Detox Diet



  • klkelley
    klkelley Posts: 122 Member
    Why such rude comments to a newcomer..she just asked a simple question and ya'll practically bashing what she said she 'heard' she already knew this. A simple answer or polite opinion would have sufficed. if you dont have anything Kind to say then dont bother typing it....

    I too have "heard" of the whole juice detox business but since you guys say the body 'detoxifies' itself and Not to do it then ill take your advice.


    Be Blessed

  • teresacc26
    teresacc26 Posts: 91 Member
    I too have "heard" of the whole juice detox business but since you guys say the body 'detoxifies' itself and Not to do it then ill take your advice.
    Why are you believing "you guys" instead of doing your own research. Who's to say that "detoxng" doesn't have some benefits?

    I believe in juice fasting. I wouldn't say it has special detoxifying powers but I believe it does something.

    Bottom line: use your own mind.

    To Be Honest I really dont Care to Detox right now and I was basically showing them 2 ppl how simple the convo cld have went instead of going in on the girl like that...IF I Ever decided to make a decision on MY body then of course Id 'use my own mind" ...smh
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I love it how people try to offer help but are bashed because they don't offer agreement.

    If someone tells me they eat 14 meals per day because it revs up their metabolism I'm going to share my information with them to help them to stop being ridiculous. That doesn't make me a chode, that makes me helpful.

    Pretty big difference.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    I love it how people try to offer help but are bashed because they don't offer agreement.

    If someone tells me they eat 14 meals per day because it revs up their metabolism I'm going to share my information with them to help them to stop being ridiculous. That doesn't make me a chode, that makes me helpful.

    Pretty big difference.

    A large percentage of MFP members are here because they have a history of making poor decisions. They don't like being told they are wrong, and are unlikely to change. It's rarely worth the energy to debate those.. instead, I think its best to focus support on those who are prepared to make a true effort.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    to the people who say your body detoxes itself - yes, this is true. but you're not seeing the whole process, youve got blinkers on.

    lets look at it a different way:

    if you are eating and drinking a lot of crap then your organs are working very hard, harder than usual, to rid the body of the toxins first and foremost, and not performing any of its other functions to a degree. if you consume less toxinous foods and drinks, its working less to get rid of the toxins, and performing other functions to a better degree. very simple. makign an effort to give it a break for a while is not a bad thing to do - for example, if your liver is not working away getting rid of alcohol, its starts to do other jobs to help the body. its not only got one job! its got lots! if your diet is high in processed crap then youre system becomes sluggish, you may feel tired, and your immune system is lowered. but people jump on the 'detox' word because its misused and charlatans certianly do misuse it. we need to come up with a new word.

    original poster - (i've forgotten your username, sorry) if you want to give your body less of a job strain doing the detoxing, i think the one youre speaking of is the jason vale juicemaster 7 days one. its more geared towards weightloss though then you progress onto anohter of his books. if you want something less severe, then try his turbo charge your life book, its all about fresh produce, fuits and veg, lean meats with no processed food etc.

    call it a detox if you want, or call it plain old healthy eating - people will jump on you less for the latter,

    enjoy myfitnesspal and ignore the choads on here :)

    My lungs work very hard all day pumping oxygen through my bloodstream, I should hold my breath for 36 hours a week.

    My heart works very hard all day circulating my blood through my body, a quick defib would give it a break.

    Your organs were designed to function continuously; having a healthy and balanced diet will do a lot more for you than drinking your food through a straw.
  • There's little evidence that detoxing actually remove toxins from the body. Most ingested toxins are efficiently and effectively removed by the kidneys and liver and excreted in urine and stool.
    It's also important to consider possible side effects. Among other problems, detoxing can lead to:


    Please be careful and see your doctor before you try any of these detox methods that are out there at the moment. Your health is most important.
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    Im not sure what kind fo Detox Diets you have read about but i know ones like the Maple syrup and cabbage soup diet are all rubbish and will not detox anything! I have read Jason Vales books and he has some really interesting points. The 7 day juice diet (the one where you juice everything) is good, you add in a few supplements too but i think the turbocharge your life would be what your looking for. You do some juicing but also keep some nice salads and protein in the diet too so you dont slow your metabolism down.

    for all the people that say this doestn work then fine, it works for me, i cant speak for anyone else. My skin is really dry in winter and i used to suffer really bad headaches, everytime i do a short juice detox its really really helps me.

    Read Jason Vales books. He has all the info and the studies to back it up, interesting read!

    Oh and good luck with whatever 'detox' you try! :)
  • I'm sensing some jealousy in some of the replies, i think people might feel intimidated because you look thin and pretty in your photo! I once did a detox for three days where all I had was organic squeezed lemons into purified water with cayenne pepper and organic maple syrup.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I'm sensing some jealousy in some of the replies, i think people might feel intimidated because you look thin and pretty in your photo! I once did a detox for three days where all I had was organic squeezed lemons into purified water with cayenne pepper and organic maple syrup.

  • I'm sensing some jealousy in some of the replies, i think people might feel intimidated because you look thin and pretty in your photo! I once did a detox for three days where all I had was organic squeezed lemons into purified water with cayenne pepper and organic maple syrup.

    I'm not jealous at all :smile: I just don't want someone to hurt themselves without getting all the information.
    Seriously tho of you want to do this detox please see your doctor as I said before.:flowerforyou:
  • It took me a long time to realize what was best for my body. If you're looking to revamp your diet try cutting out most processed foods. Rather than doing a quick cleanse, just make a big step towards more vitamin rich and protien filled foods.

    My diet is 90% filled with fruits, yogurt, and steel cut oats for breakfast, rich leafy greens and veggies for lunch, and lots of lean protien and more veggies for dinner with fruits/nuts as snacks. I tend to stay away from anything packaged and try to eat fresh whenever I can. I do love juicing but as a part of my diet, after a workout or with my breakfast.

    I know a lot of my MFP friends also eat similar to this. It feels great eating so fresh. Its not a detox but it is a step in a more positive direction than "detoxing"! :)
  • RKNR
    RKNR Posts: 30
    I did a detox diet ti jump start my metabloim and it really helped. Here is the blueprint I followed
    Morning - smoothie
    1 cup strawberries
    1 cup non dairy milk- I used almond
    1 scoop of a "good" whey protein powder

    Snack- unlimited raw veggies

    Lunch- 4 oz lean protein with vegetables ( steamed, salad, soup, grilled)

    Snack- unlimited raw veggies

    Dinner- 4 oz lean protein with vegetables ( steamed, salad, soup, grilled)

    Nothing but water, green tea or black coffee to drink

    I did this for 7 days and lost 9 pounds.

    I felt terrible the first 3 days due to a cola and sugar addiction, and had never felt better since! I now eat everything in moderation but keep my protein at 4 oz per meal and limit my dairy and gluten intake, they seem to upset my stomach if I eat to many. I also try not to use salt and eat everything with reduced sodium and now try and eat clean as much as possible. I never realized how many processed foods I was actually eating and what it did to my body.