At 18 I should be enjoying my life more [kinda long?]

Disclaimer: Sorry if this confusing at all.. I have a lot on my mind right now and my thoughts are messy. ]:

Hi, I'm Shay and actually, I'll be 19 here in five days. I'm not excited about my birthday. I'm 5'5'' and I'm around 265 pounds. I've dieted and exercised before but it never lasted for more than a month or two. My excuses always had something to do with work or school. I wouldn't feel motivated enough to go out and do something. This time, I'm going to stick it with it.. I quit my job and I'm graduated from school, so I have all the time in the world to do this..I'm about a week and a half into the Insanity work out and I'm noticing a slight difference in my face already.

Oddly enough, it's not the exercising that's holding me back.. It's my diet. I'm trying so hard to eat right. I live with my father, who.. Has no problem with his weight. This man can seriously an entire pan of brownies without a worry. Even though he tries to support me.. It's hard to get it through his head that we need healthier food around the house. Plus, it's hard because he's been laid off for the past four months and is just now going back to work. We're on a tight budget.
Our dinners mostly consist of burgers and french fries. [I stopped eating fries] or Chicken and mac and cheese[I'll only eat a small piece of chicken] So, according to how many calories I should be eating.. I don't eat enough.. But, I feel like when I do eat it's not healthy and I just don't feel right. I have been able to keep sweets and pop out of the house though.. I drink water and he always prefers his sweet tea.

I've been a fat kid, my entire life.. I want to lose the weight, and see a new me. I want to be a more confident person. There has been talk of us moving, and I feel like now is the best time to change myself.. A new place and a new me. I want to feel good about myself when I start college and not be the fat kid sitting in the corner all by myself like I was in grade and high school.


  • asbonita3
    asbonita3 Posts: 29 Member
    Just stick with it, it will be hard. It'll be the hardest thing you try to do but the pay off will be worth it. I've been back and forth with the weight loss thing, but now that i've really connected with people on here it helps for motivation. There's times i see no progress or obsess on weighing myself, but i try to keep pushing and eating right and exercising. Believe me it'll pay off. If money is an issue with food try like Aldi's there good with prices. In regards to how your family is eating, it needs to be reiterated that this is a lifestyle change and you need support regardless of how they eat and can burn food. If they want junk food, hide it in their closet or if they cook something bad make enough for just them. If you go to fast food a salad. I know Mcdonalds does a side salad for a $1 and if you want to treat yourself get a small fry. Their larger salads are good to and with grilled chicken its good protein. I could go on and on. Let me know if you want any more tips or have questions. :smile:
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    I literally had to force my dad to start eating healthier, he loves his spagetti but now uses whole wheat pasta instead of white. It's definitely challenging when you have "bad foods" surrounding you. But keep trying, you really need this support from your dad especially since you're wanting to make a lifestyle change! He doesn't have to go on the "diet" with you but he can try to help! Get your kitchen filled with from fruits and veggies, lean meat and whole grains!
    It's great that your deciding to stick with it now! You can add me if you want :)
  • ShayParfait
    Thanks guys.. :]

    I have been slowly getting fruits and veggies into the house.. and I've been convincing my dad to try other ways of cooking other than frying/deep frying everything, lol.
    I got him to switch the bread to split top [it was slightly cheaper than whole wheat]
    We do have a small Aldi around here and I try to get as much out of there as I can
  • Pooker89
    Pooker89 Posts: 154 Member
    You should post in the Recipe forum for super cheap, easy, and healthy meals. :) It would probably help you out alot. I know some people are SUPER amazing when it comes to being on a food budge and getting the right things. MFP is a great place and I'm sure that you can find help and support here. If you would like a buddy add me. :) I try and get on every day.
  • ShayParfait
    You should post in the Recipe forum for super cheap, easy, and healthy meals. :) It would probably help you out alot. I know some people are SUPER amazing when it comes to being on a food budge and getting the right things. MFP is a great place and I'm sure that you can find help and support here. If you would like a buddy add me. :) I try and get on every day.
    Thanks, I'll be sure to check that out. :]
  • miss_september
    The small steps you've taken so far sound great! I can't always afford the healthiest foods either, but just make due with what you can =-). You mentioned one of your main meals is macaroni and cheese with chicken but that you eat just a small piece of might want to eat more chicken and less macaroni and cheese. I assume since you are on a budget it is box-style, not a whole grain or alternative grain--so from a nutrition stand point, you might want to focus more on the chicken (I used to have a bad simple-carb addiction, and I LOVE Mac n cheese--but by no means am I trying to promote low-carb). Also, don't shy away from canned fruits and veggies, they do have more sugar and salt, but there are unsalted varieties and fruit in light syrup. My husband and I stock up on these when money is tight and we can't have fresh stuff all the time. Adding a can of green beans, peas, or even mixed veggies is a great way to "spruce up" your mac n cheese! Feel free to add me if you need more friends/support. We can swap ideas on how to make the normal, "cheaper" food healthier =-).
  • ShayParfait
    The small steps you've taken so far sound great! I can't always afford the healthiest foods either, but just make due with what you can =-). You mentioned one of your main meals is macaroni and cheese with chicken but that you eat just a small piece of might want to eat more chicken and less macaroni and cheese. I assume since you are on a budget it is box-style, not a whole grain or alternative grain--so from a nutrition stand point, you might want to focus more on the chicken (I used to have a bad simple-carb addiction, and I LOVE Mac n cheese--but by no means am I trying to promote low-carb). Also, don't shy away from canned fruits and veggies, they do have more sugar and salt, but there are unsalted varieties and fruit in light syrup. My husband and I stock up on these when money is tight and we can't have fresh stuff all the time. Adding a can of green beans, peas, or even mixed veggies is a great way to "spruce up" your mac n cheese! Feel free to add me if you need more friends/support. We can swap ideas on how to make the normal, "cheaper" food healthier =-).
    Thank you so much for that.
    I actually don't eat the mac and cheese.. I've been eating one item meals.
    Like, when all we have is burger, I'll have a hamburger with sliced onion. And when we have chicken I'll just eat chicken.
    We're going shopping Saturday morning.. And this time I'm going with him. lol
  • jcomley1
    jcomley1 Posts: 133
    I totally know where you are coming from!! I am one of seven people in my house and my younger siblings consume a lot of junk. Its so hard to have to keep saying no. Its exhausting actually to be faced with temptation every time you open up your cupboards. But the more times you succeed in saying no to unhealthy food the easier it becomes- and be encouraged that the results you will begin seeing will become addictive and you will crave results in your physical, more then you crave chocolate brownies. So yeah!! Totally relate, but i can also say, it does get easier!
  • ShayParfait
    I'd really like to thank everyone who has posted here, and everyone who has added me as a friend.
    Everyone had such kind words of encouragement, I really really appreciate every single one of you. :]