40's friends



  • ProudMomToTwo
    ProudMomToTwo Posts: 44 Member
    I am 42.
    Been on MFP a little over a year now.
    Lost 44lbs and gained some back until I started really eating clean.
    I am a work in progress and plan to stay on MFP for a long time.
    Mother of two ( one is 14 and the other will be 11 soon ) and always on the GO.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm here all day, everyday....:wink:

    Feel free to add me.
  • Just turned 42, mother of 4 here. Teenage girl and 3 energetic boys. Very busy keeping up with them. Been on MFP since August 2011 and have lost 40lbs. I am finishing up P90X now and looking to start lifting heavy next. Would love to have new friends to help motivate and keep me motivated.
  • RideaYeti
    RideaYeti Posts: 211 Member
    I am new to MFP, but definitely am in it for the long haul. and would welcome friend requests. This is the site I have been looking for for a while.

    I am 45, married with 3 kids (15, 12, and 6) and working on losing the weight I have added in the past 15 years. My weight was as high as 280 and I got down to 235, but have regained 13lbs over the winter. Main exercise right now is cycling, both road and mountain.
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    I'm nearly 42. Been on MFP daily for well over a year. I've reached my goal weight, but I still log daily to stay on track with diet and exercise and I'm continuing to improve my fitness as much as I can. I don't go post crazy and comment on every little thing everyone does, but I'll jump in when it's warranted. Friend requests are welcome, especially from people who might be local to me.
  • You're welcome to add me. I just turned 46 last month. I've been using MFP for a month now and have lost 5 pounds. I'd like to lose 15 more. I have 2 teenagers at home and one off at college. I'm finding it much easier to fit exercise into my day now that my children are more independent. When they were younger my only option was to get up in the morning before everyone else to workout. Of couse, that didn' t last long, so I quit exercising altogether. Now I hit the gym at least 5x week and do strength training 2-3 days week and cardo 2-3 times a week.. I'm noticing the inches dropping more than the pounds.

    I log my food everyday using my Iphone. I find it really easy to do since I always have my phone handy. I know now why I was never able to lose weight in the past. The food I was eating was loaded with calories and fat. Yuk!

    I'd love some tips on what types of foods to eat. I'm finding it hard to cut the carbs out of my diet.
  • darla100
    darla100 Posts: 134 Member
    Turned 40 last November and something clicked and it motivated me to "Bring my Sexy Back" I am a mom of 3, 2 boys and 1 girl, who keep me very busy running around, I am on everyday and give as much support as I get..anyone can feel free to add me..
  • I am also in my 40's, I am 44 and have been trying to lose weight. I have gained 30 lbs in the last 3 years and I no longer want to be overweight and now that I have found MFP, I love it....I have lost almost 5lbs in about 10 days and want to continue.

    Having someone to lose weight with would be great....we all need support.
  • trababes1971
    trababes1971 Posts: 173 Member
    Just trying to find some friends around my age (45) with fast past hectic lives with kids for motivation and support. I would like to have friends who actually intend on staying on and using MFP those who actually like to have friends post on their pages and like to post back. I have had friends on here and then they only stay on for a few weeks or so then never get back on. I am here long term would friends who are also.

    Hi hun, well ive only been here a few days but think il be stopping around your welcome to add me. Im 41 years old stressed to death half the time of two kids lol.. although one has left home as shes 21 but still has me stressing lol. Goes for anyone dont hesitate to add me. Mwah! xxxx
  • maggie4097
    maggie4097 Posts: 156
    I'm 40-almost 41. Busy mom and I work full time. Pretty much on here everyday. I find lots of entertainment, ideas, and encouragement. Add me if you like!
  • Dadawa70
    Dadawa70 Posts: 19 Member
    42 here. Feel free to add me!
  • KahalaGal
    KahalaGal Posts: 112 Member
    Hi. I'm 44, soon to be 45 and like you would like friends to "post" with and motivate ea other. :glasses:
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 720 Member
    I am here for the long haul. I have been logging for 140 days consistently & counting. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 419 Member
    Hey, I'm happy to have more friends. I'll be sticking around. Wish I had have stumbled across this site many years ago.
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    I'm 45 with four teenagers. I have found some wonderful and supportive friends on MFP. Good luck and I would welcome an add!
  • Just turned 49...feel 29. I'm a mother of 3 (one in college, one in middle school and one in elementary school). I have a great career that allows me to travel. I'm a long distance runner and getting ready to run my 8th half marathon in May 2012. I also love spin class and body pump. Last year was pretty stressful and I ended up putting on 7 lbs. I thought it would be easy to take off if I just increased my workouts. It wasn't and I couldn't get it off.

    A friend showed me MFP on her iPhone and I was like "what, bar code scanning? Accountability? I'm in." I've lost 5 lbs since March 24 and I've now changed my goal to lose more...for a total of 13 pounds. Once (not if) I achieve this goal, it will be the lowest I've weighed in YEARS!!

    I'm looking to be friends with anyone that has a good sense of humor, likes to exercise and would enjoy witty repartee with a type-A (pretty) redhead...:-)
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    I'm 46. Joined in Feb and have been on here every day since. I work out daily and I'm trying to clean up my diet. (it's getting better). I have 2 kids and a 6 year old grandson so I am constantly on the go. Feel free to add me.
  • I am 42, mom of three (one is 21 and lives away from me, :(, then I have a 9 year old boy and 6 year old girl). I work full time and squeeze my workouts in on my lunch break and in the evenings. I have been logging in since November. Would love more supportive 40 year olds to keep me motivated. Still struggling with 10 pounds I want to lose before menopause hits!