Do you let people know when you're watching your diet?



  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I guess at this point I dont have to say anything it is pretty obvious I find the problem now is everyone thinks I am some kind of expert and keep asking me what diet do you use or how much weight should I lose I try to say what works for me may not be for you because people dont want to hear that you have to change the way you live not just jump on a 3 month or 6 month diet also noone want to talk about exercising 1 hour a day
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I talk to everyone about it just because it's on my mind. It usually ends up becoming a very interesting discussion about our weight loss experiences. *shrug*
  • silkandsugar
    NO. Only my boyfriend. I wouldn't tell the rest because they usually don't understand why and they'll judge. I would rather skip all that. Otherwise I get the whole YOU DON'T NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT speech and stuff. It's about getting healthy and fit but yea they don't get it. Oh well.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    My co-workers have figured out, as I've lost quite a bit of weight, and have asked me how I did it. As far as treats, they will offer, and if I can fit it in, I accept, if not, I decline. That way, they still offer and I usually can work it into my macros! MODERATION, folks, MODERATION! :smile:
  • MorrisGetsFit
    MorrisGetsFit Posts: 3 Member
    Heck yeah, I do! But then again I might already be an over-sharer.
  • plarcade
    plarcade Posts: 125 Member
    My husband knew but that's it. I have another coworker who tells EVERYONE when she's trying to lose weight but it's too sensitive of a topic to me. When I decided to lose weight over a year ago, I kept it to myself and my husband. I don't think having my coworkers or friends remind me to eat well helps me. Like at Easter, everyone knew my aunt was on a "diet" and people kept saying "theresa don't eat that!" I don't see that as helpful at all :P

    I plan out my food and my calories myself so I don't want someone telling me I shouldn't be eating this or that when it's part of my plan. And lots of people have very different ideas on what someone trying to lose weight should be eating. I don't want people telling me I shouldn't be eating foods with fats or X or Y in it
    That's exactly it; it's as if when you inform someone that you intend to lose weight or just improve your diet, it allows them to nanny you. As if you don't know that chocolate is fattening! Maybe I'm just cranky ;)
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 410 Member
    The people closest to me know, I think other people don't take me seriously
  • plarcade
    plarcade Posts: 125 Member
    My co-workers have figured out, as I've lost quite a bit of weight, and have asked me how I did it. As far as treats, they will offer, and if I can fit it in, I accept, if not, I decline. That way, they still offer and I usually can work it into my macros! MODERATION, folks, MODERATION! :smile:
    I saw a lot of people the other day who hadn't seen me for a while and they noticed I'd lost weight. Several asked me how I did it and were surprised when I said I ate less than I did and exercised.
    Perhaps people in Argentina (who are VERY body conscious) are all doing strange diets?
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    I don't but most people can figure it out on their own. At work I don't announce my business. I just eat what I like and to be honest I eat throughout the day so that may confuse some. I have been getting compliments a lot lately and that's fun. They may ask what I am doing and I simply reply MFP! :bigsmile:
  • Girlwithnoname77
    Girlwithnoname77 Posts: 108 Member
    I find it odd that anyone other than maybe a spouse would look at your food and ask "should you be eating that". Who does that? :noway:

    I have friends that do. SKINNY friends that have always been SKINNY. Yet they eat all they way and think nothing of it. In any case, even those friends that do not say it, their telling eyes on my plate say more than their words can. I have another friend who is normal sized and eats like absolute crap in abundance (chocolate, sweets, treats) and then her dinner will be a small portion. She comments about portion size to me all the time but I do not eat the treats she has! Drives me positively bonkers.
  • Girlwithnoname77
    Girlwithnoname77 Posts: 108 Member
    To answer the topic question, yes and no. I told a few people, yes. However, there are some people, including very close friends that I have chosen NOT to tell as they are skinny and have their own warped ideas about what I need to do when I know best what I should and need to do. :)
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    It shouldn't drive you nuts when they ask if you should be eating something or not - it means they are interested and care about you. A little education in their direction means they will understand why you're eating something or avoiding something else. :)
    It shouldn't, but it does. I put a huge amount of care into what and how much I eat, but it seems I know a lot of people who believe that me watching MY diet allows THEM to pass judgement and it drives me crackers. So I don't tell anyone although I will admit it if they notice I've lost weight am eating differently etc.
    TBF it mainly happened in Argentina, not in the UK.

    I appreciate what you are saying but perhaps they are not judging you like you think they are. But even if they are, then you should just shrug it off - you have a plan, you know what it is, you can stick to it, so what they think doesn't matter! :-)

    After all, when you've achieved your target weight/shape, they will be as pleased for you as you will be.
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    I don't announce it but if someone asks I let them know. My husband has known since the beginning. Since my weight loss has become more signficant, especially to people that I haven't seen in a while, I've been getting more questions about it. I've never had someone ask me if I'm sure I should eat something, but my MIL gave us almonds instead of candy this year for Easter in support of my diet (which I thought was awesome)!
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    I share it more openly now that I ever have before... I'm fiercely private and very defensive about my weight. I am letting some very close people know, some because I need them to stop offering me bad food, some because they have the same goals. I'm also telling my kids because I don't want them to think that I'm punishing them by changing our diet (slowly so as not to be too painful) and I don't want them to think it's ok to be 100lbs overweight. They need to see a better example than I had growing up.
  • gillybumbler
    I don't tell many people because they would say i don't need to loose weight. I am doing it so i don't GAIN weight! But they don't understand most of the time. I only talk about it with my husband or I will tell someone about my diet plan if they ask.

    It was damn hard to loose weight after I had my baby and I don't plan to gain it back!
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I just straight up tell people. If someone asks if I want to go grab a burger I'll tell them I'll go but I'm getting a salad or grilled chicken or something. They wanna know why, dude, I'm on a diet. People don't look at what I eat and ask if I should be eating that. They know better. *GROWL* lol
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    when I started I didn't really let anyone know except maybe my family. I didn't right out tell them I was starting to lose weight, but when they started to see results, me jumping around the house exercising, and buying strange groceries, they noticed, lol. other people, they just had to wait and see that I had loss weight because they do watch your food and ask if I can eat that. biggest PET PEEVE, don't tell me what I can't eat, haha
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I don't really need to because I only "diet" 6 days a week. Sundays are my day off and also the only day we have a family day (my hubby works Tues-Sat) so 90% of the time this is the day we do things with family/friends or go out ourselves. On the rare occaision I do go out on a non-Spike day my close friends and family know I'm on this journey and I just order light. But, I also generally eat lighter in the day so I can splurge more at night so it's nothing too extreme.
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    I announced it to my closest circle, because i was excited, the rest found out on their own, especially when they see you eating spinach shakes, make fun and when I constantly turn down the fried chicken and chips they offer me everyday....its hard to avoid when ppl are famous for being nosy especially when it comes to food!
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    I'm not on a "Diet" - I changed the way I eat. They bring donuts (or bagels) to work all the time. If I choose to join them, they ask if that will ruin my diet. I let them know the difference.

    I always tell them how great MFP is, too. It's been a major factor in my success!