sore body after workout doesnt keep me motivated



  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I feel the opposite, when I am sore I know I got a good workout, try thinking of it that way!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Wait, you're doing TWO HOURS of elliptical a day? Is this your starting level? No wonder you're sore. I started out with half-hour sessions three times a week until my body got used to it (albeit I like very intense sessions - getting my heartrate right up there and sweatin').

    How intense is that (how many miles are you covering in your two hours, and/or how many calories are you burning according to the trainer, and/or are you building up a good sweat)?
  • I am working in my second month of doing MX30 (high intensity class) and I too was so sore that I felt I couldn't go the next day. Keep up with it and you will love the results!!! I also do Zumba once a week. I have only lost 4 pounds so far, but loving myself more everyday
  • Wait, you're doing TWO HOURS of elliptical a day? Is this your starting level? No wonder you're sore. I started out with half-hour sessions three times a week until my body got used to it (albeit I like very intense sessions - getting my heartrate right up there and sweatin').

    How intense is that (how many miles are you covering in your two hours, and/or how many calories are you burning according to the trainer, and/or are you building up a good sweat)?


  • If I understand your second post on here you are doing 2 hrs of workout when you do work out 1 hr in two different sessions. That is going to make anyone that is no a refined athelete sore especially since you are putting all your workouts in cardio. If it's just a natural soreness then sooner or later you will get ot the point of not being sore. Sometimes taking a little ibuprofren will releive some of the soreness but don't do it for long term because it can eventually eat a hole in your stomach and mess the liver/kindeys up but I'm talking long term as in everyday for a year kinda long term. 400 to 800 miligrams depending on your weight. I know you hear it tons but it stands so true, drink water water water to help flush out some of the acids built up in your muscles.

    Will try I brufen in small quantity, hope i will help me out thnks
  • I workout with a personal trainer, and he pushes me way beyond I would ever do on my own, so I know the kinda pain/soreness you're talking about...but following these tips will help improve the pain
    - stretching is key
    - hydration (I drink anywhere between 10-14 glasses of water/day)
    - ibruprophen
    - *get protein into you within 30 min post workou,t to repair, rebuild & rehydrate your sore muscles
    - epsom salt bath to sooth & relax sore muscles
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Then probably its not the right for you.
    Im the opposite way, a sore body feels sooo good after working out, and keeps me really motivated.
    I also do zumba, and I just cant wait for the time I start dancing everyday! :love:
  • Hi Friends...m not sore anymore infact m liking it ..after seeing wt is droping ....yayyy:smile:
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    soreness doesnt bother me when i work out.

    i lift weights mostly, and it seems i'm perpetually sore. i have been gaining muscle and strength just try to work through it
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Theres a small difference between sore and pain. Like when I run (something that I'm not used to yet) then I start feeling pain in my legs (my bones specifically). When that happens, I lay off running or hard leg workouts for a day atleast because pushing myself further would cause an injury and I dont want that.

    However, when my muscles are feeling sore, the next day I just go in and workout because within 5 minutes of working out those muscles dont feel sore anymore.

    As for not wanting to go, try doing something that you enjoy (i like boxing and I try to find excuses/reasons to go to my academy). That would be your motivation to move
  • Always824
    Always824 Posts: 111 Member
    My workouts so far
    April 1- 75 min, Treadmill, Stationary Bike
    April 2- 190 min, Stair Climber, Treadmill
    April 3- 110 min, Treadmill
    April 4- 71 min, Treadmill
    April 5- 270 min Walking all up and down Waikiki
    April 6- 0
    April 7- 90 min, Elliptical/Stair Climber, Treadmill
    April 8- 121min, Elliptical/ Stair Climber, Treadmill
    - 60min, Elliptical/ Stair Climber (GYM Sesh 2)
    April 9- 126, Elliptical/Stair Climber, Treadmill
    April 10- 60min Elliptical/Stair Climber
    April 11- 95min Elliptical/ Stair Climber
    April 12- 45min Walking Leisurely Pace
    April 13- 0
    April 14- 60min, Elliptical/ Stair Climber
    April15- 65min, Elliptical/Stair Climber
    April16- 81min, Elliptical/Stair Climber
    15min, Stationary Bike
    25min, Elliptical/Stair Climber
    April17- 65min Elliptical/Stair Climber
    10min Stationary Bike

    1634 minutes

    My body is so sore esp now that Im doing strength training but I've joined a couple groups on here and am currently doing an 11 week challenge (seems like its almost like biggest loser)... Try looking in the forums or groups and joining them to help keep you motivated,,, I know it has definitely helped me stay motivated alongside my goal of getting in shape to join the military :) also keep in mind why you want to lose the weight,,, to live a healthy and fit lifestyle :) ... if you want feel free to add me and maybe I can help you stay motivated... Good Luck :)
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Someone mentioned cold shower, Ive started running and did C25K (couch to 5km) I'm now training for a 10 K and as horrible as it sounds after stretching on completion of my run I have an ICE BATH!!!!
    It is cold, very cold but i reap the benefits the following day
    Ive done one long run without the ice bath and could hardly walk the following day
    But after the ice bath i do ache but an ache i can cope with and I've also used ibuprofen :-)
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Ice baths really do work. Horrible three or four minutes. Do your run, stretch, protein shake and hit the bath. Eating is key as well
  • Ddubb94
    Ddubb94 Posts: 25
    I have been taking Zumba classes 2-4 days/wk, along with a body toning class and the elliptical. Sore? Yes. But not continuously. I think if it as a 'good' sore. For me, the cure for lack of motivation is results. Once your body gets acclimated to the routine the soreness will ease up...then it's time to switch up the routine and challenge yourself a bit. It will get better! Hang in workout at a time.
  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    When I first started out I only walked on the treadmill and went on the elliptical and I used to get really sore at first but it will get better. Now I can run 3-6 kilometres on the treadmill without stopping so you build up your fitness over a long time. If you get bored doing one activity for an hour change it up by swapping machines and going back on a machine twice so you dont get super bored sitting on the same one for an hour. If you are sore do a light workout the next day or have a day off to let yourself recover, but sometimes its better to move and let your muscles loosen up. I find if im sore and I dont move much or stretch they get really sore when I get up again. Try doing some yoga and make sure you stretch properly before every workout =]
  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    Be super careful in relation to that post about how actual pain is different from soreness. If your body feels physical sharp pain (Not tiredness) then stop! if you are running a lot you need to stretch properly! I ended up getting pirformis syndrome ( The pirformis muscle in your hip gets pulled and it can pinch your sciatic nerve in your hip/ bum and it literally is a huge pain in the butt!!) because I ran 6kms and didnt stretch properly before my run I couldnt go to the gym for like 2 weeks because of it and it killed me! I ended up doing yoga to fix it and stretch it out and it made the biggest difference!! I went from sitting in bed all day and limping when I walked for a few weeks and then I did yoga for two days and I could walk without pain and I was back at the gym!
  • hi frnds thanks for your support m not sore anymore and infact enjoying my work:smile: outs
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Massage those sore muscles with some Arnica gel.
    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
    I was sore after my first zumba class, but literally never again after that and I only do it twice a week. If you're doing it every day then you'll get used to the burn really quickly. same with the elliptical, it takes a bit of powering through the first time you get back on it but the more you do it, the easier it gets. start off on the lowest resistance level and gradually build up when you feel its getting too easy.

    this is true! if it still doesnt get any better after a couple weeks, make sure your hydrated and take a post workout supplement to help your muscles repair themselves
    ^^^ this has worked for me ^^^
  • I am in same position as you with the soreness - I started a running group last Wednesday and ever since my muscles have been soo sore too he point I couldnt even use a stapler at work!!!!! :sad:

    working through the pain though - add me if you like, im always looking for new friends :drinker: xx