Saggy Skin??



  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    I'm no expert. I've got some loose skin myself. Not much you can do when you're trying to lose a lot of weight.

    Being young will help. I would also strongly recommend that when you're about halfway to your goal you start to incorporate strength training into your routine (if not sooner). This will be a huge help. Don't worry about looking like a female bodybuilder, you won't. It'll help you have the exact kind of body you're looking for.

    If you just do cardio you'll lose weight but also muscle and you'll start to look saggy. So don't be afraid to pick up some weights!

    ill get pink dumbels :laugh:

    If you buy little pink Barbie dumbbells, you're going to end up with tiny little Barbie muscles. Don't be afraid to lift heavier, girl! That's what I'm starting to do, and the changes are...incredible. Best of luck to you!!
  • Elona_30
    Elona_30 Posts: 66
    what you could do and this may sound silly but I read it on here this morning and she said why not pay yourself for working out everytime you work out put a dollar into a jar, if you start now by the time you have lost all of the weight you are wanting to lose and you need the surgery you have the money???

    I like the idea for just the motivation of being able to go shopping for new clothes or just to say good job, not sure if you like the idea or not but the choice is yours

    Good luck to you:wink:
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    you are young your skin will bounce back. :smile:
    Not always.

    I hate to say it, but there isn't really much you can do. Just keep your fingers crossed and remind yourself that being a normal weight with extra skin is way better than being obese. People will say to drink water, there is no evidence this helps. Nor will fancy skin creams.

    Losing weight slowly might help, because it gives your skin more time to bounce back, as your losing weight but ultimately, your skin will bounce back or it won't. If you lose weight fast, and your skin is going to bounce back, it will do so over time, if it is going to. If you lose weight slowly, your skin will bounce back as you lose weight, if it is going to.

    People will tell you to lift weights or whatever. If you lose that much weight, your core muscles are never going to be as big as your stomach fat used to be. The same is probably true of your thighs and your arms.
  • airica26
    airica26 Posts: 4 Member
    I lost about 30lbs in 3 months last time and my skin was a mess. This time I am drinking tons of water, losing it only 1lb a week, and the absolute secret..... moisturize the hell out of your skin. I use lotion with coca butter and vitamin E in it and it seems to be doing wonders. I also think that, as people have mentioned, strength training will be key also.
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    you are young your skin will bounce back. :smile:

    ^^^Falsehood. It will probably recover somewhat - but just being young doesn't work miracles. Losing 100+ pounds will lead to having some loose/saggy skin. Period.

    I have minimal loose skin and have lost 154 pounds and not so young anymore. It is more wrinkly around my inner thigh and belly button. It is getting better all the time.

    I make sure I keep hydrated.
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    Go slow, stay hydrated and incorporate strength training. There are no guarantees, but focus on those three things and you will increase your chances!
  • Lad519
    Lad519 Posts: 3
    I lost about 115 pounds when I was 26, lost it thru exercise and diet over a period of 7 months, I had no saggy skin. The saggy skin is worst with quick weight loss it leaves no time for the body to adjust.
  • liftandcycle
    ill get pink dumbels :laugh:

    Nope. You'll be at a gym with a heavy bar across your back straining to try and squat 160lbs.

    I'm sure you don't believe me now. But if you really want to work at looking better, one day you'll look back and laugh at the thought of pink dumbells.
    I think she was joking. :)
    And everyone knows the Hello Kitty weights are superior to plain pink dumbbells because they are also filled with hugs. :)

    lets hope she was joking..
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    ill get pink dumbels :laugh:

    Nope. You'll be at a gym with a heavy bar across your back straining to try and squat 160lbs.

    I'm sure you don't believe me now. But if you really want to work at looking better, one day you'll look back and laugh at the thought of pink dumbells.
    I think she was joking. :)
    And everyone knows the Hello Kitty weights are superior to plain pink dumbbells because they are also filled with hugs. :)

    lets hope she was joking..

    id prefer Disney princess :) no you actually can get decent size pink ones, im gonna need to start of reasonably small cos iv never done it??? or do u just lift anything??
  • hillbillyannie
    hillbillyannie Posts: 139 Member
    Yes you will probably have loose skin but compared to how much better you will feel and look, it's worth it. The only area I'm concerned about is under the upper arms but again it feel so good to be 90 pounds less it's worth it. Your age and losing the weight slowly will help. I also can't afford the surgery either but I'm almost 65 so it's not on the top of my must do list.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Firming It Up group (for sagging skin):
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Eat well, stay hydrated, moisturize, exercise (including **strength training**), and BE PATIENT (oh, and hope for the best, as age and genetics will also play a big role)!

    I've been very fortunate - I don't have a lot, but what I do have is on my lower tummy area. I don't like it, but I'd rather have saggy skin than have that skin filled up with fat again.

    Also, I've heard it can take a while for your skin to "bounce back" after weight loss, and I have noticed that my loose skin is already less noticeable than it was a couple of months ago. I doubt it will fully go away, but it may get better.

    This is what I've read too. Cocoa butter lotion to help your skin, strength training (lift heavy is what I keep hearing) and I read it can take up to a year after you reach your goal weight to know what your skin will ultimately do. Congratulations on starting your journey and good luck!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Moisturize like crazy - use natural wraps to tighten, use collagen creams, you will be fine you are have all the great stuff for the bounce back :)
  • MsPinVa
    MsPinVa Posts: 29 Member
    you are young your skin will bounce back. :smile:

    ^^^Falsehood. It will probably recover somewhat - but just being young doesn't work miracles. Losing 100+ pounds will lead to having some loose/saggy skin. Period.

    I was 19 when I underwent surgery for a RNY gastic bypass. My skin did NOT "bounce" back. CO_Q10 creams, and slow weight loss. Here was my thinking " I would rather have a large scar and loose skin than be morbidly obese"
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Loose skin is a largely genetic thing. Depending on your age, your skin's make-up, and diet, you could end up with no saggy skin, or a bunch. The best you can do is lose the weight slowly, drink a lot of water, and eat a well-balanced diet.

    One thing to remember, though, is that sometimes, skin takes a lot longer than we'd like to get back to "itself". I had my baby nearly two years ago, and although I never had a lot of loose skin that was obvious, it was thinner around my belly, and not as tight as it used to be. It's just NOW getting back to where it was, nearly two years after giving birth, and I lost all the baby weight about a year ago.

    Give it time, and be patient. You have age on your side, so work hard, feel good, and it'll all happen. :)
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Can't say for sure but I think that you will be fine.

    I am 46 - almost 47. I have lost close to 80 lbs since I started to focus on my eating about a year ago.

    After losing 20 - 3o lbs I notice that I was getting a fair amount of flabby skin (tummy, arms and thighs). However, I added some strength training to my weekly routine and did my best to keep on top of my calories. It has taken a while but the flabbiness is going away. And, as a bonus, there are now muscles in the places where the fat & flab used to be!!!!

    As you are in your early 20's I suspect that there is enough elasticity in your skin that over time. Any flabbiness will disappear.

    Best of luck!
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    I think when you have been fat your body is less 'tolerant' to fat

    I have been fat - prob lost a bit too much and from what I can recall didnt have particularly saggy skin.

    I have put a bit of fat on while trying to bulk and my skin sags. I'm confident when I lose the fat I will be OK

    I think someone who has never been fat with a bit of excess body fat looks perfect

    If you have been fat and still sag a bit you just need to accept to need to have lower fat

    I accept also the 300lb los people who have a lot of excess skin are a different story but the moderate sag I think simply means still more to lose
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    ill get pink dumbels :laugh:

    Nope. You'll be at a gym with a heavy bar across your back straining to try and squat 160lbs.

    I'm sure you don't believe me now. But if you really want to work at looking better, one day you'll look back and laugh at the thought of pink dumbells.
    I think she was joking. :)
    And everyone knows the Hello Kitty weights are superior to plain pink dumbbells because they are also filled with hugs. :)

    lets hope she was joking..

    id prefer Disney princess :) no you actually can get decent size pink ones, im gonna need to start of reasonably small cos iv never done it??? or do u just lift anything??
    No one tells you an exact answer because it's different for everyone. But what I did is go to the store, picked up the lightest weight and did 6 curls. Then the next, LRR until I found one where I could do 6 but the thought of doing 7 was right out. Then I got that set and the next weight up.
  • Monkeymomma05
    This is all really good information. I am looking to lose 100-120 so all of this information is really helpful!
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    You could always enrole in a "body pump" class.