foot pain

ive been having some foot pain on the bottom of my left foot(at the ball)it hurts even just doing everyday walking around- of course its worst when i walk outside and dancing to the wii most evenings
im sure it will be worst when i start going to the gym and walking the treadmill
not sure if i should go to the dr
it just started a few weeks ago, most likely because i am overweight 5'3 166 lbs
hoping once i start to lose again the pain goes away, i dont want a shot!


  • JHB2011
    JHB2011 Posts: 153 Member
    Try staying off it as much as possible for a few days.
    Also, if you are in that much pain just walking, go to a doctor.
  • alexa137
    alexa137 Posts: 68 Member
    its not alot of pain just mor annoying, i give it a 4 out of 10 on a pain scale
    i just wish it would go away!
  • alexa137
    alexa137 Posts: 68 Member
    Ok so bought the massaging dr scholls insoles fri, cant use them because they make my shoes too tight and hurts, went back and bought the insoles especially for ball pain, only have it on the left foot, realize that it only hurts when i walk on the treadmill, not because started doing the elliptical yesterday and today and no pain. it seems to not want to stay in place though
    i hate this because i want to walk faster but icant!
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Ok so bought the massaging dr scholls insoles fri, cant use them because they make my shoes too tight and hurts, went back and bought the insoles especially for ball pain, only have it on the left foot, realize that it only hurts when i walk on the treadmill, not because started doing the elliptical yesterday and today and no pain. it seems to not want to stay in place though
    i hate this because i want to walk faster but icant!
    They make inserts for ball pain?
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    sounds like plantar facitis, extremely painful.
  • alexa137
    alexa137 Posts: 68 Member
    ok so now on top of the foot pain now my knee hurts! ugh!
    i bought a new pairs of sneakers because ive had may ppl tell me that the nike shox are not good for walking and i have been wearing them for about 4 years so i got another pair(not shox)
    i wore them today for the 2nd time, and put in the dr scholls foot insert for ball pain andit just doesnt help! sometimes it hurts worse! well i guess the way i was kinda limping on the treadmill(just for a few mins) to get my 30 mins workout done now my knee hurts!
    sucks b/c i am only at 3.0 on the treadmill and want to go faster andi cant!
    i could feel the knee pain while doing zumba awhile ago
  • wonlife
    wonlife Posts: 14 Member
    Your knee might be hurting because you only used one insert. Every foot doctor I've seen (3 and counting) says you have to wear both to make sure everything is aligned properly.
    You might want to see a podiatrist. It sounds like you might have a neuroma or Morton's Toe. Typically, they start you on orthotics to see if that helps and then go from there if that doesn't work (anti-inflammatories, cortisone shots).
    I also have pain in the ball of my foot, but I've had 2 surgeries and have probably made it worse by wearing heels (something I can't do anymore). If you're wearing heels, try to find some with a wider toe box. That goes for your workout shoes too, sometimes a wider toe box is all that's needed. Hope this helps :smile:
  • jenronan1
    jenronan1 Posts: 44 Member
    I would suggest seeing a doctor, who can order xray to rule out a broken bone. Yes, it can actually be broken. Being at the ball of the foot versus the heel would typically rule out plantar fasciatis, but I am not a doctor, so cannot make that diagnosis. I have had pain in my left foot in the ball of my foot and outside heel, turns out to be sciatic nerve - go figure!
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    If it hurts first thing in the morning, or after you've been sitting for a long time, then it could be plantars fasciitis. If that's the case, there are plenty of stretching videos on Youtube for it.
  • lilrubie
    lilrubie Posts: 2 Member
    When something hurts you start compensating with other body parts or muscles...the knee pain coule possibly be from the limping, you are using your body differently... and not in a good way. Either just rest and ice and stay off of the treadmill for a while or see a doc. You could be hurting yourself in another way!
  • alexa137
    alexa137 Posts: 68 Member
    only hurts when walking and no i dont wear heels only sneakers, barefoot(or with socks) 90% of the day(i'm home 24/7) only go out to store or gym
    i have no problem with right foot
    i removed the insert for awhile and see what happens
  • alexa137
    alexa137 Posts: 68 Member
    so had an xray of foot and the results are that i have a heel spur! and arthritis in my big toe! haha! but the thing is i dont have pain on those areas! the pain is on the ball of my foot, like it feels swollen! even if i wear flats, or sneakers! ugh! so how do i proceed with my workout? hurts to walk on treadmill-
    i got anti inflammatory meds hope it helps
    anyone else with this problem? if so please let me know your ways of coping
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    sounds like plantar facitis, extremely painful.

    This is what I was going to say, I have had it, it sucks.

    There are are a few things you can do for this. One, take ibuprofen. Second, freeze a water bottle that is 3/4 full of water, then, roll it under that foot back and forth, holding it on the painful part for as long as possible then roll forward and then back again. Another exercise for it is to pick up a hand towel with your toes several times. There are some stretches you can google for it.

    I went to the emergency room the day the pain started shooting up my leg into my calf and knee, I thought I had pinched a nerve. That stuff stinks.

    And as much as I hate to say this, you are going to have to stay off of it or it can get so bad you have to have shots into it or even surgery. Let yourself heal.

    Good luck. Being injured really sucks when you are trying to get healthy.
  • MotherLaurisa
    I have Morton's Neuroma, too. I haven't gone to the podiatrist yet. Maybe I'm afraid of the possibility of surgery?? Anyway, this affects my ability to use the treadmill, elliptical, and stationary bike. Even driving in the car causes it to flair up. Very irritating, especially when I'm trying to burn calories. :tongue: