Help me!! I miss potato chips!!



  • Sarasari
    Sarasari Posts: 139 Member
    For me, I have gained my weight by putting certain foods on a NO list. Then I would eat a healthier sub and still eat the thing I was craving,probably more of it because I was feeling so deprived. Now, I just work a portion into my food diary. So I say have a little, count it. Maybe have it as a side to some grilled chicken and a large salad.Then maybe you won't go overboard.I have switched us to baked chips. The sour cream and cheddar and doritos are my favorite. Good luck.
  • LovingKay
    LovingKay Posts: 47 Member
    I love dip! I used some fat free greek yogurt and a little hidden valley dip mix -- Nirvana!!! Because the yogurt is so light, a little seasoning goes a long way! And well, me and Special K crisps have a wonderful relationship...LOL! I baggie up the box and life is good. The laughing cow light - ANY OF THEM - are yummy with a little plain yogurt to stretch it and pretzle crisps... Heavenly. I hope this helps...
    I hear baked kale with a light dusting of sea sale is great! (Hungry girl website) I am going to make some this weekend! And at least with the Kale---you can go for it!
  • Doresoontobehealthy
    Doresoontobehealthy Posts: 189 Member
    I second that. Pop chips are amazing and they satisfy my need for something crunchy and salty.
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    What part are you missing? The crunch? salt? texture? If you can figure out that, finding a substitute might be easier.

    Good point.

    And when I compare the numbers on baked vs. regular, they aren't that different. If you're definitely going to have some, you might just want to go for a SMALL measured amount of the real thing. (yes I feel stupid counting out 18 chips when I do it, but honestly that's a lot of chips if you don't just shove them in your mouth lol)
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    Look for different brands. Baked it good. BUT I love cracher chips with salsa. You should try those and you can eat half the box for like 100 cals!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You have a few choices:
    1. Never eat them again and crave them and miss them and eventually eat every one you can find.
    2. Save some calories maybe a few times a week to have a reasonable portion of chips and dip.
    3. Find something that is a suitable replacement for you and eat that when you are kind of craving it, but then have the real thing once in a while too. Some people swear Kale chips are just as good (I've never tried). You can try different brands to see if there is something with a lower calorie count that you could eat more frequently. Maybe there is a rice chip or veggie chip that would be suitable for you. You'll have to try a few things.

    Good luck!
  • LinzCurlyQ
    LinzCurlyQ Posts: 94 Member
    Popchips are great, and it won't hurt to have chips every now and then. Chips and salsa are something I like to eat, so I eat it every now and then. I find when I crave chips it is because I'm craving salt. Maybe you are craving something in the chips you aren't getting.
  • cmbrysonussery
    cmbrysonussery Posts: 55 Member
    Treats that I can't seem to get enough of, I take for lunch at work. I measure out my serving in a little baggie, enjoy them, then they are gone. It's not like at home where I might be tempted to go grab the bag from the kitchen. (I'm doing it with Easter candy now, one baby candy for lunch dessert at work. If I grabbed it at home I might eat one, followed by a handful.)

    Also, out of sight, out of mind. Healthy foods at eye level in fridge and pantry. The more I'm likely to over indulge the higher is goes. If I actually have to go to the basement to get the step ladder to get it from the pantry then I must really want it! (Plus I just had to climb the stairs twice so I burned a little of what I'm about to eat.)
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    What about Sakata Rice Crackers? Lots of crunch; not sure how they compare to chips/crisps, but they are low fat.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If you want to go with a lower calorie option so you can get more substance for your calories, try Pop Chips or mini rice cakes. They both come in a lot of flavors. Rice Cakes aren't that low cal, but you could probably be satisfied with half a serving.
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    eat carrots and hummus instead...baked pita chips or sun chips as substitutes

    hahaha...while carrots an hummus are certainly healthy, you clearly dont understand the longing for those crispy, salty, fatty, pieces of heaven...and who could forget that white fluffy cloud of joy...the dip.

    I agree with those who say make it part of your plan....a measured, controlled, and planned snack...not a 10 pm gorge watching survivor!

    I also make home made nuts and bolts...100cals worth is about a cup...and i sit and eat each individual piece slowly, enjoying the different textures of my ingredients...two types of cereal, some pretzels..even the odd cheezie..its like finding gold in your bowl when you hit a cheezie!! I add seasoning salt of course to make my palate happy...sometimes I add salted soya nuts too...not too much, but some to enjoy the crunch and boost the protien and overall nutrition of my snack

    good luck..i feel your pain
  • loey4
    loey4 Posts: 7 Member
    I too went through this phase of "gotta have" and it was chips on my mind. After one bite all I could taste was a coating of oil (felt like a layer of grease) on my tongue and the craving ended right there. Think about what you are putting into your mouth and into your body. That usually helps me.
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    I may be the devil's advocate here, but nothing says you CAN'T have some so long as it fits into your daily calories.

    Weigh out a serving of the chips and a serving of dip and count the calories. Plan for it with exercise. No biggie

    Whatever you choose, stay strong!

    Ditto. I don't do well cutting things out completely. But using my scale and accounting for it keeps me on track.
  • schwim
    schwim Posts: 65
    if you think you can have a controlled portion buy the multipack and have a little bag of them and account for it in your calorie goal. other than that try to find a substitute. bake your own at home using a recipe from one of the posters on here or a quick internet search might give you some inspiration. also think about how much exercise you'd have to do for over eating. if its worth it to you then eat them and get moving then move on. stressing over food will only make it worse and lead to a binge.
  • snugglesworthjr
    snugglesworthjr Posts: 176 Member
    Forget the diet, eat the whole bag of chips and the whole jar of dip. Actually, make that two bags of chips. And while you're at it, another jar of dip wouldn't hurt either, you know, for when that first jar runs out. Oh, and melt some cheddar cheese on top! And sprinkle some paprika over the whole thing. Though I wouldn't use potato chips. I think sunchips would go better in the aforementioned delicious mess I've imagined.
  • Nektariosmom
    Nektariosmom Posts: 69 Member
    Oh I wanna try this!!
  • GeneveSparkles
    GeneveSparkles Posts: 283 Member
    I love dip! I used some fat free greek yogurt and a little hidden valley dip mix -- Nirvana!!! Because the yogurt is so light, a little seasoning goes a long way! And well, me and Special K crisps have a wonderful relationship...LOL! I baggie up the box and life is good. The laughing cow light - ANY OF THEM - are yummy with a little plain yogurt to stretch it and pretzle crisps... Heavenly. I hope this helps...
    I hear baked kale with a light dusting of sea sale is great! (Hungry girl website) I am going to make some this weekend! And at least with the Kale---you can go for it!

    THIS!! I use greek yogurt as a substitue for sour cream all the time, it is so good! Also pringles has light chips that are 70 cals for 14 chips. I agree with a lot of the people here, just watch the portions, find substitutes and excercise a little more to fit the cals in your day :)
  • Nektariosmom
    Nektariosmom Posts: 69 Member
    I love dip! I used some fat free greek yogurt and a little hidden valley dip mix -- Nirvana!!! Because the yogurt is so light, a little seasoning goes a long way! And well, me and Special K crisps have a wonderful relationship...LOL! I baggie up the box and life is good. The laughing cow light - ANY OF THEM - are yummy with a little plain yogurt to stretch it and pretzle crisps... Heavenly. I hope this helps...
    I hear baked kale with a light dusting of sea sale is great! (Hungry girl website) I am going to make some this weekend! And at least with the Kale---you can go for it!

    Really? baked kale? sounds really interesting
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I SOO bad want to sit down with a big ol bag of Lays Potato chips and some french onion dip! HELP!!!!!!:sad:

    Have it!!!
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    I may be the devil's advocate here, but nothing says you CAN'T have some so long as it fits into your daily calories.

    Weigh out a serving of the chips and a serving of dip and count the calories. Plan for it with exercise. No biggie

    Whatever you choose, stay strong!
    I agree with this - if you deny yourself you may end up binging big style - you want eat? Plan it and enjoy it! Good luck! :happy: