So I see everybodys wonderful results and amazing transformation but why AM I DIFFERENT? Don't get me wrong I support all my MFP friends and encorage all those who I am friends with...BUT I am so Jealous!!! I was losing weight consistently and had loss 23 pounds. Starting weight was 206. I decided that perhaps with adding exercise I could speed up the process and get even better results. NOPE. I reached 185 and over the last 11 days have only gained weight. I am now 188. Up 3 pounds. Still eating 1200 calories aday and exercising at min. 30 miniutes. I have started to increase water intake but really only at 48oz's a day. All I can think of is that it is because of the JM 30 day shred. I love the program and have done it everyday for 11 days. I just started level 2 but why so much weight gain? Has this happen to anyone else? I wanted to finish strong and post pictures but at this rate I think I need to leave the exercising to when I finish losing the desired amount of weight. I have 30 more pounds to go. PLEASE if someone can help me figure out what is wrong I WOULD BE VERY APPRICIATIVE!!!!!! I have not posted before but if there is someone who has gained weight on 30 day shred I would love to hear from them. Thank you!


  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    It's good to take measurements before and after. Sometimes the scale is not your friend. I've seen so many lose inches/ vs numbers on the scale. Good luck to you! Even if your scale isn't moving, you are getting stronger doing the shred. :) For instance you might weigh the same, but your clothing size changes since your shape is changing.
  • I'm halfway through level 3 of the 30 Day shred, and I have to say that though the scale hasn't moved much for me, my body has definitely changed and I've had to of lost inches. I can only assume that the scale hasn't moved much because I've toned up quite a bit. I did take before measurements, but I won't check my progress until I'm finished all 30 days. I can't wait to though.

    Stick with's definitely good stuff. Best 10 bucks I've ever spent.
  • nrsloat
    nrsloat Posts: 5 Member
    The three pound gain is likely water retention. Keep at it! You are changing your body!
  • reereejandro
    reereejandro Posts: 62 Member
    Try adding lemons to your water and make sure you get the 8 glasses a day.... especially drink the water before you eat, as it really fills you up. Also watch your serving sizes! It can be very easy to have 1.5 cups of rice but only log 1 cup ;) You could also try adding in an additional 30 mins of fast paced walking with the plan.

    Don't give up, that plan works!
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    YOU ARE BUILDING MUSCLE!!! Yay for you!!! And muscle weighs more than fat. Take your measurements today! Then again at the end of the 30 days or close to it. But don't stop.

    Muscle weighs more than fat but it also takes up less space so you're likely to look and feel better and see significant improvements in your appearance and the fit of your clothes. Muscles also take more energy to haul around every day so they will increase your calorie burn in general.

    You will start losing weight again i'm certain of it!!
  • EmeriaDewes
    EmeriaDewes Posts: 73 Member
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    Oh your muscles are retaining water like crazy! Don't worry about it!

    I'm about 6 days off finishing the shred and I know for a fact that my muscles are firmer and more toned than they've ever been, but in order for that to happen they have to hold on to water and get time to repair properly.

    From wikipedia:
    Improvements in strength and fitness occur only after the rest period following hard training (see supercompensation). This process can take days to complete, depending on the intensity and duration of exercise leading to the overtrained state. If sufficient rest is not available, then complete regeneration cannot occur.

    So in other words, make sure you drink plenty of water, eat enough protein to allow repair and have a few rest days after an intense workout period.

    Your body will thank you for it with losses like you wouldn't imagine :)
  • MrsLong1980
    MrsLong1980 Posts: 181 Member
    Why are you only eating 1200? Surely you should be eating more than this ... especially when exercising. You need to fuel your body to help it burn fat and build muscle.
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    I agree with everyone above that said to take your measurements! I gained weight initially and only lost 4 lbs overall doing 30DS but I lost about 18 inches of fat. My body changed in a pretty drastic way while the scale moved up & then barely back down. Stick with it & keep up the good work!
    SCSTWG Posts: 182 Member
    I would also be considered about the 1200 calorie limit. That is very low and can't have a positive impact oin your metabolism. I am not sure what your eating habits are, but if you are not already, you might want to move to 5-6 small meals and bump it up to around 1500 calories while getting at least 8 glasses of water/day. Best of luck.
  • I finished 30DS last month, and although the scale didn't move, I lost 6 inches overall. Jillian said on one of her podcasts to concentrate more on your measurements rather than the scale.
  • cr9576
    cr9576 Posts: 79 Member
    GRRR same problem here jan to the end of march i went from 185 to 165 and for the past 3 weeks i havent lost *kitten*! i gaind about 1 or 2 pnds im at 167ish, But its probaly my diet that i have to blame sometimes i do spoil myself and il be like "Eh i work it off later" so Theres one reason. And the second reason why i think im not losing is because ive been doing the same excercise routine for the past 3 month i havent really increased my cardio all that much so my body isnt really responding to it im guessing. And third reason its that i do go to the gym 4to5 days a week and strength train so ive probally been buiding muscle, I have decided to start the ripped in 30 by jillian hopefully that will give me better results!
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    First, it is totally normal to gain weight at first on an exercise plan like this (I gained 2lbs in the first 2 weeks of the 30DS but lost it again later, and I lost several inches; I'm now doing JM's Body Revolution and have gained 4lbs in the first month, while losing 2" each on bust, waist, & hips). According to my body comp scale my muscle weight and water weight have increased over the last month, while my body fat % has stayed the same (thus an overall weight gain despite a lot of exercise), and I'm OK with that. I think that measurements are way more helpful than the scale alone for this kind of workout plan.

    Second, I agree with the above poster that you probably need to be eating more than 1200 Calories/day. I'm at 155lbs (I'm 5'4") and have a NET intake of 1400 (which means I'm actually eating 1700-1800/day and losing the difference with exercise. If I drop below that I simply don't have the energy to work out properly.
  • reereejandro
    reereejandro Posts: 62 Member
    There is a spot on here to log your food and exercise... and when you work out it adds calories to your daily intake.... watch and pay attention to the food you should be adding.

    And YES it is adding muscle, you probably are seeing your body change aren't you? If not make sure you aren't being lazy in the workout... don't cheat yourself.

    When you build muscles they burn way more calories than your fat can!
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    Here is a GREAT explanation by Chalean Johnson with Beach Body. I did shred last month and had the same issue but I saw losses soon after the gain. Also, try eating back your exercise cals. For me, if I eat the same amount of calories everyday, my losses slow down. I like to keep my body guessing.
  • tsmoore925
    tsmoore925 Posts: 98 Member
    I would suggest more water and more calories, I was sticking to a 1200 calorie diet, and it did good for awhile but then I hit a plateau, people told me to eat more, so one week I said I would try, low and behold, I lost 3 lbs that week! So, stop starving your body and feed i, it really works!
  • phillbis
    phillbis Posts: 353 Member
    I've completed the 30 Day Shred and this is normal. If you aren't used to exercising this is likely due to water retention as you build muscle. I gained 2Lbs in the beginning of the shred but ended up losing 9Lbs overall.Most of the weight dropped off near the end of Level 2 and Level 3. One thing that encouraged me was that my body was changing shape. I used that to motivate me and keep going. I'm now on a second round of the 30DS and am seeing even more change but this time around I'm losing about 2Lbs a week.

    I suggest you don't worry about gaining as you're probably gaining muscle.
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
    I stalled out at 187. I haven't been doing the shred, but I started the couch to 5k... didn't lose for about three weeks! I take it very easy, so I don't think I was gaining THAT much muscle... SO I upped my calories from 1450ish to 1690ish (My BMR) and I try to eat back my exersice calories, if I exercise :blushing: . I have lost a pound in 4 days. I was amazed.

    I also upped my water from 6-8 8oz glasses a day to 10-12. Also, make sure you are getting enough fiber, mfp keeps it kinda low, I upped my daily goal to 30g, just did this yesterday, but weight watchers in the past worked wonders and they emphasize fiber. :smile:
  • alesnie
    alesnie Posts: 90 Member
    You need to eat more! 1200 calories PLUS 30 day shred every day is way too low.
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 542 Member
    I just posted my progress pictures from the 30 DS today. I finished on Saturday. I didn't even take the pictures until last night, because I got on the scale, and weighed 2 pounds more than I did when I started. Based on that number, I didn't take my "after" measurements, or pictures. I finally broke down and took the pictures last night. THAT is when I saw the results. Screw the number, and screw the scale. It's just a number, that actually is NOT a very good representation of fat loss -which is what we are all going for here. Keep on truckin, honey. You WILL get there.
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