Jealous people?



  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    Yep, it's "Posh Spice" as she used to be known here in the UK many moons ago in the days before she married David Beckham and re-branded herself.

    She has always been a tad on the thin side, and in this photo she looks too bony for my liking, but that just my *personal* preference. HOWEVER, I would not make rude remarks about her - especially on a social network site - it's just *****y and rude.

    I thnk the biggest problem I have with her is the fact that I don't think she EVER smiles - she is always rather po-faced, pouty and miserable looking to me!

    Wow! I didn't realise it was her. She looks thinner standing up :/
    I don't think she looks bony in this pic, hell even MY ribs and hip bones stick out when I lie down and I'm certainly not skinny!

    I'm with you with the pouting, I'm not a fan of hers, she does look miserable most of the time and she has little to no talent. However, she looks lovely in this photo and I would do bad deeds to look like that :laugh:
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    I think how her clothes fit her make her seem a little slimmer than she actually is.

    My experience is that if people do that, and they know you're dieting, they're just trying to make you feel like you're sickly thin or trying to be sickly thin -- whether that be due to jealousy or some other reason. Don't let it get to you.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Her ribs are only sticking out that much due to how she's holding her arms. If she was standing up normally I don't think her stomach would go in anywhere as much.

    She just looks like a very pretty model.

    ^^^ this.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    Hmm..I'd tell em to get their money up and quit the hatin' is what they oughta do. How you gonna live your life...stressin' about someone else's problems? Haha, fickle scrubs.
  • SiouxsieQue
    SiouxsieQue Posts: 85 Member
    People are just on this new "fad" to be politically correct and hate on every woman that is thin.

    This lady does not look anorexic, she does not even look too thin. The position she is laying in makes her body look a tad awkward but they do that on purpose in high fashion magazines so you keep looking.

    Not ALL models are unhealthy even if they ARE skinny.

    Edit: I also find it strange that people think its ok to say that they "don't prefer" someones body shape...if you commented on a chubby girls photo and said "I would prefer she lose some weight" or "shes ok but shed look better if she were skinnier" youd get soooo much negative responses....yet its ok to say "she should put on a few pounds..." or "she does not look like a real woman".

    Just my 2 cents.

  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Yep, it's "Posh Spice" as she used to be known here in the UK many moons ago in the days before she married David Beckham and re-branded herself.

    She has always been a tad on the thin side, and in this photo she looks too bony for my liking, but that just my *personal* preference. HOWEVER, I would not make rude remarks about her - especially on a social network site - it's just *****y and rude.

    I thnk the biggest problem I have with her is the fact that I don't think she EVER smiles - she is always rather po-faced, pouty and miserable looking to me!

    Wow! I didn't realise it was her. She looks thinner standing up :/
    I don't think she looks bony in this pic, hell even MY ribs and hip bones stick out when I lie down and I'm certainly not skinny!

    I'm with you with the pouting, I'm not a fan of hers, she does look miserable most of the time and she has little to no talent. However, she looks lovely in this photo and I would do bad deeds to look like that :laugh:

    I don't really care one way or another about her - but to refute some of the points here - 1. She actually comes across as a really cool person - both her and Beckham do. Search youtube for the interview they did with Ali G (for comic relief I think) and you'll see they clearly don't take themselves too seriously - in the photos she is just posing...for the photo....

    Also regarding talentless - she recently won British designer of the year, which I guess means she probably isn't talentless. In her acceptance speech you could see she was quite nervous and really pleased to have won - not all stuck up, and she even commented that the trophy would come in handy ‘for the kids to take to school for show and tell’.

    Down to earth? I think so.
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    Ahhh perhaps I am being a bit harsh. I don't know anything about her designing, just her music which was bloody awful, and an interview I saw where I found her annoying. Meh, she looks good in a bikini :indifferent:
  • She is not too thin at all. She is healthy. The new average has gotten bigger thanks to a rise in obesity.
    And yes I'd say those people are jealous.
    ^^^^ same photoshoot
    is that really 'too thin'
    if it is, I'd hate to see these peoples ideal.
  • I think she looks great. And I am jealous!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member

    This picture was posted on my Facebook newsfeed, and every single one of the comments were negative, stating that she is wayyyy too thin, and disgusting.

    I just don't get it. Do I have body dysmorphia? That woman looks gorgeous to me...

    I feel like people are overdoing it with the 'politically correctness'.

    I think she looks "healthy". You don't see her bones under you skin poking out, she has some meat on her thighs and arms even. She very pretty, I must agree. I like the swimsuit too. If anything, according to Hollywood and modeling standards, this would be considered FAT
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I hate when people get on about "real women".
    Really, witches? Is she fake just because her *kitten* isn't fat? ;)

    I think she's lovely. Beautiful women come in all shapes and sizes and no woman deserves crappy criticism from a stranger. People on the internet like to forget they're talking smack about real living people. I subscribe to on facebook, and whenever they post a success story the people RAG on whoever it is. Too thin, not cut enough, looks like a man, gross muscles, .. like, really? Who made these people so perfect they can say things like that?
    "A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." David Brinkley
    Failure hates success.
    Are others jealous of your progress toward achievement?
    Be aware of this proclivity among the mediocre, and take their derision as a compliment.
    They want to be YOU...:drinker:
    All Is Possible!
  • I dont feel the need to be jealous ov anyone!