What regiment are you on that has lost you weight?



  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    I ate a lot of negative calorie foods and lost consistently about 2-3 lbs per week. I ate all the time. Then I slacked, and have reached a plateau of gaining and losing the same 2 pounds over and over again.

    Here's some information. Right or wrong, it surely did the trick for me!

    The negative calorie food will have maximum benefits when eaten without any empty calorie foods (junk food). There are several foods such as vegetables and fruits that have negative calorie effect. Some of the negative calorie foods that can be eaten in generous quantities are: Asparagus, Beets, Carrot, Zucchini, Papaya, Strawberry, Raspberry, etc. Look at the list below.

    Free List of Negative calorie Foods
    Negative Calorie Vegetables
    Beet Root
    Celery Chicory
    Hot Chili
    Garden cress
    Green Beans

    Negative Calorie Fruits
    Grapefruit Honeydew
    Peach Pineapple

    Umm... What? Your body does not burn more calories digesting an apple or some of these other foods than the calories they provide.
  • all4derby
    all4derby Posts: 55
    I would be willing to bed my last dollar that you would have lost much more than 8lbs in a month if you were actually eating the calories recommended. I've starved my way to failure on every "diet" I've tried and now its like I'm not even trying and the weight is coming off - 21 lbs in about 6 weeks.

    21 lbs in 6 weeks is 3.5 lbs a week. This rate is not sustainable long term, and perhaps is even unhealthy. I know you have alot to lose but don't go pointing fingers about not being healthy. 2 lbs a week is FANTASTIC for those who don't have alot to lose.

    It is NOT a RACE.

    No, it definitely isn't sustainable and my loss has slowed quite a bit as I expected it to. When I started, I was at the very high end of my normal range and the first few pounds came off very quickly. Also, I exercise a lot because I play roller derby and I also do supplemental training to improve at my sport and prevent injuries.

    I'm not at all saying everyone should be able to lose 21lbs in 6 weeks, but I think the OP would be doing a lot better if he were eating more, especially being a man.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I agree with the others... 8 pounds in a month is great! I'd keep doing what you are doing!

    I do agree that staying on a 1200 calorie a day diet for long term can cause problems but I don't think it happens overnight. Or you could do a plan like I'm doing. I follow the Spike diet. The suggestion of the plan is to figure your bmr and eat at that level 3 days, eat 500 minus bmr 3 days (but never under 1200), and eat twice your bmr one day a week to keep your metobolism going. This way you will reset your body and leptin levels weekly and won't go into starvation mode.

    That said I've modified my plan a bit. My BMR is 1500. I eat at 1200-1300 Mon-Fri, around 1500 on Saturday, and around 3000 Sundays. It finally got me off a month long plateu and losing again and it's been much more fun. :)

    Hmm... I may try this in 6 weeks to change things up. Do you mind me asking what your losses have been on this plan?

    I have been losing a pound or so a week doing this. People with more to lose have had bigger numbers. I gave some of it back last week though when I gained three pounds on vacation but after two days back on diet I've already lost 1.2 pounds of that gain. Looking forward to Spiking on Sunday! We have a group under Spike 84 if you have questions... it's a great and helpful group of people!
  • Pabs1
    Pabs1 Posts: 2
    It took me a while to get sorted out with my foods, but now that i have im losing close to a kilo a week, about 2pounds a week, and im only 82kg, i tend to eat alot of vegies for lunch and dinner, chicken with vegies for dinner, a fruit shake during the day and an apple, i throw in noodles (egg or carb) and rice on days i do extra sport, or the night before a heavy exercise day
    Irun alot and am gyming it on most days i dont run, so for me the weight is piling off, the vegies keep me full and i throw in a coke zero and glasses of cordial to fill in the gaps when im hungry and happy to reward myself.
    Ive found for me the trick was find food i like then stick to em, i dont deviate too much and at times my food choice is boring but its worked really well for me, hoping to be at my goal weight in a couple of weights, i am eating equal amount of protein to my body weight (in kg) as im on a heavy cardio program atm, but soon hoping to hit the weights, and ill throw in a protein shake in to boost my protein intake, i tend to not be hungry and vegies fill me up. Frozen vegies, microwaved with a good % of it brocolli, not too bad tasting, cheap and very quick, 7mins prep time and cooking time