40's friends



  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I'm 44....been on here 240 days straight I think....exercise 3-4 days a week....just ran a marathon. Anyone can friend me who is looking for support especially if you love to run. I have a half-marathon coming up in a month or so.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    42 here, you're welcome to add me. Good luck!!
  • AMYJ7
    AMYJ7 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi...I am 42 and you are always welcome to add me....I LOVE new friends to support and help me!
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I am 40, will be 41 in a couple of months and plan to be here. I list everything that I eat in my diary so that I am accountable. I am married and have 2 little girls at home, 1 boy away at college. We live extremely hectic lives and it is hard to find time to eat right and keep in shape. Please feel free to friend me. I love to post and support my friends and love to get the support back.
  • 46, here for the long haul so we can get healthy!
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    I'm 43, 2 young kids, been on here just over a year..

    I think we'd get along great except for 1 tiny thing... that shirt you're wearing in your avatar... :sick: :laugh:
  • sherry9300
    sherry9300 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm 43 and really busy with work family and everything life throws at me. I need motivation, too. Add me. :)
  • notaperfect10
    notaperfect10 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, 48 myself, 49 very shortly. I welcome any support anyone can give and I'll do my best to dole some out too. I intend to be on here for some considerable time, because I have a considerable amount to lose.
  • jaded40
    jaded40 Posts: 6
    I plan on being here until I reach my goal. And probably after so. I have a four yr old stepson work full-time. Just always seem to be on the go. So if you need some support add me. I can always use a support buddy.
  • kyjajo
    kyjajo Posts: 10
    Good Morning, I am 43 years old and overweight. I am new to MFP, going through my 2nd week. I have lost 3 pounds so far. I have also learned valuable lessons about why we need to drink water and how my heart pumps daily. I am currently taking medication for acid reflux and thankfully, was taken off of blood pressure medication about a year ago. My goal is to lose about 50 pounds. I am not looking to be model material, I know that my skinny days are over. I would just like to be able to shop in the regular section of the department store instead of fuller figure. I also want to kick the medication to the curb, all together. I don't like taking pills, and I don't like being unhealthy. Please feel free to friend request me. I try to be encouraging and supportive for my friends on their journeys. Each journey is different. I also ask that you please motivate me as well. I am not new to eating right. I actually do not have much of a problem with that. I never counted calories, but I knew what was good for me and what wasn't. Now I stick to my food diary and follow my goal cal, carb, and fat numbers. I do however have trouble staying the course with exercise. I was always tired and in bed early. I am a housewife, so beyond my daily household chores, I am very lax. Recently my husband and I purchased a stationary bike. I am putting in the effort to ride, but I am seeing so many others on here doing so much more. I am slowing getting there, but some days are harder than others. This is where I need the kick in the pants to get moving!!! Being 40 does not mean that we are heading on the downward slope of the hill. I am determine to get to the top and dance for quite awhile before I start heading down. No, I won't get carded any time soon, but staying healthy, feeling good, and looking young (er), all all perks I am striving for!!! This is not a diet, this is a life change. LETS GO - LETS WORK TOGETHER AND ACHIEVE OUR GOALS!!!
  • lpeace2u
    lpeace2u Posts: 94 Member
    As of today, I have been here for 105 days!!! You can say I am long-term. I am 45 year old single mother. Anyone is free to add me :)
  • buccaneerdave1
    buccaneerdave1 Posts: 4 Member
    First off don't panic. BS of 54 is low but don't over react with a lot of sugar. A small glass of oj or some fruit or a couple of pieces of toast with some jelly. wait about 1/2 hout retake your BS. I have been a diabetic for years but within the last year had to start insulin so i know what you are going through. I sent you a friend request so you can ask me questions. good luck and don't give up.
  • I'm 40 and was diagnosed with diabetes in February. I'm working on keeping the weight off forever and the sugar under control!

  • wasro
    wasro Posts: 39 Member
    Hi I am 43 and always looking for friends to motivate and keep me on target. Cheers : )
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    49....For 11 more days that is.
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    I am 47 and have 74 more pounds to lose. I am the mother of a 24 year old daughter and a 21 year old son. Would love to be your friend. The journey is hard without support.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    41 yr old here!! :)
  • elongwa
    elongwa Posts: 5
    :happy: HI!! I'm 41, mother of three teenagers...oh crumb, my oldest turns 20 on Monday...strike that, mother of one 20 year old and two teens!

    I've been on her for 70+ days and love it, when I am down about my behavior I can read all sorts of uplifting stories on MFP.

    Have a great time with MFP, it get's kind of addicting!

    Feel free to ad me.
  • RistinaWin
    RistinaWin Posts: 35 Member
    Hi! I'm 41 and a busy Mom. This is a lifestyle change for me, really enjoying the community. Just started the 11 week Elimination Challnge - woot! Feel free to friend me, we can all use all the support we can get :bigsmile:
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Hi, I am 48 and just started using MFP just to keep myself in check, I try to log on every day. I am very healthy & fit already and would welcome the chance to share advice with people ...Been working out myself for 31 years, weightlifting & cardio.:smile: