Jackie Warner 10 lbs in 10 days

I'm starting the Jackie Warner 10 lbs in 10 days plan today. Anyone else on or done this plan? I'd really like to hear from you.


  • jdwornik
    jdwornik Posts: 2
    I'm thinking about buying the book, what do you think
  • jdwornik
    jdwornik Posts: 2
    I'm thinking about buying the book, what do you think?
  • kafff
    kafff Posts: 14
    The book is good but I just don't know about the same meal every day for 10 days. I am trouble staying on it but started again today. Wish me luck!
  • kafff
    kafff Posts: 14
    OK, Day 1, lunch was gross! I don't like tomatoes so it was a vegetable sandwich and it was awful. She says "no substitutions" but I'm going to try to sub the lunch portion and see how it goes. It's 950 calories per day for 10 days...Who knows?
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    would be interested in knowing how this is going for you. i cant believe she suggests less than 1200 calories.
  • kafff
    kafff Posts: 14
    Well I gave up after the lunch. It was horrible but I thought maybe I will just substitute the lunch and make it edible! Then do everything else and see how it goes. Wish me luck!
  • RoseMarieBaker90
    RoseMarieBaker90 Posts: 12 Member
    I know that 950 calories a day for 10 days will definitely make you lose weight. For instance, If your body burns 2200 calories staying awake and you eat only 950 calories, you are at a loss of 1250 calories. Plus, if you go to the gym and exercise and burn an estimated 500 calories, you will be at a deficit of 1750 calories. This basically means that your body really only took in 450 calories from food for the entire day and if you do this 6 days a week (1750*6) you will be at a deficit of 10,500 calories. This is 3 pounds in 6 days that will be lost. Plus, your stomach will shrink with the less food you eat and you won’t be so hungry when you do eat. :-)
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    If you eat 950 a day, sure you'll lose 10 lbs in 10 days. But what happens on Day 11 and beyond? You'll gain it all back once you start eating more. Seems like a waste to me, unless you realize you're going to gain it back.
  • LeggyE
    LeggyE Posts: 2
    So how's it going on the JW 10 lbs in 10 days?
    I've started it, thrice. The first time i made it to lunch on day one.
    The next time to dinner on day three and I'm currently on day seven...
    Unless I can find the other meal plans (for the next 20 days) online, I'm planning on doing a weight watchers 1200 and then 1500 meal plan and do Jackie's PT dvds...
    If anyone has done the entire days successfully could you post tips/tricks on how you managed it?
    It's so hard! :(
  • Shev2012
    Shev2012 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello - I just started the plan last Monday, so today is day 4 and I have been losing 1lb per day. I even broke through the plateau that has troubled me for the last 7 years that I could never break (I usually end up discouraged and quit when I don't make it past - gain what I lost back - and start over). I know 950 calories seems so little, however I checked it out with my doctor and he said that this would be most likely the only way my body would lose weight because my 'set point' is at that plateau marker. I'm getting used to the food - so we shall see. :)
  • tyfferz
    tyfferz Posts: 4
    Is the menu doable for 10 days? What are you eating for 10 days? Is it just vegetables? How about the exercises?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    She thanks you guys for buying her book.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
  • I'm on day 3, and as a seasoned dieter- this is the best. I'm not hungry, the meals are balanced and just enough. The plan is a 30 day plan, and all diet plans will help you lose the initial lump in the few days as water weight.
    I recommend it, I've been doing strength workouts on Youtube, I don't have her DVD's.

    If you're skeptical, check out the book from the public library like I did.
  • I think Jackie Warner is AMAZING. I don't know if it was the 10 in 10 I tried but I did the one where you cut your sugar to cut sugar addiction....and I found it super hard (as soooo many foods have sugar) but the messages where great and I believe in her workouts whole-heartedly. I'd definitely say go for it...what does it hurt to try!?!?
  • hi

    I think the food isn't so bad. Buy organic, freshest possible ingredients. I actually feel fine, today is my 4th day. It's worth it, I feel slimmer already even if I just lost water weight, I've lost about 7 lbs I weighed after Thanksgiving weekend, I was so bloated nothing fit me now I'm feeling much lighter with energy.

    good luck!
  • coceyea
    coceyea Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also doing the 10lbs in 10 days diet, and have had mixed results. Although I have not lost lots of weight (2kg) according to the scales, my clothes all fit better and ones that were too small fit now. I am currently on day 22.
  • carolsco
    carolsco Posts: 4 Member
    Ok folks! Someone help me out!! I cannot do celery and almond butter for the afternoon snack... I cannot stand celery or almond butter...anyone have any suggestions for a substitution ??
  • stephgetsfit2
    stephgetsfit2 Posts: 72 Member
    I did 8 lbs in 8 days! LOL

    Had i lasted the 10 full days i could only assume i would have lost the 10 lbs too!

    I did substitute or completely leave out certain foods that she listed. I did however follow the little workouts she had planned for the days.

    I gave up because i was tired of having to constantly read and make sure i was following everything to the 'T'!

    I'm all for this book working if you follow it. Just like anything else out there.

    But i am more happy now just eating healthy and working out how i want to on my own terms, or just not as restricted!

    Good luck! Keep us updated!

    Instagram: @stephygetsfit