juice and a little olive oil = very filling and delicious! And a bowl of the stuff will last me a week.
  • Like many others, I tend to way overcook when I make meals so I can bring them the next day. These include homemade stews, soups, spaghetti squash lasagna (so good! i have a recipe if you'd like - all veggies (although I add meat) and no starches! Also, lots of potassium!), etc.

    I am also a fan of protein shakes and fruits/veggies. if you have or can invest in one of those mini blenders (like the bullet)... you can bring the things you need to make a shake at work.

    lets see... otherwise, i love sandwiches and salads. baked potato / kettle chips. popcorn. zone bars (their double dark chocolate is to die for - and it's good for you! not too high in sugar, high in protein and other vitamins!).

    i'm sure there's more.. but i'm tired... lol
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    I pack a lunch almost every day. Usually it's a portion of whatever is left over from dinner the night before. On days like today, where we didn't have left-overs (last night was grilled cheese sammiches and a serving of bbq chips! Yum!), I scrounge whatever I can out of the pantry.

    I've also made crock-pots full of chili or soup on Sundays and portioned that out for a week's worth of lunches. That works well, too.

    The only days I don't pack a lunch are the days where I know I have a lunch meeting and some food will be provided AND I know I have enough calories to give.
  • I have to pack my lunch every day. I work nights, our cafeteria is not open, I can't leave the building (the only thing open during the night is White Castle and McDonalds anyway), and my only other option is the vending machines. I usually try and pack myself a healthy lunch with a piece of fruit, a vegetable, and a protein source. I will use my crock pot to make soup and I can usually get enough from one batch to last a week and a half. I'll also take wraps or sandwiches. If I'm feeling lazy or I'm only working a couple of days, I'll get frozen dinners. If I get salad, it's only one day a week. I just can't eat salads everyday for a week. Baby carrots, celery, and apples are pretty much staples of my lunches. The rest varies.
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    A snack bag with 2 large sticks of celery (broken up) and a serving of baby carrots, then a divided tupperware with hummus and mustard in 2 of the small sections, then either a sandwich or a baby spinach salad with fish (you can use the individual packets of tuna and salmon that are about 80 calories and don't need to be refrigerated if sealed) and some light dressing.
    I do this on the 2-3 days a week that I have to pack lunch (I'm a student, so the other days I have time to go home)

    EDIT: I also bring a small bar, like a chewy granola bar or half of a Clif Builder's Bar for a snack that I eat about 2.5-3 hours after lunch.
  • mem1086
    mem1086 Posts: 136 Member
    bumping for ideas! I normally get a salad from our cafeteria. So I don't pack a lunch, but I pack my breakfast and 2 snacks. I want to start packing my lunch.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    When I make dinner the night before I always make enough for the next day lunch. I also occasionally have a sandwich or salad.

    And this-
    I try to grill or bake several meats (chicken, pork, tilapia) on Sunday and then bring leftovers for lunch during the week. Sometimes will throw together a salad and then reheat some chicken to put on top.

    When in a crunch, I'll make a quick tuna or chicken salad. Eat it with a fork (heated sometimes, even), or put over a salad. (I'm gluten intolerant, so I don't do the bread anyways)

    I'll also make bacon/sausage/boiled eggs ahead, so I can just grab breakfast on days I'm not up in time to make something. It's all about planning ahead! :flowerforyou:
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    When I make dinner the night before I always make enough for the next day lunch. I also occasionally have a sandwich or salad.

    Same here...I always make enough dinner so that I have something for lunch the next day. No way in hell could I eat a sammich every day.