Nights Out!

Hi, my 21st Birthday is coming up in two weeks. For my birthday the whole family is going for a Chinese. I've decided not to worry about it - that day I will definitely go over my daily allowance. I'm going to eat my Monkey Cake and damn it, I'm going to enjoy it!

But this Sunday I've got tickets to go to a concert. We're going to be out from about 10am, till 11pm, so I'm going to have to eat out. We're off to Meadowhall, so I was just wondering if you had any ideas on where I could go/what I can order so I can stay on track? I don't mind going a little over my maintenance amount for that day, but don't really want to go OTT.

So a helping hand would be greatly appreciated! I'm so used to not even thinking about it and just ordering whatever I fancy, chips, cheese - calories be damned!

ETA: and alcohol! i don't drink it very often, but I would like to have a drink while I'm groovin' - anything I should completely stay clear of? :)


  • neley
    neley Posts: 2

    If you are going to meadowhall, where the food court is there is a grill which do some really yummy food. I went a few months back and ate a chicken pitta without dressing and extra salad to fill me up . They also do fajitas and steaks which you could have with a side salad or vegetables. Seeing as it is your birthday , don't worry too much, you can always get back on the wagon again monday :)

    Alcohol wise - i beleive the best option is white spirits such as vodka/gin etc and a low calorie mixer . This totals to around 50-60 calories per drink (1 shot of alcohol that is) . Compared to if it were wine or beer its a massive saving on calories. I really enjoy vodka, soda and lime. You could also try alternating an alcoholic drink for a soft drink.

    Hope that helps
  • jackburnt
    jackburnt Posts: 5 Member
    If going to a bar, see how much they put into the drinks. A jigger is 1.5 ounces (which I think is common).

    Then just look it up online. Good to go.